The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

"Come and help! Sasuke is being controlled by Orochimaru!"

Shikamaru saw that Naruto and the Akai team didn't understand the situation, so he briefly explained the current situation.

Naruto didn't doubt him, and quickly put down the camera in his hand and joined the team battle.

During the days of sleep, Naruto's injuries have almost healed; the five elements seal on his stomach was also unlocked by Sakura.

Although Sakura couldn't unlock the five elements seal in seconds like Jiraiya, she could still unlock it if she was willing to spend time; anyway, Sakura had a lot of free time after setting up the trap, and unlocking the five elements seal would make her less sleepy.

Ningci didn't think too much. He wanted to fight with the only Uchiha. Since he had the chance, why not do it?

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

With the sound of "bang bang bang", more than ten shadow clones appeared around Naruto and rushed towards Sasuke.

Because Sasuke was a companion, Naruto did not use the big breakthrough, but let the clones go to fight.

As Sasuke punched and kicked violently, Naruto's clones exploded and turned into clouds of smoke.

As the smoke spread, Sasuke's vision was also limited, and the advantage brought by the dynamic vision of the Sharingan disappeared; while Ningci and Hinata in the smoke were just the opposite. The white eyes with the ability of perspective were more advantageous in this environment.

"Soft Fist·Eight Trigrams Sixty-four Palms!"

"Soft Fist·Back Eight Trigrams Sixty-four Palms!"

Ningci and Hinata's voices sounded at the same time in front and behind Sasuke.

"Two palms!" ×2

Unexpectedly, Sasuke was hit by Neji in front of him at two acupuncture points on his chest; at the same time, Hinata's attack also landed on the corresponding position behind Sasuke.

Neji and Hinata's palm power carried azure chakra, and they just met and exploded at Sasuke's acupuncture points one after another.

Sasuke instantly felt his chakra stagnated.

But the attacks of the Hyuga siblings were not over yet...

"Four palms!" ×2

"Eight palms!" ×2

"Sixteen palms!" ×2

"Thirty-two palms!" ×2

"Sixty-four palms!" ×2

With the sound of "swooshing" through the air and the sound of "pu pu" of palm knives entering the flesh, even the crazy Sasuke couldn't help screaming.


As Neji and Hinata finished their work, Sasuke also knelt down weakly.


Thank you, Brother Neji."

Hinata panted and thanked Neji.

"Hmph, Miss, if you could learn the sixty-four palms earlier, you wouldn't have to cooperate with me like this."

Ningci spoke to Hinata with the same tone as always.

The so-called "Back Bagua Palm" is a move that cooperates with "Bagua Palm". When it hits the target at the same time as the general "Bagua Palm", it can achieve the effect of semi-permanent acupuncture.

Even if the acupoints hit by "Bagua Palm" are ignored, the acupoints will be unlocked by themselves after a period of time, and chakra can flow again; while those who are hit by "Back Bagua Palm" and "Bagua Palm" at the same time can only unlock the acupoints through soft fist or medical ninjutsu, and they cannot open the acupoints by themselves no matter how long it takes.

"Back Bagua Palm" is even easier to learn than "Bagua Palm", because the acupuncture points and acupuncture points are all left to the person using "Bagua Palm" in front, and the only thing the "Back Bagua Palm" user who is at the back has to do is to honestly finish off the opponent from behind.

Of course, the "Back Bagua Palm" series is a physical skill exclusive to the main family of the Hyuga clan; after all, it is useless for the branch family to learn it, because they cannot guarantee that there will be friendly forces to help them contain the enemy and let them finish off the opponent from behind.

It can be said that the "Back Bagua Palm" series is a very Hyuga main family style ninjutsu.

As the smoke slowly dissipated, when everyone thought that Sasuke was doomed to be unable to move under the joint attack of Neji and Hinata, Sasuke still stood up.

Without the support of chakra, Sasuke's Sharingan was passively closed, but the color of Sasuke's bloodshot whites at this time was not inferior to the Sharingan.


