The more you eat, the better.

(It is better to take it with Chapter 39)

With Sasuke's arrival, his focus battle with Gaara was able to start again.

The gimmick of "Magnetic Release VS Sharingan" also attracted enough attention.

For ordinary people, ninjas who can perform various magical ninjutsu are originally desirable, and blood-successor ninjas with rare blood are even more powerful and mysterious.

Ordinary people may not see blood-successor ninjas take action several times in their lives, let alone witness the duel between two blood-successor ninjas.

"The game begins!"

With the order of Shiranui Genma, Sasuke quickly retreated and kept a distance from Gaara.

But Gaara looked crazy, letting the sand in the gourd escape and float around him.

"Mom, wait a minute.

I promise the blood will be delicious this time."

Gaara was obsessed with talking to the sand around him.

"Oh no, why did he start 'talking' before the battle?

I haven't seen him like this before."

Gaara's situation made Kankuro a little worried.

"It seems that there is not only excitement, but also fear...

After all, he is Haruno Sakura's teammate."

Temari also expressed her guess.

Just when Sasuke was wondering if Gaara had any problems, Gaara cried "Woo" and regained his composure like a Sichuan opera face-changing.

"Come on."

Gaara stood still and signaled to Sasuke that the battle could begin.

Seeing this, Sasuke was not polite and threw two shurikens directly. The two shurikens drew two semi-arc-shaped traces in the air, attacking Gaara's neck and thigh respectively.

Gaara, as if he saw nothing, also threw several sand shurikens at Sasuke.

Sasuke dodged the sand shurikens with a handsome somersault and opened his Sharingan to observe until he saw two sand shields erected in front of Gaara who did not dodge or evade to block the shurikens.

"Sure enough, it's just like what Sakura said! No matter where the attack is, the automatic defense sand will take the same countermeasures."

Sasuke chuckled and began to recall Sakura's analysis of Gaara's absolute defense.


Back to a month ago, when the preliminaries had just ended, Sakura was tirelessly telling Sasuke about Gaara's absolute defense:

"Sasuke... and Naruto, you have to listen carefully to what I say.

The so-called absolute defense is actually an automatic defense system based on special perception skills.

Recalling the first time we met Gaara, when I destroyed the branch that Gaara was going to use as a foothold with my gun, he fell directly from the tree and fell to the ground, but the sand in his gourd did not react at all.

This shows that the sand's judgment of whether Gaara was in danger was not based on Gaara's subjective consciousness, otherwise the sand should have come out to catch him before Gaara landed.

In other words, the sand has a set of danger "judgment" standards independent of Gaara, and falling from a high altitude is just not within the scope of its protection.

At that time, I was very curious about his sand, so I decided to throw two shurikens to test it; the targets of these two shurikens were Gaara's arms and chest, but Gaara's sand did not Almost the same amount of sand was evenly distributed to block the two shurikens.

This shows that the location of the attack has no effect on Gaara's sand defense.

So I attacked again and launched a second wave of attacks: shuriken and senbon.

But this time the automatic defense was different.

The shuriken sank into the sand shield, but the senbon was directly bounced off; the sand used to defend against the senbon was more than the sand used to defend against the shuriken.

Obviously, the threat of shuriken is greater than that of senbon, but the senbon suffered a more stringent defense.

Caused the difference The reason should be that the Senbon is attached with the love chakra that can be stretched freely, which makes the difference.

In other words, the sand will prioritize the target with more chakra.

Next, I launched the third wave of attack: using chakra to pull back the shuriken and then throwing the kunai.

This time, I basically did not mobilize chakra when throwing the kunai, relying entirely on brute force.

As expected, most of the sand was used to defend against the flying shuriken, and only a small ball of sand was used to defend against the kunai.

This is the secret of Gaara's sand


Sand doesn't have various sensory organs like humans, so how does it sense external attacks? After three consecutive attacks, I finally determined the answer - Chakra!

Yes, it is Chakra. Gaara's sand can sense Chakra and use it to judge the enemy's attack direction and intensity.

Moreover, through these attacks, I found that the sand's judgment criteria for attacks are also very simple: one is an object with Chakra and approaching quickly, and the other is an object approaching quickly after the Chakra burst. As long as any of these two conditions is met, the sand will immediately launch a defense.

The amount of sand used for defense also depends on the amount of Chakra sensed.

After I felt that I had seen through Gaara's absolute defense, I wanted to try to break through his defense.

My counterattack after the stand also confirmed that my guess was completely correct. I first threw a shuriken with a lot of chakra to attract Gaara's sand, so that the defense of the sand was focused on the sand, and then shot at Gaara. Although the bullet was more powerful than the shuriken, the chakra contained in the micro-detonating talisman was completely inferior to the chakra on the kunai.

Therefore, the sand shield used for automatic defense against bullets is much thinner than the one for defense against shuriken. The powerful bullet can easily penetrate the sand shield and cause damage to Gaara. ”

When Sakura said this, she checked to see if the three listeners could understand.

Sasuke and Kakashi obviously understood, and stared at Sakura with eyes that looked like they were looking at a monster.

They were really afraid that Sakura would tell them where Gaara's bank deposit slip was hidden the next moment.

As for Naruto, he didn't understand much when he heard the second wave of attacks, but in order to cover up the fact that he was the only one who didn't understand, he still nodded his head stubbornly.

Sakura didn't expose Naruto's pretending to understand, and began to talk about how to crack the absolute defense:

"So, there are three ways to crack Gaara's absolute defense:

The first is to attack at an extremely fast speed like Rock Lee. When your speed is so fast that Shazi and Gaara can't react, Gaara will naturally have no time to defend.

To do this, you need to be as fast as Rock Lee.

The second is to find a way to bypass the automatic defense of the sand, just like the stone I just shot; it was shot from about 800 meters outside the door of the tower. This distance should exceed the limit of the sand's perception. Gaara's sand did not detect the movement of chakra, so naturally it would not regard the stone as an attack.

In addition to long-range sniping like me, there are many other ways to achieve this. I will teach Sasuke and celebrities later.

The third is to break it with force, using a ninjutsu with strong penetrating power like Kakashi's Chidori to break Gaara's defense.

Sasuke happens to have a similar attribute chakra, so it should not be difficult for him to learn Chidori in a month. "


"Gaara, I admit that you are indeed very strong, and your absolute defense is also very powerful.

But Sakura is the smartest and most reliable companion in this ninja world!

She has seen through all your tricks.

Next, it will be my performance time. I will strip off all your absolute defense layer by layer! "

In the arena, after dodging Gaara's attack, Sasuke declared victory to Gaara.

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