The plan was successfully launched, but Maki was unable to act according to the plan.

Gaara had just been awakened from the sleep spell, and his mind was still unstable, so he could not transform into a tailed beast.

"Temari, Kankuro, take Gaara away first, and then proceed with the plan after his condition stabilizes!"

Maki, with an ugly face, ordered the two of them without hesitation.

Temari and Kankuro also knew that the matter was of great importance, so they said "yes" and jumped out of the audience seats, holding Gaara's arms and flipping out of the competition venue.

"Don't try to escape!"

Sasuke was about to chase, but was stopped by Sakura who suddenly entered the ring:

"Sasuke, you have already won, now is not the time to compete!"

After hearing Sakura's words, Sasuke also stopped chasing.

"Sakura, what's going on?"

Sasuke realized that Konoha seemed to be in crisis now.

"I don't know the specific situation, but what is certain is that the Sand Village and the Sound Village have joined forces to attack Konoha."

Sakura said and pointed to the Four Purple Flame Formation in the distance.

After the Nirvana Jingshe Technique was successfully launched, the Five Sound Ninjas launched the Four Purple Flame Formation to trap Orochimaru, who was disguised as the Kazekage, and the Third Hokage in the barrier.

"Sakura, Sasuke!"


Kakashi and Hinata also appeared on the field at the same time.

"Sasuke, I'm sorry, the Chunin Exam is over.

The village is now in a state of war.

As a jonin, I will now issue you an S-level mission:

Go after Gaara and his three companions!"

Kakashi put away his usual lazy look and gave Sasuke a serious order.

"Spirit summoning technique!"

As Kakashi pressed his right hand on the ground, a burst of white smoke rose up with a "bang". When the smoke dissipated, a pug wearing clothes appeared in front of everyone.

"Go to the audience first to find someone who can be useful!"

After Kakashi gave the order again, he picked up a handful of soil stained with Gaara's blood and brought it to Parker's eyes to let him smell it.

As Parker nodded, Kakashi put him on the ground:

"I will now hand over the command of this mission to Sakura.

Everyone must obey her orders!"

After giving the order, Kakashi looked at Maki in the lounge and decided to deal with this difficult guy himself.

"Teacher Kakashi, there must be something fishy about this attack. Just hold him back, don't kill him."

Sakura saw what Kakashi was thinking and tried to dissuade him.

Kakashi nodded, and without asking any more questions, he left the spot in an instant.

The situation was urgent, and it was no longer the time to get to the bottom of things.

And Sakura also activated the flexible love and took Sasuke, Hinata and Parker to the audience.

Sakura and her group quickly woke up the positions of Kiba, Akamaru and Tenten in the audience.

She kicked Shikamaru, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead.

"Sure enough, have you been discovered? It seems that I'm involved in a troublesome incident again."

Shikamaru knew that he couldn't pretend anymore, so he got up from the ground with a helpless look on his face.

Just as Sakura was about to tell her battle plan, Neji, who was wrapped in bandages, and Shino, who won without a fight because of Kankuro's waiver, also came to her.

"Sakura, since Miss Hinata is going, let me go too!"

Ningji's eyes were firm, with a hint of majesty that could not be refused.

"I also want to compete with that puppet master."

Shino also spoke.

He was very upset about Kankuro's resignation, because Shino felt that even if Kankuro did not resign, he would have the confidence to win the game.

"I know!"

Sakura nodded.

"I decided to divide this operation into three groups.!"

Looking at the people present, Sakura had already thought about how to allocate responsibilities in her mind.

"Naruto, Sasuke! Take Parker and chase as quickly as possible.

You are responsible for the attack, and your only task is to catch up with Gaara and the others as quickly as possible.

Don't worry about anything else."

After assigning tasks to Naruto and Sasuke, Sakura added:

"Sasuke, I hope you can leave Gaara to Naruto this time, and try to use illusion support."

Sakura's words made Sasuke a little dissatisfied. He felt that he was obviously stronger than Naruto, and Gaara should be left to him.

"Sasuke, Gaara's feelings are not good enough.

The situation is very special, he has another kind of chakra in his body that does not belong to him!

If you use ninjutsu to attack, you are likely to be exhausted by Gaara.

So leave it to Naruto! "

Sakura did not explain the specific reason why she taught Gaara to Naruto. The Xiaoqiang present thought that Sakura said that Naruto had more chakra than Sasuke and was more suitable for a protracted battle.

But Sasuke and Neji had some different ideas. Sasuke knew the powerful strength that Naruto had burst out when fighting Orochimaru, and Neji even witnessed the strange nine-tailed chakra in Naruto's body.

"Don't worry, leave it to us!"

Naruto waved his right fist forward and showed a confident smile to Sakura.

Sakura nodded, and Naruto and Sasuke disappeared with Parker.

"Hinata, Shino, Tenten!

You three are responsible for supporting the assault team.

