The old man was so angry that he was lying on the table.


Naruto's eyes began to fill with anger, and his clenched right fist slammed on the low table with a "bang".

"Why did he seal that stinky fox in my body!

It's because of him that everyone thinks I'm a demon fox!

Am I not his son?"

Naruto covered his stomach, his eyes full of resentment.

Sakura frowned, she felt that Naruto's focus was very strange:

"Naruto, why is your first reaction not why everyone is hiding this from you?

Instead, you blame the Fourth Hokage?

If the villagers knew your life story, they wouldn't bully you."

"Well? Of course it's because the Nine-Tails did cause great damage to Konoha, and it's in my body now, so it's normal for the villagers to hate me."

Naruto was a little confused by Sakura's question.

"No, this is not right, it shouldn't be like this!"

Sakura couldn't understand Naruto's train of thought and began to fall into deep thought.

Under normal circumstances, would anyone empathize with those bullies?

What's more, those people were bullies against themselves.

This can no longer be explained by a virgin heart. Could it be that Naruto was also under the illusion like Sasuke, but Naruto's mental state is very stable, and he does not have the extreme performance of Sasuke or Orochimaru...

"What's wrong, Sakura?"

Sasuke saw that Sakura's expression was not right, and knew that there must be something serious.

Although Kakashi thought that there was nothing wrong with Naruto's words, seeing Sakura's deep thought, Kakashi thought that Sakura must have discovered something that he himself did not notice, so he answered Naruto's question on behalf of Sakura.

"The Nine-Tails can not only bring disaster, but also bring you great power.

I think the teacher should believe that you can master the power of the Nine-Tails."

Kakashi's words calmed Naruto down.

"Then...why didn't anyone tell me about my life experience?"

Naruto asked Kakashi again.

"This is..."

Kakashi was a little stumped by the question and didn't know how to answer.

"It must be Sarutobi Hiruzen's order."

Sasuke guessed.

Kakashi nodded upon hearing this, confirming Sasuke's statement.

"Third-generation grandfather, it's impossible, he must have his own difficulties..."

Naruto's mumbling to himself once again made Sakura's heart tighten again:

Shouldn't the normal person's subconscious reaction at this time be to figure out why the Third-generation did this?

Why did Naruto's first reaction excuse the Third-generation?

Is it because he was brainwashed by the Third-generation?

"The Third-generation means that the Fourth-generation has too many enemies, in order to protect Naruto's safety..."

Kakashi said helplessly, he himself felt that this reason was too far-fetched.

"So that's it... I said, the Third-generation grandfather must not be..."

"Does Konoha White Fang have few enemies? Does the Uchiha clan have few enemies?

Why do you have to hide Naruto's identity?"

Sakura, who had been thinking for a long time, suddenly spoke up and interrupted Naruto.

"No, Sakura.

Sasuke and Kakashi are different from me. After all, I was just born at that time, and my identity can be concealed;

Their identities have been made public long ago."

Naruto immediately refuted Sakura's words.

Naruto's words made Sakura sweat directly, but it was not because she was shocked why Naruto was still speaking for the Sandaime.

"Naruto, even if your life experience is exposed, the Fourth Hokage's master is Jiraiya. Even if others don't care about you, Jiraiya will take care of you.

Then, Naruto, let me ask you a question now. Since you can find the loopholes in my words so quickly; then why don't you understand such a simple truth?"

Sakura said with a serious face.

"I don't know either. I just say whatever I think of."

Naruto scratched his head and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him.

Sakura had a rough guess about Naruto's situation. She had deliberately left a loophole in her words just now, but Naruto shouldn't have found it so quickly. Sakura felt that Naruto's thinking must have been affected, and he would always automatically think in the direction of positive energy.

But now is not the time to dwell on this issue. Sakura decided to study Naruto's brain circuits carefully when she has time.

"Naruto, the reason why the third generation did not announce your identity,

It's just because the villagers need someone to vent their anger on. "

Sakura continued to explain to Naruto.

"How can it be..."

"Don't rush to deny it. Think about it. The Nine-Tails Rebellion caused huge losses to Konoha. It can be said that it was a huge decision-making mistake by the Konoha high-level officials.

If the villagers knew that the Fourth Hokage sealed the Nine-Tails in his son to protect Konoha, and Naruto you are also a hero of Konoha, then who will those whose relatives died in the Nine-Tails Rebellion resent?"

"Sakura, I don't understand what you are saying..."

Naruto was really confused this time.

"Idiot, if they knew that you are the son of the Fourth Hokage, they will only resent the incompetent Konoha high-level officials.

You actually took the blame for Sarutobi Hiruzen."

Sasuke explained Sakura's meaning for Naruto.

"No, the Third Hokage is not that kind of person.

Before I graduated, the only ones who hid from me were the Third Hokage and Iruka-sensei! "

Naruto still didn't believe it.

"Then can you tell me specifically how the Sandaime treated you well?"

Sakura asked Naruto.

"The Sandaime gives me living expenses every month!

I can't live without him."

Naruto answered without hesitation.

"If the Sandaime announces your life experience, you will get your parents' inheritance.

The money they leave is enough for you to live a life of worry-free food and clothing."

Sakura answered indifferently.

"Only the Sandaime is willing to talk to me..."

"If the Sandaime is willing to announce your life experience, all the peers in Konoha will be willing to be friends with you."

"When I failed the exam, the Sandaime encouraged me..."

"Then, did he teach you to practice?

If he is busy, any Anbu can teach you."

"When I play pranks, the Sandaime won't scold me!"

"That's because Iruka played the bad guy for him."

And do you think the Sandaime is helping you by letting you play a prank?

No, that's hurting you.

You will only be hated by the villagers more by doing this, and people who don't know the truth will only think:

'A demon fox is a demon fox, and he has been a bad seed since he was born!

If it weren't for the magnanimity of our Hokage, he wouldn't have survived in the world.' "


Naruto was silent, wanting to refute but not knowing how to start.

"Could it be that the Sandaime grandfather is really the culprit of my tragic fate as Sakura said?"

Naruto felt that his worldview was collapsing, and the majestic figure of Sarutobi Hiruzen in his mind was becoming blurred little by little.

"Sakura, is it possible that these are all coincidences?"

Naruto still tried to ask Sakura.

"What if I tell you that not only you, but also the destruction of the Uchiha clan and the suicide of Kakashi's father, Konoha White Fang, are related to the Sandaime? "

Sakura once again told Naruto the bloody truth.


Naruto was silent again and began to think about what Sakura had just said.

"Although the third grandfather did something very excessive to me, I still decided to forgive him. After all, my father is also a Hokage. If sacrificing me can make the people of Konoha feel better, I have no complaints.

After all, this is the village that my father gave his life to protect!"

Naruto showed a sunny smile and supported his forehead protector.

Seeing this scene, not only Sakura, but also Sasuke, Kakashi and Karin were stunned at the same time.

They also discovered the problem that Sakura discovered. Obviously, Naruto's kindness has reached an abnormal level.

It seems that Naruto is born not to think about the dark side of everything, and he can always face problems positively.

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