After losing the chakra suppression, the curse seal on Sasuke's shoulder began to turn red and hot. The severe pain made him scream, and the strange curse seal spread all over his body...

Sasuke had completely lost his mind and began to kick and punch around, venting his anger...

Seeing that Sasuke was not in a good state, Shikamaru immediately

She immediately shouted to Ino:

"Ino, go find Sakura quickly, maybe she can do something."

Hearing this, Ino also hurried to the tent.


As soon as Ino entered the tent, she found Sakura sleeping in a yukata.

Looking at Sakura's sleeping posture, Ino couldn't help shaking her head:

Does Sakura really treat this as her home? Why take off clothes when you want to sleep?

"Sakura! Sakura!"

Ino tried to call Sakura twice, but Sakura didn't respond at all. The battle with Orochimaru and the fatigue of the past few days made her fall into dead pig mode as soon as she fell asleep.

Although Ino felt sorry for her best friend, there was nothing she could do. In the current situation, she could only act in an emergency.

"Sakura! Broad forehead! Wake up!"

While calling Sakura's name, Ino grabbed Sakura's shoulders and shook her desperately.

As Ino shook, Sakura's head began to shake wildly.

After falling several times, Sakura was finally awakened from a deep sleep, opened her sleepy eyes and looked at Ino:

"Ah? What's wrong?


Why am I sleeping with my clothes on, looking like an afterthought?"

Obviously, although Sakura was awake, her thinking ability had not fully recovered, and she was still a little confused about the current situation.

"How do I know why you look like an afterthought?

Sasuke is in trouble, get out quickly."

Ino urged Sakura unhappily.

But Sakura woke up quickly and immediately remembered her own plan.

From the current situation, it should be Sasuke who woke up, but he started to go crazy under the influence of the curse seal.

As for why my clothes were taken off, it was probably because Hinata was afraid that I would be uncomfortable sleeping with the corset wrapped around my waist.

Sakura did not doubt what Hinata could have done to her, after all, there was no abnormality in her lower body.

As it was about her companions, Sakura didn't hesitate to put on her top, but used a light illusion to cover herself with a layer of black tights and immediately went out to check on Sasuke.

As soon as Sakura came out, she saw Sasuke, who was covered with a big man:

Choji relied on his weight advantage to ride on Sasuke's center of gravity and press Sasuke's head; while Xiao Li sat back to back with Choji, locking Sasuke's legs tightly under his armpits; Naruto and Kiba next to him pressed his left and right hands.

Under such extraordinary treatment, no matter how Sasuke wanted to break free, it was useless.

Sakura was also confused when she saw Sasuke who had completely lost his mind. Logically speaking, Sasuke who broke the illusion had opened three magatama, so even if he was affected by the curse seal, it didn't make sense that his performance would be worse than Sasuke with two magatama?

You know, although Sasuke in the anime also became manic, he always maintained a trace of reason, and was not completely unable to think.

After Hinata and Neji's explanation, Sakura realized that Sasuke's chakra was completely sealed, which led to the curse seal taking the upper hand.


After Sakura understood Sasuke's situation, she glanced at Ino beside her and couldn't help sighing.

The reason why Sakura chose to use a trick to keep Team 10 instead of directly using favors to keep Team 3 was largely for Ino.

After all, she didn't have that kind of feeling for Sasuke now, so she wanted to help Ino and let Ino replicate her "love hug" to restore Sasuke's mind through hugs.

But looking at Sasuke's current state, it is estimated that he can't even recognize people, how can he be awakened by a hug?

In desperation, Sakura had to do it herself.

"Naruto, Choji, Xiao Li, Kiba!

Get out of the way!"

Sakura made a bodhi seal with her right hand and shouted at the big men on Sasuke.

The four of them instantly turned into four black shadows and left Sasuke after hearing Sakura's instructions.

"Emperor's Barrier!"

