The first time, the second time.

"This is - Paper Blowing Snow, Stage 2 - Sakura Blowing Snow Technique."

Sakura smiled and bounced herself to Naruto and Sasuke. The place where she would fight with Orochimaru was calculated by Sakura long ago. The big tree next to Naruto and Sasuke just blocked the aftermath of the explosion for them.

The Sakura Blowing Snow Technique in the movie is the only offensive ninjutsu used by Sakura before Shippuden in Li Ying's memory.

Although there are many slots, the multiplication of detonating tags can be considered a ninjutsu, and the Sakura Blowing Snow Technique with a similar principle does not make sense.

Sakura combined Kurt's paper blowing snow and made a little change to the Sakura Blowing Snow Technique in her memory, which increased the power and versatility of this ninjutsu.

Thanks to Sakura's development of the "Oracle Essence Technique", otherwise, no matter how good her chakra control skills are, she can't control the chakra filaments that Orochimaru can't detect without seeing them.

Sakura held Naruto in her left hand and Sasuke in her right hand, and held her dead teammate close to the tree trunk to avoid the heat generated by the explosion.

After dozens of seconds, the aftermath of the explosion finally stopped, but when Sakura was about to check on Orochimaru, she felt that her feet seemed to tremble slightly...

Sure enough, a moment later, Orochimaru emerged from the ground 5 meters in front of Sakura.

"You are really amazing, Sakura-kun.

You won the first game, let's start the second game!"

Orochimaru appeared in front of Sakura again, panting. Although he was unscathed, anyone with a discerning eye could see that he had consumed a lot of energy.

Orochimaru encountered an explosion just after launching the Orochimaru Substitution Technique. He had no choice but to shed his skin again to avoid the damage of the explosion. After avoiding the devastating explosion, he launched the "Earth Escape: Earth Submergence" to burrow into the ground to avoid the aftermath.

Even though the Orochimaru Substitution Technique was a ninjutsu tailored for Orochimaru, launching it twice in a row consumed a lot of Orochimaru's physical strength and chakra.

"No, Mr. Orochimaru, I won't fight."

Facing Orochimaru's invitation to fight, Sakura remained sitting on the ground and shook her head to refuse:

"Now my chakra is almost used up, and the excessive mental consumption has begun to make my head ache.

What's worse is that the forced driving of the body's muscles has caused a lot of injuries. It's difficult for me to even stand up now."

It's useless to hide it, Sakura simply played the victim and told Orochimaru the truth about her current situation.

"So Sakura-kun admitted defeat?

As the winner, should I get some rewards?"

Orochimaru found Sakura's cheating very interesting and started to joke with her.

In fact, Orochimaru has always had his own unique sense of humor.

After completely controlling the first and second generations who were reborn by the Impure World Reincarnation, Orochimaru said to Sarutobi Hiruzen:

"For Sarutobi Sensei, who is known as the 'strongest Hokage', I specially prepared the previous generation of Hokage..."

Calling Sarutobi Hiruzen the "strongest Hokage" in front of the "God of Ninja".

What a irony of this scene!

There is a kind of black humor [praising the "Macedonian Line" in front of the tombstone of a former painter in Austria].

Even Sarutobi Hiruzen, who has always been good at reasoning with others, was manually silenced by Orochimaru.

So it's no wonder that so many people follow Orochimaru wholeheartedly. This guy does have a unique personal charm.

After hearing Orochimaru's joke, Sakura couldn't help but twitch her lips. This was completely different from her impression of Orochimaru.

But it was impossible to make Sakura lose out in a verbal fight:

"I also beat you once, why didn't you give me a reward?"

"The one who wins in the end is the winner, Sakura-kun!"

Orochimaru shook his head at Sakura, denying Sakura's statement, and continued:

"But since Sakura-kun has spoken..."

As he spoke, Orochimaru spit out the scroll of heaven from his mouth and threw it to Sakura.

Seeing the scroll covered with unknown mucus flying towards her, Sakura didn't dislike it. She patted it casually, and the scroll actually drilled into Sasuke's collar accurately.

"Why do I feel that Mr. Orochimaru, who is obviously in disguise, is more careful about the scroll than us real candidates?"

