The three members of Team 8 were galloping in the Death Forest.

Today is the fourth day of the second exam, and there is only one day left before the second exam ends.

"Hinata, are you sure that the explosion on the first day was caused by Sakura?"

Inuzuka Kiba asked Hinata who was leading the way.

"It must be Sakura-chan. Only Sakura-chan can make this kind of micro-detonating talisman."

Hinata held a fingernail-sized detonating talisman in her hand and answered Kiba's question decisively. At the same time, her eyes were covered with protruding blood vessels, and she opened her white eyes and kept searching.

This micro-detonating talisman was picked up by Team 8 at a distance from the explosion site. At that time, Orochimaru's wind escape with Paper Blowing Snow flew a short distance, and it was inevitable that one or two micro-detonating talismans were stuck in the trees or on the ground.

"I agree with Hinata. With Sakura and Sasuke's strength, if nothing unexpected happened, they would have collected the scrolls long ago."

Shino, who was following beside him, also agreed with Hinata.

"Really, we obviously collected the scrolls a long time ago...

Forget it, since we are all from the same village, let's help them once."

"Woof woof!"

Ya and Akamaru muttered a little dissatisfied...

Team 8 had already collected the Heaven and Earth Scroll on the second day of the exam, but when they arrived at the central tower, Hinata, who learned that Team 7 had not arrived yet, was worried about Sakura's safety, so she took Ya and Shino back to the forest to look for Kakashi's team.

The three of them had been searching for three days, and even encountered an ambush by other candidates during this period.

Fortunately, Team 8 is an intelligence gathering team. Not only did they not encounter any problems, but they also unexpectedly obtained three scrolls.

"Ya, what were you talking about just now?"

Hinata turned around and glared at Inuzuka Kiba. There was no emotion in her cold pale eyes, and there was a hint of cold murderous intent in her tone.


It is our supreme honor to help our fellow villagers!

Don't you think so, Akamaru!"

Hinata's sudden change of expression made Kiba sweat coldly, and he quickly changed his words.

"Woof woof woof!"

The instinct of creatures who fear the superior also made Akamaru agree with her fur.

"Oh, I knew Kiba was actually a gentle person. Let's keep looking for him."

Hinata gave Kiba a fake smile, and then continued to look ahead for Sakura's trace. Although the field of view of the main family's Byakugan is 360°, it still makes Hinata feel uncomfortable to turn around and twist her body when running.

Inuzuka Kiba swallowed his saliva. Kiba had no doubt that Hinata would take action directly if he proposed to return to the tower.

Although Kiba always puts on the momentum of the eighth team leader in front of outsiders, he knows his own business, and that is only because Hinata and Shino are not competitive people.

Kiba's fighting ability is not as good as Hinata's, and his IQ is not as good as Shino's; he will only make the decision when the three of them agree.

"Hinata, is it really okay for us to continue looking in this way?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Shino helped Kiba out of the siege, and at the same time, Shino was really curious about Hinata's search method.

Hinata told Shino and Kiba that if they wanted to find Sakura, they could only look for those areas where they could not detect any abnormalities and there was no human breath at all.

This method of searching was equivalent to saying that the eighth team could not find Sakura's trace at all, which made Kiba and Shino, who claimed to be masters of tracking, feel a little unhappy.

But seeing that Hinata was tough for once, Kiba and Shino did not object.

"Sakura-chan has developed a nearly perfect camouflage ninjutsu."

Hinata's words suddenly aroused Shino and Kiba's interest.

In the Byakugan's field of vision, Hinata saw their expressions clearly.

Although Hinata wanted to tell Kiba and Shino how powerful Sakura-chan was, she didn't want to easily expose Sakura's ninjutsu.

"If Sakura agrees, I will also tell you the specific information of that ninjutsu."

After Hinata left this sentence, she quickened her pace.

Shino and Kiba also looked at each other and accelerated to catch up with Hinata.


The Akai team in the forest walked along a natural trail trampled by wild beasts in the forest, and soon came to a place similar to a T-junction.