Your task is to keep up with Naruto and Sasuke as much as possible, and cover up the tracks for Naruto and them, so that the enemy's reinforcements will not have the opportunity to catch up with the assault team.

After you catch up with them, you can join the battle and support Sasuke and Naruto. "

Sakura then assigned tasks to Hinata, Tenten and Shino.

"Similarly, after catching up with Gaara, don't fight too much, let Naruto take the lead.

Of course, you can deal with enemies other than Gaara by yourself."

After saying that, Sakura looked at Tenten and Shino meaningfully.

She knew that Shino had made a lot of preparations in the past month to fight Kankuro.

Tenten even lost to Temari in the preliminaries, and she would definitely not refuse the opportunity to take revenge.


Shino nodded and accepted Sakura's kindness.

"Okay, Sakura-chan."

Naturally, Hinata would not object.

"Don't worry, Sakura, I won't show mercy if I meet that woman again!"

Tenten also knew that Sakura wanted to give her a chance to defeat Temari head-on.

"Well, Tenten, take this!

Don't force yourself, don't be stubborn if you can't beat her. "

Sakura threw her Colt Python at Tenten, hoping that the pistol would increase her chances of winning.

Tenten also caught the revolver and snorted proudly:

"I won't lose again!"

Then, in Hinata's shocked expression, Tenten hugged Sakura and whispered in her ear:

"You should also pay attention to safety, but don't get hurt."

"What are you talking about? Nothing will go wrong. Don't make it seem like a life-and-death separation."

Sakura also whispered to Tenten.

As Tenten let go of her hands, Sakura, who left Tenten's fragrant embrace, ordered again:

"Then you should set off too. My two teammates are careless people, and the task of covering up the tracks is left to you. "

Tenten and Shino knew that the situation was urgent, so they set out immediately to track Sasuke and Naruto.


Tenten's behavior just now irritated Hinata, and she was hesitant to say something to Sakura...

Hinata also wanted a hug before the expedition!

When Sakura saw Hinata like this, she thought she was not confident in herself, so she smiled and touched Hinata's head:

"Hinata-chan, don't worry, this mission will definitely succeed."

So, Hinata also followed Tenten and Shino with a complicated face.

"Only the three of you are left, Shikamaru, you should know your mission, right?"

Sakura looked at Shikamaru, Kiba and Neji who stayed behind with a serious expression.

"I don't know, and I don't want to know..."

Shikamaru directly blocked his ears with his fingers, not wanting to hear what Sakura said next.

"Don't worry, I won't let you get into danger!"

After listening to Sakura's words, Shikamaru breathed a sigh of relief.

"What were you talking about just now?

It's already this time, so stop playing dumb!"

Kiba had no idea what Sakura and Shikamaru meant, and started to complain.

"Shino and the others are responsible for covering up Naruto's tracks and providing support.

No matter how powerful they are, they can't travel fast enough.

So in order to ensure that the support team can arrive in time and not be caught up by the enemy's reinforcements, someone must lead them away.

So, the role we play in this mission is - bait!"


Kiba couldn't believe what he heard.

Ningji didn't complain about being the bait. Hinata was now the only hope to break the cage, and he had to make sure Hinata would not get into trouble even at the cost of his own life.

"Sakura, I hope you don't forget our plan!"

Ningji told Sakura with a serious look.

He had to prepare for the worst. If he died, then breaking the cage would be a big deal.

The burden of the Caged Bird Project will fall on Sakura's shoulders.

"Ningci, don't be so pessimistic.

Although the bait mission is dangerous, I won't watch you get eaten!"

Sakura's words made Neci, Kiba and Shikamaru discover a blind spot:

Wait, "you"?

Originally, they all thought that Sakura would also shoulder the responsibility of bait with them, but...

Who would have thought that Sakura would be so unethical, not only letting them be bait, but also staying out of it!

Sakura noticed that the three people and the dog looked at her with strange eyes, and she also knew what they were thinking, so she explained:

"I have more important things to confirm, so I won't act with you.

These two syringes contain adrenaline, Shikamaru, you and Neji each have one.

This is a kind of stimulant, which can temporarily and forcibly stimulate the potential of your body.

But remember, the effect of the drug only lasts for half an hour, and you may feel weak, headache, dizziness and panic after the effect of the drug passes;

But once you feel that your heartbeat is irregular, you must press your heart immediately until it recovers."

Sakura threw two capsule-shaped syringes to Neji and Shikamaru who had just experienced a battle.

"Don't worry, not only the enemy has reinforcements, but as long as you hold on long enough, Konoha will also have reinforcements."

After Sakura gave them a few final instructions to not put too much pressure on them, the three of them disappeared from the spot and began to perform the task of bait.

After watching everyone leave, Sakura looked at the floor of the audience seats in the distance:

She saw that the ANBU uniform and mask that Tayuya had just taken off were still thrown there.

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