Sakura tried to wipe the scroll dry through Sasuke's clothes while complaining about Orochimaru.

She also never expected that after two large-scale explosions, Orochimaru's scroll would

It is still there.

As for the scroll of Team 7, it was probably burned in the flames as early as the first explosion.

In terms of attitude towards the scroll alone, Orochimaru is more qualified than Sakura and the others.

After feeling that the scroll of heaven was almost dry, Sakura reached into Sasuke's collar, took out the scroll of heaven, and put it in her ninja bag.

"It seems that I am a little sorry for Sasuke..."

Sakura muttered to herself.

After that, as if she had a change of heart, she took out a piece of white paper from the ninja bag and reached into Sasuke's collar again to wipe his body.

Orochimaru quietly observed all this:

It seems that Sakura's personality is worse than I thought.

Although Sasuke is her companion, it seems that as long as it does not involve life and death, she does not care much about what happens to Sasuke.

This is very similar to me before.

Sasuke, do you want to see what you are protecting with your life?

"Sakura-kun, you've already received your reward, now it's my turn!"

Orochimaru smiled at Sakura again. Although he was kind, his tongue and eyes showed his greed.

"Then Mr. Orochimaru, congratulations on defeating a mediocre Genin like me!

What do you want next?"

Sakura frowned slightly and insulted Orochimaru.

Orochimaru didn't care about Sakura's ridicule and answered without hesitation:

"I want you."

His tone was as calm as if he was answering the weather today.

"Uh... Let me confirm, it should be the literal meaning, without any derivative meaning, right?"

Sakura was a little speechless, but she felt that Orochimaru should value her talent, not want to get her body in a physical sense.

"Sakura-kun is really a joker. I am now beyond the boundaries of men and women and will no longer have that kind of desire."

Orochimaru responded to Sakura's joke, his eyes gradually becoming cold:

"But from now on, you no longer have the right to choose.

You didn't cherish the initiative when Sakura-kun was in your hands just now. As far as the current situation is concerned, Sakura-kun, you can't refuse me."


That's right. Now my life can be said to be completely in the hands of Mr. Orochimaru.

Although the battle just now caused some consumption to Mr. Orochimaru, Mr. Orochimaru didn't use his full strength at all, right?

Otherwise, it would be impossible not to use even a few ninjutsu.

This is not only because Mr. Orochimaru underestimated the enemy, but Mr. Orochimaru must have the intention of testing me.

If I still don't realize Mr. Orochimaru's kindness in this situation, then I am really a bit ungrateful."

Listening to Sakura's well-reasoned analysis, Orochimaru nodded slightly:

Talking to a smart person like Sakura-kun is a lot easier.

"Da Ga, Kou Dou Wa Lu (But, I refuse)."

(Orochimaru: "Nani!")

Unexpectedly, Sakura changed the subject and rejected Orochimaru.

Then, Sakura's style changed, and she tilted her head to look at Orochimaru in a somewhat second-year manner:

"What I, Haruno Sakura, like to do most in my life is to say 'No' to those self-righteous guys!"

Although he is very optimistic about Sakura, Orochimaru's tolerance is limited.

Orochimaru thinks it's time to let Sakura know the height of the world, otherwise even if Sakura really follows him, she will have other little thoughts.

"Sakura-kun, I didn't expect you to dare to talk back to me.

Is my attitude towards you too gentle, or is it that Sakura-kun's rebellious period has arrived..."

Orochimaru's expression became cold, and his pair of snake eyes stared at Sakura tightly, releasing a stern murderous intent from his body.


Facing the cold murderous aura that was several times stronger than Zabuza's, Sakura swallowed unconsciously, but still smiled at Orochimaru despite her fear.

"Mr. Orochimaru, calm down!"

Under Orochimaru's cold gaze, Sakura raised her left index finger, on which a pink chakra line was stuck.

Orochimaru hurriedly looked along the stretchable Ai:

The other end of the chakra line extended directly into Sasuke's collar.

"I advise Mr. Orochimaru not to get excited. If anything happens to me, I will crush Sasuke's heart in the first place!"

Then, Sakura took out a Senbon from her long gloves.

Just now, Sakura used this Senbon to tamper with Sasuke's heart under the pretext of wiping Sasuke's body.

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