Mission accomplished! Take the daimyo hostage and evacuate

“Orochimaru! One of the legendary three ninjas, that’s all!”

On the battlefield, the fourth generation Raikage was surrounded by lightning.

While he and Orochimaru were fighting in close quarters, the electric light on his body quickly moved towards Orochimaru.

And when Orochimaru was covered by the power of lightning, his whole person suddenly became stiff.

Under the power of thunder and lightning, Orochimaru seemed to have no resistance.

After seeing such a scene, the Fourth Raikage showed a bit of disdain in his eyes.

The legendary Sannin are just abandoned products of the previous era!

But just when the Fourth Raikage had this thought in his mind, a strange arc appeared on Orochimaru’s face.

Orochimaru, who was originally stiff, suddenly opened his mouth.

At the same time, a sharp sword flew directly in front of the Fourth Raikage’s face.

I saw Orochimaru with more delicate and smooth skin, emerging from the mouth of Orochimaru who had lost control!

Just like a snake shedding its skin!

Faced with such a sudden and tricky attack, the Fourth Raikage had almost no reaction.

He can only use his strongest shield, the chakra armor, for defense.

But the sword in Orochimaru’s hand was also extraordinary.

A ray of light flashed across, and the sharp Kusanagi sword cut through the strongest shield of the Fourth Raikage.

Just when he was about to stab the Fourth Raikage in the chest, a swift figure came over.

It is Kirabi, the brother of the Fourth Raikage Ai!

Although Kirabi did not open his tailed beast coat at this time, he still exuded a terrifying power.

Moreover, he used extremely powerful physical attacks.

“Thunder Plow Hot Knife!”

Once Orochimaru did not choose to retreat, but wanted to continue hurting the Fourth Raikage.

Then maybe the Fourth Raikage will be slightly injured because of this, but Orochimaru himself will definitely not feel comfortable under Kirabi’s attack.

In the end, the cunning Orochimaru did not choose to confront him head-on, and jumped backwards.

Soon he stayed away from the Fourth Raikage and Kirabi.

And after the Fourth Raikage recovered, he no longer dared to underestimate Orochimaru.

After all, Orochimaru might have killed him with just one move!

Facing this opponent who is as poisonous as a snake, we must go all out!

While Orochimaru and the Fourth Raikage were confronting each other.

On the other side, the ANBU of Konoha’s surprise attack force were also trying to figure out how to get out of the siege.

After all, their mission had failed this time and one more person could escape.

When the time comes, after being captured by the Kumogakure ninja, Konoha will be able to pay less!

With this idea in mind, the surprise attack team cooperated with each other and quickly launched a breakout.

“Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet!”

“Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet!”

In an instant, two giant dragons, water and fire, appeared instantly.

Perhaps because of the difference in temperature, when the two giant dragons appeared, the surroundings suddenly filled with clouds and mist.

While their vision was blocked, Konoha Anbu threw kunai one after another.

On top of the kunai, there is also a detonating talisman!

Suddenly, rumbling sounds continued to spread.

Although the Konoha surprise attack force is not large in number, they are all elite after all, and they want to capture them all alive.

It is also extremely difficult!

Amidst such rumbling sounds, there were still many kunai without detonating talismans that rushed towards the surrounding ninjas.

Seeing the strong resistance of Konoha’s surprise attack team, the Kumogakure ninja could only retreat temporarily.

However, it was this fleeting retreat that gave Konoha’s surprise attack force an opportunity.

I saw that after a kunai was thrown, it did not fly to the surrounding Kumogakure ninja like other kunai.

But when he was about to fall to the ground and stop, he suddenly turned into an ANBU ninja with a bang!

It turns out that the kunai was transformed by this ninja and then thrown out by his companions!

Scenes like this happened one after another in other places.

Soon, four ninjas escaped from the encirclement, just as agreed before.

The four surprise attack troops scattered and fled, which greatly increased the difficulty of capture.

At this time, there were twelve Konoha ninjas including Orochimaru in the circle surrounded by Kumogakure ninjas.

There were four ninjas who had just escaped. If the Kumogakure ninja went to pursue them.

It is very likely that the manpower of the surprise attack force besieging Konoha will be insufficient.

In addition, the fourth generation Raikage Ai and Kirabi are fighting Orochimaru at this time.

In the end, Nozomi, who was the fourth generation Raikage’s think tank, could only make the decision to abandon the four Konoha ninjas who had escaped.

As long as Orochimaru is captured, the Kumogakure ninja will be in the outside world with Konoha.

You will definitely be able to talk!

There is no doubt that this decision is the right one.

However, they still miscalculated one thing, that is, Konoha did not just send a surprise attack force this time!

Among the four Konoha ninjas who escaped, there was a boy wearing a mask.

Although this young man couldn’t see his face, his eyes were extremely firm.

He did not escape back to Konoha, but went straight to a certain place.

Obviously the young man knew that distant water could not dissolve near fire!

two days later.

In the jungle of the Kingdom of Thunder, two ninjas were running quickly.

Behind one of the ninjas was an unconscious middle-aged man.

These two people are Ye Feng and Kakuzu, and the person behind them is Mitsuru Miyoshi, the great lord of the Kingdom of Thunder.

Nagato’s mood fluctuated rapidly because of Yahiko’s death.

In the end, the extremely powerful Shenluo Tianzheng was displayed.

Under such bombardment, the entire town where the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder was located was turned into ruins.

Even though Ye Feng and Kakuzu were not injured, they still consumed a lot of chakra!

Not only because the Shinra Tenzheng is indeed powerful, but also because they also want to protect the name of the Kingdom of Thunder!


They can capture the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder, but they absolutely cannot kill each other.

Once the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Thunder dies and is found to be related to Konoha.

Then this is not a conflict between Kumogakure and Konoha.

But the conflict between the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Fire can never be resolved.

Once such a war occurs, it will definitely be extremely tragic.

By then, whether the Kingdom of Thunder or the Kingdom of Fire wins, they will become extremely weak.

It is even very possible to withdraw from the historical stage of the five major ninja countries.

So after Ye Feng captured the name of the Land of Thunder, he had only one thought in his mind.

That is to quickly bring this hot potato back to the Land of Fire!

But while the two people were walking quickly, they frowned at the same time.

It was obvious that they had noticed something!

After looking at each other, Ye Feng, carrying the name of the Kingdom of Thunder, continued to move quickly.

Kakuzu took the initiative to avoid it and retreated to the side.

Not long after, a figure rushed over quickly.

As this figure approached Ye Feng, Kakuzu also launched a sneak attack from the darkness.

But after seeing the figure clearly, Ye Feng let out another exclamation.

“Kakuzu stop! He is my Konoha ninja!”

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