The two of them were in a mess.

Sakura immediately took out her Polaroid camera and recorded the genius of Kiba Inuzuka perfectly with a click.

"Sakura, how did you guys end up like this?

The two explosions in the Death Forest must have been your work. Did you encounter a strong enemy?"

Shikamaru was helpless as he looked at Sakura and Kiba who were making bad jokes.

However, at this time, he still had an important question in his mind that had not been solved - that is, who had the ability to force Team 7 into a desperate situation.

Before the Chunin Exam, Shikaku Nara specifically told Shikamaru: Try not to be an enemy of Team 7 in the first two exams.

He also told Shikamaru that Sakura and the other two had captured a jonin alive, and that they seemed to have developed some kind of forbidden technique.

Shikaku would not make up such a lie that would be easily exposed, and Shikamaru kept his advice in mind.

Shikamaru speculated that the two heart-pounding hugs must have been the forbidden techniques that Sakura and the others had mastered.

However, the Kakashi team that was able to capture a jonin alive was so embarrassed in the mere Chunin Exam, which shows that the opponents must be many strong people with the strength of a jonin, or people who are far stronger than a jonin.

In either case, people with such strength cannot be genin, and they must have other purposes for sneaking into the Chunin Exam.

Shikamaru, who did not want to get involved in trouble, decided to avoid such strong enemies in the subsequent individual competitions.

"Ah, you're talking about this. Orochimaru disguised himself as a candidate and sneaked into the second round of the exam. He fought with us for a while, and you saw the result..."

"I see, I was wondering how you ended up like this, it turns out that you and Orochimaru..."

Inuzuka Kiba nodded with a smile, but swallowed his words halfway through, and then showed an extremely shocked expression:

His eyes were almost bulging out, and his mouth was wide open but he couldn't say a word, and the whole person turned into a stranded sea fish.

"Who are you talking about?"

Although Neji's expression was not as wonderful as Kiba's, his shock was no less than Kiba's.

"Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas.

I have reported the details to the examiner Hongdou."

Seeing that everyone looked like pigeons eating bean bullets, Sakura explained again.

No wonder the nine little strong men were frightened by Sakura's words.

In the mouths of teachers and family elders in the ninja school, the three ninjas can be said to be synonymous with the top ninjas in the ninja world, and they are also similar to the existence of superheroes in comic stories. Orochimaru, who betrayed Konoha, naturally became a "big devil" in their hearts.

If Sakura's words just now were placed on Blue Star, it would be equivalent to a classmate who always brags and chats with you and suddenly tells you with a bruised face one day, "I just had a fight with my countrymen!".

"You mean, you encountered the attack of the three ninjas, not only survived, but also... repelled Orochimaru?"

Shikamaru came back from the seriousness, although he still couldn't believe it, but he had to believe it.

Because when the facts are outrageous to a certain extent, people often don't question whether it is a lie.

"How is it possible! We are not opponents at all. The two explosions were just our struggles.

Fortunately, Orochimaru's purpose this time was not to kill us. He bit Sasuke's neck and left."

Sakura answered truthfully.

However, everyone present fell into silence.

Especially Shikamaru, Neji and Shino; unlike the others, they were also extremely smart and started a brainstorming session.

Although Sakura didn't say it explicitly, the three of them knew that Sakura was hinting that Orochimaru's target was Sasuke, or Sasuke's Sharingan.

"I've finished talking about my situation, but why are you here?

You are obviously quite strong, so why haven't you collected any scrolls yet?"

Seeing that everyone was silent, Sakura took the lead in opening the conversation again.

"I do have an extra scroll of earth here, but it's not enough for you to share."

As she said that, Sakura took out three scrolls, one "sky" and two "earth" from her ninja tool bag.

"Ah? Has Sakura-chan collected all the scrolls?

That... we found this... thought Sakura-chan had an accident...

We want to help you."

Hinata shyly opened her palm, revealing the micro detonating talisman on her palm.

"As expected of Hinata, you care about me so much!


I loved you for a good time!"

Seeing the detonating talisman in Hinata's hand, Sakura guessed the whole story; she smiled and rubbed Hinata's soft short hair.

Hinata also enjoyed the warmth of Sakura's fingertips like a gentle kitten.

"We wanted to repay the favor you did during the written test, but now it seems unnecessary.

It's a pity that you can still collect two scrolls even in this state."

Seeing that Sakura still didn't give up on Hinata, Tenten angrily threw a pair of heaven and earth scrolls to Sakura, interrupting their intimate behavior; Neji next to him also cooperated with Tenten's words and showed the two scrolls in his hand.

"Ah, you are talking about this, two teams mistakenly entered the vicinity of the shelter and fell into a trap.

Although I let them go for the scrolls, they were seriously injured at the time, I hope they didn't die. "

Sakura took the scroll and looked at Tenten who was pouting, feeling helpless:

Where did this jealous tsundere come from?

"Hehe, it seems that our extra scrolls are useless."

Inuzuka Kiba looked at Hyuga Neji provocatively, and took out five scrolls from his arms and the ninja tool bag.

The desire to compare is self-evident.


Ningji just replied coldly.