With Sakura's order, pink chakra lines of varying thickness instantly climbed up Sasuke's body, using the surrounding trees to trap Sasuke, who had just regained his freedom.

This is a ninjutsu that can even bind Zabuza, so it is naturally easy to use it against Sasuke.

"Sakura, what happened to Sasuke?"

Naruto hurriedly asked about Sasuke's situation. In his eyes, Sakura knew everything and must have a way to make Sasuke recover.

"It should be that there is a problem with the curse seal left by Orochimaru on Sasuke, which made him lose his mind;

But Naruto, it's okay, I will seal Sasuke's curse seal now."

Sakura smiled at Naruto and dispelled his doubts.

"Then you, why didn't you seal the curse seal before he went crazy?"

Ningji frowned slightly and asked the question in his heart.

But Sakura did not answer, but walked towards the bound Sasuke step by step

, until he was face to face with Sasuke.


Seeing Sakura coming, Sasuke let out an ambiguous roar, wanting to attack her but unable to do so.

Sakura, who was always tolerant, certainly didn't mind Sasuke's behavior at this time. Instead, she gently put her hands on his shoulders and said softly:

"I'm very fierce, just bear with it."

Sakura suddenly grabbed Sasuke's shoulders, her right leg turned into a residual image, and her knee hit Sasuke's stomach hard.


Sasuke let out a miserable howl.

"Wake up! Come over! Come over! Wake up! Come over! Wake up!......"

In this way, Sakura persuaded her companions word by word, and every time she said a word, she would hit Sasuke's chest or abdomen with a fierce knee strike.

Sakura's big sealing technique (physical) directly stunned the onlookers.

"Sakura, stop hitting me!

Sasuke is dying!"

Naruto was a little anxious when he saw Sakura beating Sasuke.

"Naruto, I'm tapping Sasuke's sleeping heart and slowly opening his eyes!"

Sakura didn't stop and gave Naruto a cold look, which frightened him.

"Naruto, has Sasuke ever offended Sakura?"

Inuzuka Kiba swallowed his saliva and asked Naruto.

"I don't think so..."

Finally, under Sakura's sealing technique, Sasuke couldn't hold on, and he spit out a mouthful of acid and passed out...


As the water ball made of a light illusion hit Sasuke's face, the cold river water made Sasuke sober up.

"What's wrong with me?"

Feeling the severe pain in his chest and abdomen, Sasuke, who was bound by the flexible love, was extremely weak.

"Sasuke, are you okay?"

Sakura's expression changed instantly, and she looked pitiful, with worry flashing in her green eyes.

"You just changed your temper and suddenly attacked Shikamaru and the others;

After that, you completely lost your mind, kept hitting yourself, and banged your chest against the tree!

If I hadn't controlled you in time, the consequences would have been disastrous."

Sakura's nose turned red as she spoke. When she was emotional, the tears in her eyes almost flowed out.

Sakura's words silenced the onlookers:

Your acting skills are really a waste of talent to be a ninja!

If you had entered the entertainment industry earlier, Fuji Fuyuki Ei would probably not have had a chance to do anything.

But they all did not expose Sakura, giving her face;

It was definitely not because they were afraid that Sakura would also use a "sealing technique" on them.

After removing the magic emperor barrier set up around, Sakura wanted to go back to the tent to continue sleeping, so she told Sasuke:

"I'm still very weak now, Sasuke, go back to the shelter and take a medicinal bath. I carefully prepared the medicine.

I think you'll be almost well by tomorrow."

Then, Sakura walked towards the tent with shaky steps; her weak appearance was completely different from the performance when she beat Sasuke just now.

Seeing this, the simple Naruto hurriedly went up to support Sakura and whispered:

"Sakura, aren't you going too far?"

"What's too far? He'll have to thank us later!"

Sasuke, who was lying on the ground panting, looked at Sakura's weak back, and felt touched:

"Thank you!"

"Look at this!"

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