At this time, Scorpion’s true identity has been exposed, and he looks like a young man from the outside.

He looked at Sora Uchiha coldly, took out a scroll from behind and opened it.


A humanoid puppet appeared in front of Uchiha Sora.

The puppet wears a gray robe and looks very much like an ordinary person。

“Appeared, is this the Third Kazekage? Orochimaru said with a strange smile: “This is Scorpion’s trump card puppet.”。”

“The Third Kazekage? Sasuke couldn’t help being surprised: “What do you mean?” ”

Kabuto on the side explained: ” Among the puppet techniques mastered by the Red Sand Scorpion, there is a technology that can make living people into puppets. The puppets produced by this technology can maintain all the abilities of the puppets during their lifetime, including the blood inheritance limit. !”

“This kind of puppet is called a human puppet!”

“Human puppet! ? “Sasuke’s expression changed after hearing this, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Is it so scary?

This guy actually made a living person into a puppet!

It’s even more unacceptable than Orochimaru’s experiment!

“Could it be that this puppet is him ? Was it made with the Third Kazekage? “Sasuke said in surprise.。

“That’s right, don’t think that the Red Sand Scorpion is a weakling. With your current strength, even a hundred or a thousand of them are no match for him! Orochimaru glanced at Sasuke with a playful tone.

Sasuke nodded silently.

At this time, the Red Sand Scorpion in the field had already controlled the Third Kazekage and rushed towards Uchiha Sora.

Only the Third Kazekage was seen . A giant blade suddenly protruded from Kage’s sleeve, and there was a little bit of cold light on the blade.

The blade was made of a special material, and it was very hard at first sight, and it was obviously full of poison.

Sora Uchiha drew out his long sword, and the blade instantly A b

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] urst of thunder and lightning burst out.

Swordsmanship: Thunder Crack!


A dazzling thunder sword arc flew forward along the Uchiha Sora sword, hitting the Third Kazekage puppet.

But the Third Kazekage raised the blade across his body He blocked the sword in front of him.

However, Uchiha Sora’s slash was in sage mode and was extremely powerful. Although the Third Kazekage’s blade was made of special materials, it was still difficult to withstand Uchiha Sora’s thunder crack. After blocking the sword, the blade also shattered and fell to the ground. Seeing this, the

Red Sand Scorpion hurriedly raised his hand and pulled the Third Kazekage back.。

“As expected of Uchiha Sora, in that case, let me give you a taste of the Third Kazekage’s ability! “The Scorpion of Red Sand said coldly.

I saw the third generation of Kazekage stretching out his arms, and a piece of fine black sand suddenly rose up around him.

The black sand formed a large cloud, lingering around.

Suddenly, the black sand condensed into a cloud in mid-air. Thin black needles shot towards Uchiha Sora. The

black needles were as fine as rain and had a very wide range. They covered Uchiha Sora in the blink of an eye.

This move was the blood of the Third Kazekage. Following the limit, Magnetic Release·Sandite Shigure!

Uchiha Sora just smiled faintly when he saw this, he formed a seal with one hand and clapped his palm on the ground。

“Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall! ”

An extremely thick earth wall rose from the ground and blocked him in an instant.

Countless fine needles fell on the earth wall and were blocked.

At this time, the third generation Kazekage with sand and iron wings on his back suddenly emerged from the earth wall. Flying above and around Uchiha Sora, countless sand irons condensed into several sharp spears again, and shot towards Uchiha Sora again! Magnetic Release·

Sand Iron Giant Needle!

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