"Tiantian, where are we going next?"

Facing the two roads in front of him, Xiao Li, who was originally running in the front, hesitated, stopped and turned to ask the only girl in the team.

"How should I know? Wasn't it you who insisted on looking for Kakashi's team?"

Tenten replied unhappily.

"But, Tenten, you agreed at that time.

And you chose this path."

Lee refuted Tenten's words.

"What should we do now? Should we give up looking for them?"

Ningci stopped the two people who were a little emotional.

Team 3 collected two scrolls on the first day of the second exam, and then they have been looking for Team 7.

Lee wanted to challenge Sasuke again before the third exam.

According to the rules of previous years, the third game should be a knockout round. It is still unknown whether he and Sasuke can fight after entering the third game. If Sasuke is unlucky and meets Ningci in advance, then Lee's plan to challenge Sasuke will be ruined.

Tenten agreed to Lee's proposal because Sakura helped her in the first exam and she wanted to repay Sakura's favor.

Originally, when they were shopping, Sakura's hands were not honest, and she often took advantage of her; Tiantian felt that if she could not repay Sakura's favor in time this time, Sakura might return the favor and become more presumptuous in the future.

The third exam was an individual competition, so if she wanted to repay the favor, she had to do it now.

As for Ningci, he wanted to see the strength of the Uchiha, but he didn't like to owe favors to others, so he naturally didn't object.

"Alas~ At this point, it has to be like this."

Tentian picked up a branch from the side of the road and stood it on the ground in the middle of the T-junction.

With a "snap" sound, the branch fell to the ground, and the tip pointed to one of the roads.

Xiao Li:......


"Just go along this road and try your luck."

Facing the questioning eyes of the two teammates, Tiantian also blushed a little.

"Can you really find Uchiha like this?"

Ningci expressed doubts about this way of finding people that depends entirely on appearance.

"I understand! Teacher Kai said that luck is also a kind of strength. We are so strong, so our luck won't be bad!"

Xiao Li's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he ran wildly along the road chosen by Tenten:

"Tenten! Ningci!

Catch up quickly!"

Tenten couldn't help but twitch her mouth when she saw this scene. Although she chose the right road, she felt that this way of finding people was too childish.

"Let's catch up. Anyway, today is the last day to find them. It doesn't matter if we find a way to make up for it. Tomorrow is enough for us to get to the tower."

Ningci patted Tiantian's shoulder and told her not to worry too much.

After speaking, the two of them ran to chase Xiao Li's back...

"Tenten, Xiao Li suddenly stopped. Something must have happened."

Ningci, who had been observing Xiao Li's movements with his Byakugan, suddenly spoke to Tiantian.

The two of them quickly sped up and rushed to Xiao Li's side.

"It's her!"

While on the road, Neji's expression suddenly changed and became ugly.

It was the first time that Tenten saw Neji, who was always calm, show such an expression, but she didn't ask much. She would know it if she followed him.

Soon, the two arrived beside Xiao Li.

There were three figures in front of Xiao Li, and a towering tree with a radius of more than 4 meters in the distance.

But before Tenten could see who the three people were, the voices of a man and a dog came from the opposite side:


Hinata, is he your relative?"

"Woof woof!"

The three people standing in front of Xiao Li were from Team 8.

"Brother Neji..."

Hinata felt a little complicated when she saw that the person coming was Neji.

Although Neji treated her coldly, Neji was her cousin after all. If possible, Hinata didn't want to fight with Neji.

Shino's insects found that the atmosphere nearby was too quiet, as if no one had ever been here.

It was the fourth day of the exam, and the whole forest should have more or less the smell of the examinees. It was obviously unreasonable to have such a large area that was not affected.

According to Hinata, Sakura was probably nearby, and the only place nearby that could hide three people was the thick tree.

But before Team 8 could get close to the tree, they met Team 3.

Although they were all Konoha examinees, they were opponents in the second exam. Before they confirmed Sakura's status, the three members of Team 8 did not dare to reveal Sakura's location to Neji and the others.

