The old man was very angry.

Uchiha Itachi thought he knew Sasuke better than anyone else in the world. Although the observation ability of the Sharingan was not as good as the Byakugan, it could roughly see a person's talent.

According to Itachi's observation, Sasuke's talent in ninjutsu was similar to his own, his talent in illusion was not as good as his own, and his physique was much stronger than his own.

Although Sasuke's physical skills would surpass his own sooner or later, talent was not equal to combat power. Sasuke was not yet at the golden age of physical ninjas, so it was impossible for him to catch up with him in physical skills.

What's more, Sasuke's left arm was dislocated, and no matter how strong his willpower was, he could not control his left hand; and in the offensive and defensive battle just now, Sasuke seemed to be fine, and his left hand was not affected at all.


Sasuke, still with his eyes closed, skillfully reset his dislocated left hand.

Seeing Sasuke's treatment skills that were not inferior to those of a medical ninja, Itachi was thoughtful. Then, when Sasuke rushed towards him again, the three magatama in Itachi's eyes gradually turned into a three-leaf windmill.

The strength of the Mangekyo over the three magatama is not only in the special eye technique and Susanoo. After the three magatama evolved into the Mangekyo, both the illusion ability and the observation ability will be improved accordingly.

Facing Sasuke's strong attack, Itachi used all his strength to defend while observing Sasuke's state.

Although he lost his right hand and left foot, Itachi temporarily gave up the attack at this time. Under full defense, it was not easy for Sasuke to beat Itachi in physical skills.

"This is..."

Itachi, who opened the Mangekyo, soon discovered that there was a pink chakra line extending to the distance under the water under Sasuke's feet.

Puppet line?

The string under the water is the same as the puppeteer's puppet string except for the color. Itachi and Scorpion of the Red Sand are familiar with each other in the Akatsuki organization because they both hate Orochimaru.

Itachi glanced at Sakura who was treating Kakashi in the direction of the puppet string, and couldn't help but look up to Sakura's talent. He didn't expect that this seemingly ordinary medical ninja could perform healing ninjutsu while controlling Sasuke's body to fight.

Moreover, the puppet string on Sasuke must not be an ordinary one.

Itachi knew that puppeteers could also control ninjas to fight, but they could not increase the ninjas' physical skills.

"So that's it, is it using chakra strings to forcibly control muscle activity?"

Itachi could see the chakra emitting a dim pink light from Sasuke's skin; looking at the special structure of the pink chakra blood vessel network, Itachi roughly analyzed the basic principle of Sakura's [Ranzhuang Tiankui·Kai].

Now that he knew the principle, Itachi could naturally come up with a way to deal with it.

"Fire Style: Smoke Spray"

Just when the two were deadlocked, Itachi, who was confronting Sasuke, suddenly blew a ball of hot black smoke from his mouth without any warning.

Although Itachi's right arm was broken, his fingers were still able to move flexibly, so it was not difficult for him to secretly seal with one hand.

In fact, if Itachi had not been worried about accidentally hurting Sasuke, he could have easily defeated him by launching ninjutsu; after all, compared with physical skills and illusions, the damage caused by ninjutsu is difficult to control.

Fire Style: Smoke Spray can not only effectively block the enemy's vision, but its burning smoke also has a certain lethality, and can even be regarded as a degraded version of ash accumulation burning; in fact, this fire style ninjutsu was specially developed by Uchiha Itachi to restrain the Sharingan when he realized that his clansmen were about to betray him.

"Damn it!"

The burning black smoke burned Sasuke's skin, but Sasuke still did not open his eyes. He trusted Sakura 100%.

When thinking about countermeasures, Sakura said that Itachi would not use ninjutsu on her under normal circumstances, so the only way to defeat Itachi was to use physical skills to fight him.

Sasuke knew that his physical skills were no match for Itachi, so he could only pin his hopes on Sakura's Ranjo Tenkui Kai.

The result was just as Sakura expected. Even with his arm broken, Itachi did not use ninjutsu. Even the fire escape he used now was not very powerful and could not compare to the Great Fireball.

Sakura, who was controlling Sasuke from a distance, saw Itachi spit out black smoke, and knew that Sasuke's behavior of hanging up and asking for a substitute to play was discovered. Itachi's purpose of spitting smoke was to prevent her from continuing to observe the situation on the battlefield; in order to prevent Sasuke from being banned, she could only control Sasuke to quickly and instantly move out of the range of the black smoke.

