In the dim underground passage, Uchiha Sora followed Orochimaru.。

“Orochimaru, I didn’t expect you to bring me to your experimental base. Aren’t you afraid that I would know about your experiments? “Uchiha Sora couldn’t help but smile.。

“Haha, Kong-kun, you and I are the same kind of people. In this ninja world, pure people like us should cherish each other. ” Orochimaru replied。

“Well, I’m really surprised that you would say such a thing.。”

“Consider this some kind of honesty on my part. “Orochimaru said.

Uchiha Sora smiled.

The two of them walked through the long passage and passed by laboratories. Occasionally, some experimental objects were kept in some rooms.

Finally, Orochimaru led Uchiha Sora into He entered a library.

After searching on the bookcases filled with various information, Orochimaru took out a scroll, turned around and handed it to Uchiha Sora: “This is the information about the curse seal, but There is another key condition for the curse seal, which is that it requires the genes of a certain child, and that child is not here now.。”

“Is it Jugo? “Uchiha Sorado。

“Haha, I didn’t expect Kongjun to know so much about me! Orochimaru was stunned and said in surprise.

Uchiha Sora said calmly: “I will accept this information. As for Jugo, I don’t need it for the time being.” ”

He came to the Secret Art of Curse Seal mainly to study the transformation of immortals, not necessarily to completely copy the usage of Curse Seal.”。

“Oh, by the way, Orochimaru, I wonder if you can still get White Zetsu? I still need a lot of Bai Zetsu here, the more the better! “After accepting the scroll, Uchiha Sora said again。

“I have left the Akatsuki organization. It is not that simple to get the White Zetsus again. However, I do know where the White Zetsus are hiding. You can try to find them yourse

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] lf. I believe that with your ability, you can catch the White Zetsus. It’s definitely very simple. “Orochimaru said.

After saying that, Orochimaru told Uchiha Sora where he knew where White Zetsu was hiding.。

“Thank you very much. “After successfully getting the curse seal and the news about White Zetsu from Orochimaru, Uchiha Sora couldn’t help but thank him. Orochimaru smiled slightly.


Sora was about to leave.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the corridor outside: “Orochimaru Lord Maru, enemies have invaded the base! ”

I saw a boy wearing glasses running in and shouting loudly.

Orochimaru was slightly startled.

Orochimaru frowned and said: “Kabuto, who attacked here? ”

Kabuto looked at Uchiha Sora next to Orochimaru, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and immediately replied: “It should be your old partner, the Scorpion of Red Sand.。”

“Scorpion, the Akatsuki organization is really chasing after me. Orochimaru smiled sadly and asked again: “Where is Sasuke?””

“Sasuke is still over there in the training room.。”

“Well, let’s go find Sasuke first, and then go meet that guy Scorpion. Orochimaru nodded.

Uchiha Sora couldn’t help but smile: “It seems like a coincidence. I’m very interested in the Akatsuki organization. In that case, I’ll go take a look too.”。”

“That’s really a wish. Orochimaru said.

The three of them came to the training room and saw Sasuke doing basic taijutsu training.

Seeing Orochimaru appear, Sasuke couldn’t help but frown and said politely: “Orochimaru, what’s the matter?””

“Sasuke-kun, the base has been invaded. Your training is temporarily suspended. Please move positions with me first. Orochimaru explained。

“Tsk, that’s really troublesome! “Sasuke curled his lips.

At this time, he saw Sora Uchiha behind Orochimaru and couldn’t help but be startled.

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