"What's wrong, Miss Hinata? As a genius who is highly expected by the main family, haven't you collected all the scrolls yet?"

Neji began to speak in a sarcastic tone.

Although he knew that the injustice suffered by the branch family was not

Hinata's fault, but after seeing the people from the main family, Neji couldn't suppress his resentment.


Kiba seemed to be angered by Neji's words.

"Didn't you guys collect all the scrolls?"

Seeing Kiba want to refute, Shino, who had always been insignificant, quickly interrupted.

Shino was worried that if it was revealed that her team had collected all the scrolls, it would cause a conflict, but they wanted to leave the extra scrolls to Sakura and the others.

"Yeah, no one has collected the scrolls, so don't laugh at anyone..."

Kiba understood immediately and understood what Shino meant.


Ningji didn't refute, either, he didn't want to reveal that Team 3 had found two sets of the Heaven and Earth Scrolls.

The extra set of scrolls was used to repay Team 7's favor.

"Well, I have a suggestion, why don't we just pretend we haven't met each other..."

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting more and more wrong, Tenten suddenly spoke.

If a fight really breaks out, she will definitely join forces with Neji, but she and Hinata are friends who have gone shopping together, so she doesn't want to use force against Hinata.


It seems that there are more than just a few of us here."

Ya's nostrils fluttered, and he suddenly interrupted Tenten's words.

Then Ya closed his eyes, sniffed carefully, and turned his head to the low bushes on one side.

Neci frowned:

It turns out that the person hiding there is not their ally, it seems that this time we don't have to fight three against six...

Unlike Hinata, who closed her Byakugan when she saw a big tree, Neci's Byakugan remained open.

"Swish swish swish..."

After a slight noise came from the bushes, Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji walked out of the bushes one after another.

"Tenten, Hinata...

Hey, hello."

With a fake smile on her face, Ino greeted the two girls who were quite close to her.

"It seems like I'm involved in trouble..."

Shikamaru still looked listless, rubbing his temples to relieve his headache.

"Chew, chew, chew..."

I don't know what he was eating.

The three members of Team 10, Ino, Shika and Chou, were not outstanding among the candidates, and they didn't get the scroll until the fourth day.

Shikamaru thought there might be something fishy about the exam scroll this time, so he tried to negotiate with someone he knew to see if he could pass the exam by opening the Heaven and Earth Scroll at the same time.

Unlike the Hinata team that was found with great effort and Tenten who relied on luck, the three members of Team 10 appeared here by coincidence. They hid quickly when they felt someone approaching them, but they were still discovered.

With the appearance of Shikamaru and the others, the atmosphere at the scene became weird, and everyone who had fallen into a long silence had their own thoughts:

Ningji: Are we going to fight Miss Hinata here? What if she doesn't follow the moral code and uses the secret spell?

Hinata: Even if the opponent is Neji, I will not let Sakura fall into danger. Although Tenten is also a friend, Sakura once said, "Never try to test human nature, because human nature is the most vulnerable to test"......

Ino: What should I do? If Hinata and Tenten fight, who should I help?

Tenten: What should I do? In order to find Sakura, I actually ran into two other teams in the same class as Sakura. Damn it, it's all Sakura's fault. Haruno Sakura, you are guilty of a heinous crime!

Kiba: I haven't encountered any decent opponents since the exam started. Finally, I can let go and fight.

Shikamaru: How could this happen? Even such a strong team like them didn't get the scroll. Is this exam so difficult?

Xiao Li: Why are you all silent suddenly? Is this the tacit understanding between the ninjas of the big family? Will I look stupid if I suddenly speak at this time?

Shino: It seems that no one is paying attention to me. Am I so easily ignored...

Choji: That dog looks delicious. I remember Ino, Hinata, and Sakura said that dog meat with a unique chili sauce would be very fragrant...

However, at this moment, a pink figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone, breaking the suffocating silence.

"Oh? So many people are staying next to our team's shelter but not getting close;

I was wondering who they were, it seems that they are all acquaintances!"

Sakura appeared in front of the nine people with a smile.

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