"Water Fang Bullet"

In the black smoke he created, Uchiha Itachi placed his left hand on his chest and skillfully made a seal with one hand; with his movements, the river began to fluctuate violently, forming a turbulent stream; then, two huge rotating water guns rose into the sky like the fangs of a beast, biting Sakura in the distance with great momentum.

Sakura was not panicked at all. She keenly noticed that the black smoke gradually dissipated due to the mist raised by the water tooth bullet. Now she could clearly see Uchiha Itachi's figure through the oracle essence technique.

Sakura's mouth corners slightly raised, and she came up with a plan, deciding to attack the enemy and save him.

She gently shook her left hand that was making the Bodhi seal, and Sasuke's figure disappeared instantly like lightning, and his speed was even no less than that of Xiao Li who opened the Eight Gates of Dunjia.

Then, while keeping a close eye on Uchiha Itachi's movements, Sakura skillfully manipulated Sasuke's teleportation - sending him accurately in front of her, just in the path of the water bullet...

Kakashi: ┌(。Д。)┐

Itachi: (°ー°〃)

Uchiha Itachi also noticed that Sakura had been observing his movements. He originally thought that Sakura would control Sasuke to attack him, but he didn't expect that she would actually want to control Sasuke's body to resist his ninjutsu.

Evil pink-haired girl, where is your will of fire?

Are you doing this for Sasuke who trusts you so much?

Uchiha Itachi glanced at Sasuke at this time: (@ ̄ー ̄@)

Seeing Sasuke closing his eyes with a completely arrogant look, Uchiha Itachi couldn't help but feel a little pity for his innocent and kind Ou Doudou:

My stupid Ou Doudou, when you grow up, you must be careful of women cheating on you. The more beautiful women are, the more likely they are to cheat...

At the critical moment, Itachi directly controlled the two water tooth bullets to collide. As a large amount of river water exploded, Sasuke was also blown away two meters by the impact of the aftermath.

Fortunately, the location where the water tooth bullet collided was still some distance away from Sasuke, and Sasuke was not injured.

And Sakura had a calm face. Since he could see Itachi's figure clearly, Itachi could naturally see the situation outside. This senior brother control would definitely not let Sasuke get hurt.

The perfect attack and rescue is to let the enemy hit himself, and then save himself.

However, Sakura's use of Sasuke as a shield also annoyed Uchiha Itachi.

Itachi's figure quickly came to Sakura under the cover of the huge splash of water caused by the collision of the water tooth bullets.

"Come on!"

Kakashi, who had been lying under Sakura's hands pretending to be dead, suddenly "came alive" and attacked Uchiha Itachi.

Itachi did not expect Sakura's medical ninjutsu to be so powerful. Kakashi's lung injury was healed in a few minutes.

Kakashi's actual combat experience and physical skills level are not comparable to Sakura and Sasuke. Uchiha Itachi, who was injured in his arm and Achilles tendon, was quickly defeated and stabbed in the chest by a kunai.


Itachi exploded again in front of Kakashi, and Kakashi was speechless: How many clones are these?

Fortunately, Sasuke was not far away from them, and Itachi did not use the clone to explode.

"Not good!"

Kakashi suddenly felt something was wrong and quickly turned back to look at Sakura - only to see that Sakura had disappeared from the spot, leaving only ripples on the water...

Just when Kakashi was dealing with Itachi's shadow clone, Itachi had already lurked under Sakura's feet, grabbed her ankle, and dragged Sakura into the water.

"Wow - gurgle..."

Sakura didn't react to Itachi's sudden attack immediately and choked on water several times.

However, Sakura quickly calmed down, but when she opened her eyes, she saw a rotating three-leaf windmill...

"Is it a kaleidoscope illusion?"

When Sakura came to her senses, she found herself tied to a huge cross.

But it was not the same as the cross that tied Kakashi...

Why is there a pile of firewood under my cross?

"This is the world of Tsukuyomi, everything in this world..."

Looking at Itachi explaining expressionlessly, Sakura couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth.

Because at this time, Uchiha Itachi's left hand was holding a torch, and his right hand was holding a thorny whip covered with barbs...

Sakura also understood that Uchiha Itachi's torture methods were not limited to stabbing with a knife.

So, how big is your hatred for me?

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