After a conversation between the two parties, Princess Akatsuki made a request for Sora Uchiha to escort her back to Daming Mansion.

Uchiha thought for a moment and agreed.

Because he found that neither he nor Tsunade had any money on them, and escorting Princess Akatsuki promised to give him a very generous reward after returning safely.

Just like that, the group of four people changed direction and headed towards Daming Mansion.

Along the way, through chatting with Princess Akatsuki and the female ninja named Keiko, Uchiha Sora also learned more about the pattern of the Warring States Period.

The distribution of countries is similar to the previous world. There are five main countries, namely the Country of Fire, the Country of Wind, the Country of Thunder, the Country of Earth and the Country of Water.

In addition, there are some small countries and other plutocratic lords and other forces.

Except for the ninjas who operate as a family unit, it seems that the distribution of other forces is not much different from that world.

However, since this world has not yet had a huge force like the Ninja Village, there is no ‘nuclear deterrent’ like the Jinchūriki. Therefore, the battle between ninjas is almost without scruples and extremely fierce.

Moreover, because there is no one-country-one-village system, the only way for ninjas to survive is to obtain commissions from the chaebol lords by completing tasks.

Therefore, in order to survive, ninjas are fighting every moment to compete for tasks or to eliminate competitors.

In addition to their own family members and alliance families, ninjas are strongly wary of other ninjas.。

��There is even a rule not to tell others your surname when you go out.

Because once one’s own family is exposed, it is likely to be killed by people from rival families.

Of course, the more powerful one’s own family is, the more powerful it will become as a bargaining chip to intimidate the enemy in missions. Just like the behavior of the Shimura clan’s ninjas who reported their family before, they were using this to intimidate.

In the Land of Fire, the top families are currently the Uchiha Clan and the Senju Clan, followed by the Hyuga Clan, the Sarutobi Clan, the Shimura Clan, the Nara Clan, the Yamanaka Clan, and the Akimichi Clan.。

“It is said that the Uchiha clan has very powerful ninjutsu talents, and the clan leader Uchiha Madara’s power is even more terrifying. ” Along the way, Princess Xiaoyue said longingly: “It would be great if I also had that kind of powerful power.。”

“Princess, although the power of a ninja is powerful, it must be obtained through extremely arduous training. You are a person of golden branches and jade leaves

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] , and you cannot endure such hardship. “Keiko, the female ninja next to Princess Akatsuki, smiled and said, “Moreover, even if many people practice hard, they still can’t reach the heights of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama. ”

Princess Akatsuki nodded, suddenly looked at Uchiha Sora, and said with curiosity: “Sir Sora, I think you are also very powerful! I wonder where you rank in the family?

Uchiha Sora was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a smile and said: “I am still just an unknown person in the Uchiha clan. I haven’t competed with others yet, so it’s hard to say. ” ”

He is a person from another world, and he is indeed a nobody here.

But in terms of strength, he is really worthy of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

Of course, he will not say these words, Otherwise, it would be suspected of boasting, and even if she said it, no one here except Tsunade would believe it.

Princess Akatsuki was very curious about Uchiha Sora’s strength, and after getting familiar with it, she pestered him to ask him to use it before performing Thunder Release Ninjutsu.

Naturally, Uchiha Sora would not agree to her unreasonable request.

Due to the loss of the carriage, walking on foot was unbearable for an ordinary person like Princess Akatsuki, and the moving speed was very slow.

Just at this time, a small town appeared in front of her. , the four of them entered the small town to prepare for a night’s rest.

The four of them found a hotel, opened four rooms and began to rest.

At night, Uchiha Sora was about to fall asleep, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

He felt the sound outside the door. Breathing, he stepped forward and opened the door.

He saw Tsunade standing at the door looking at him.。

“Tsunade-senpai, it’s so late, why did you come to see me? Uchiha Sora asked in confusion.

Tsunade said: “I can’t sleep, so I want to talk to you.”

Uchiha Sora was stunned: “Are you worried about going back? ” Tsunade

nodded slightly and said with a hint of confusion: “If we can’t go back, what do you think we should do in the future?”

Uchiha smiled and said: “Don’t worry, we will definitely be able to go back! “”

“You say it’s easy, but actually you don’t have much confidence in how to go back, right? Tsunade rolled her eyes at him: “You don’t need to comfort me, I’m not a woman who can’t withstand blows.” ”

After a pause, Tsunade took his arm and walked outside. As he walked, he said: “Since you’re not going to sleep, then go drink with me.。”

“drink wine?”

“Yes, by the way, let’s also talk about the future. “Tsunade said。

“All right. “Uchiha Sora had no choice but to agree.

The two of them took advantage of the night and came to a tavern and sat down.

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