“It’s Scorpion that you should worry about!” Seeing Sasuke’s nervous look, Orochimaru shook his head and said: “Today, you are lucky enough to see Kong-kun’s power. I believe it will be good for your future growth.” Sasuke was shocked and looked

at To Sora Uchiha.

At this time, facing a large number of puppet attacks, Uchiha Sora just stretched out his palm.

A powerful chakra gathered in the palm of his hand.

A blue energy ball appeared instantly, and then the energy ball quickly turned white and made a buzzing sound.。

“oh? Is that the Fourth Hokage’s Rasengan? No, that’s not just the Rasengan, it seems to also have properties changing in it? “Orochimaru looked at the energy ball in Uchiha Sora’s palm and murmured.

At this time, as the energy ball rotated, a white shuriken shadow appeared around it.

The buzzing sound echoed throughout the forest.

Uchiha Sora raised his hand. Lifting it above his head, the next moment, the energy ball swelled again!


Its height actually exceeded Sora Uchiha’s height.

The powerful energy spread and whipped up a gust of wind around it.

Even the Orochi who was watching the battle in the distance Maru and others could also feel the huge energy in it.

Sasuke even held his breath. He was pressed in place by the powerful energy and could not even move a finger!

He was extremely horrified.

What kind of technique is this ? ?

This chakra is so powerful that it simply subverts his three views. This is not a technique that ninjas can master at all!

Sasuke can’t imagine how powerful Uchiha Sora is, and he can use it easily. Ninjutsu!?

Even if he maximizes his Sharingan’s insight, he can’t clearly see the operation of this jutsu. It’s

too profound!

This jutsu is definitely beyond the S level!

“You are indeed Kong-kun , he actually developed the Fourth Hokage’s Muji Ninjutsu Rasengan to this extent, what a genius! “Orochimaru couldn’t help being shocked.

Kabuto on the side also looked at Uchiha Sora in horror.

It turns out that this is the power known as the golden god of war. It’s really beyond imagination!

Everyone onlookers are like this, facing each other head-on The red sand scorpion holding Uchiha Sora was even more horrified at this time, and his heart couldn’t help but tighten.

Subconsciously, he controlled the third generation Kazekage puppet and used the sand and iron boundary method to create a field in front of his puppet. The black sand iron wall.

Seeing this, Uchiha Sora just smiled faintly.

This move is the most powerful ninjutsu that can be performed in the sage mode.

Immortal Technique·Wind Release·Super Large Jade Spiral Shuriken !

Ten times larger than the average Wind Release Spiral Shurike

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] n!

Then, he raised Senfa Wind Release Super Jade Spiral Shuriken and threw it forward.

The huge Spiral Shuriken immediately It flew out, like a comet hitting the earth, and pierced hard into the sand and iron barrier.


The next second, a bright light burst out from the sand and iron barrier.

Huge energy swept around in an instant, and the sand and iron barriers were shattered like paper. The puppets that swarmed up were swept up by the spreading energy before they had time to escape.。。。


The wind was raging in the forest, energy was dancing wildly, and the nearby trees were pulled up from the ground, flew into the air, and were torn into pieces.

On the ground directly below the energy explosion, soil was flying and gravel was flying.。。。

The three Orochimaru who were watching the battle from a distance were almost blown away by the strong wind.

They put their arms in front of their bodies and looked at this scene with shocked expressions. They were shocked to the point of being completely speechless.

After a long time, calm returned to the forest.

In front of everyone’s eyes, in the emptied forest, where the energy had just exploded, a huge shallow pit with a diameter of more than fifty meters appeared on the ground.

The fresh soil is exposed, and in this soil are countless puppet parts that have been broken into debris.。

“That ninjutsu was thrown into the air, and it was so powerful that it changed the appearance of the earth! If it breaks out on the ground, the flying gravel may reach us! ” Kabuto said with a look of horror.

He couldn’t imagine that if he was hit by such a technique, he wouldn’t be able to survive no matter how many lives he had, right?

And if such a ninjutsu was released against the ninja village, it would probably only be one shot. , enough to cause destruction like the Nine-Tails disaster to the village, right?

This is simply a human-shaped tailed beast!

Is this the power of Uchiha Sora?

It is really terrifying!

After hearing Kabuto’s words, Orochimaru nodded. Said: “This kind of ninjutsu is already comparable to the tailed beast jade, but this ninjutsu must have enough chakra to be released, and I guess if there is no sage mode, it may be difficult for Kong-kun to release it.” such an attack。”

“Yes, this is the power of the immortal mode, it is too strong! “Kabuto said enviously。

“Hey, Orochimaru, what on earth is this sage mode you are talking about? “Sasuke on the side listened to the conversation between the two and couldn’t help but ask.。

“Haha, Sasuke-kun, you have actually experienced the power of Sage Mode. That thing on your neck is a kind of Sage Mode! Orochimaru replied with a strange smile.

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