Looking at the scene in front of them, after leaving Team 10, everyone had collected scrolls that exceeded the requirements of the exam. Shikamaru and Ino couldn't help but feel embarrassed:

We are all Genin living together, why is there such a big difference in our character!

I didn't expect that a total of 26 scrolls were distributed in the second round of exams, and half of them are now in this small shelter.

"This is for you. I remember that you have the scroll of earth in your hands. "

Sakura saw the expressions of Ino and Shikamaru and knew that they had not collected all the scrolls just like in the anime, so she threw the scroll of heaven that Orochimaru spat out to Ino.

"Why is this scroll damp?"

Ino, who caught the scroll, was a little confused.

"Ah, you mean this, Orochimaru spat it out from his mouth to induce us to start a war. Fortunately, he was not interested in the exam and did not take the scroll away."

"Huh~~ So disgusting."

Ino frowned in disgust and handed the scroll to Choji.

"Would you still have the energy to protect the scroll in that kind of explosion? "

Shino extracted the key information from Sakura's words and suddenly spoke out. Neji beside him also nodded slightly in agreement.

Sakura, who was startled by Shino who seemed to appear suddenly, just shrugged without comment.

But Shikamaru, who was beside Ino, saw this scene and his body trembled involuntarily. His wisdom was still higher than Shino and Neji, so he thought more deeply than them:

Sakura said that he got the scrolls from two groups of candidates who fell into the trap.

Then the question is, why did she only have three scrolls in her hand, where did the scrolls of Kakashi's team go?

If it was really as Shino said, Sakura and the others had enough energy to protect the scrolls in the explosion, it would be impossible for them to only protect Orochimaru's scroll of heaven and not their own scroll of earth.

In addition, Sakura did not confirm Shino's inference just now Sakura most likely did not protect the scroll.

In other words, Sakura's own scroll was damaged in the explosion.

Then how did Sakura get Orochimaru's scroll?

With Sakura's strength, it is impossible to snatch it, so even if the scroll was not given to Sakura by Orochimaru, Sakura obtained it with Orochimaru's tacit consent.

The truth of the matter is most likely that Sakura and Orochimaru made some kind of deal, or Orochimaru was very optimistic about Sakura, and the scroll was a disguised investment or solicitation.

Thinking of this, Shikamaru suddenly felt cold sweat on his back and subconsciously looked at Sakura.

Sakura was also looking at him with a smile at this time, but under the sweet smile, Shikamaru could not read Sakura's true thoughts.

Shikamaru's heart was alarmed, and he pretended to be calm:

"Sakura, do you need any help from us?"

"Huh? Shikamaru, who is so afraid of trouble, actually offered to help!

Did you find something interesting? "

Sakura still smiled at Shikamaru.

The ambiguous smile made Shikamaru sweat profusely, but Sakura did not embarrass Shikamaru and took the initiative to speak:

"I haven't slept for three days and three nights. I want to take a break. I wanted to hand over the vigilance work to Kiba, Hinata and Shino who promised to help.

Since you want to help so much, you can stay together. "

"Leave it to me!"

Kiba, who destroyed the trap before coming in, naturally remembered his promise.

"Okay, Sakura-chan."

Hinata and Shino also nodded.

"We can also be responsible for the guard, just as a favor to you."

Tenten said that the third team was willing to stay.

"No, Konoha has placed high hopes on us in this exam. We haven't reached the central tower yet. I guess teacher Akai and others are getting anxious. You can go to the central tower to report your safety to them."

Sakura rejected Tenten's request to stay.

Soon, Akai's team left, and the red team followed Sakura to set up tents and rest. Before leaving, Sakura turned back and smiled at Shikamaru with a "successful plan".

Only the unconscious Naruto and Sasuke and the Ino, Shika and Chou trio were left in the shelter.

"What's wrong, Shikamaru, why did you take the initiative to help Sakura?"

Ino asked Shikamaru curiously. She knew Shikamaru's character of being afraid of trouble. If there was no reason, he would never take the initiative to offer help.

"What a trouble!"

Shikamaru did not answer Ino's question, but just complained.

He now understood everything. It was all Sakura Haruno's trick.

She deliberately revealed that she seemed to be in collusion with Orochimaru, which triggered his reverie.

If all this was true, if Team 10 acted alone, he would most likely be silenced.

According to Shikamaru's speculation, with Sakura's strength, it should not be difficult to control Ino and Choji with illusions and kill him without anyone noticing.

He would only be safe next to the Byakugan, which has extremely high illusion resistance.

Sakura left Hinata behind to kidnap Team 10 to guard the surroundings.

This favor had to be done now.

Judging from Sakura's expression, all of this was within her expectations.

Although Shikamaru felt that the matter about Orochimaru was most likely a lie told by Sakura to threaten him to stay, it was an open conspiracy. Even if there was only a one in ten thousand chance, he would not joke with his life. When he saw that the number of scrolls was wrong, staying was a foregone conclusion.

This was the first time that Shikamaru lost to a peer in a battle of wits.

Thinking of Sakura's wisdom and unfathomable strength, Shikamaru felt a deep sense of powerlessness and couldn't help but sigh again:

"I hope I'm just overthinking."

Then he took Ino and Choji out to guard the surroundings.

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