After Tsunade punched Uchiha Sora away, she hurriedly put on her clothes and stood there stunned.

The events of last night were going through my mind.

She knew that this was not all Uchiha Sora’s fault, because although she was drunk last night, she still vaguely remembered that she took the initiative to hug Uchiha Sora and wouldn’t let him leave.

As for what she did when she returned to the room later, she only remembered it as if she was dreaming, and did not realize that it was really happening.

When I woke up in the morning, I realized that the unspeakable dream last night was not a lie, but a real story that happened between myself and Sora Uchiha.

Thinking back carefully, Tsunade found to her shame that she was still very proactive and cooperative in that ‘dream’.

Because she was in a dream, she had no worries at all and released all her needs.

But now that she was awake, Tsunade wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

Having been single for so many years, I actually gave my first time to a boy who was so many years younger than me.

Tsunade was so confused that she didn’t know how to face herself and Sora Uchiha.

At this time, Princess Akatsuki and the female ninja Keiko from next door heard the noise and ran over.

Tsunade hurriedly covered the traces on the bed with a quilt, looked at the two of them, and said calmly: “What’s the matter?”

“Um, Tsunade-dono, what happened? Where is Sora Uchiha? “Kuno Ninja Keiko asked as she glanced at the big hole in the wall, sweating on her forehead.

Princess Akatsuki ran to the big hole and looked at the ruins of the house that collapsed after being hit by Uchiha Sora on the street outside the hole.。

“Ahem! “There was a slight cough in the ruins.

Uchiha Sora was seen staggering up from the ruins naked.

Most of his ribs on

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] his chest were broken, blood was pouring from his mouth, and he could hardly maintain his breathing. His image was simply miserable.

This is the most serious injury he has suffered since time travel!

If it were applied to an ordinary ninja, he would have died long ago.

Feeling the gazes from all around him, Uchiha Sora raised his head and looked at the hotel, and hurriedly activated the Flying Thunder God Technique. Back in the hotel room.

As soon as he appeared and returned to the room, he heard two soft shouts.

It was Princess Akatsuki and Keiko.

When they saw Uchiha Sora naked, they all blushed and screamed. turn around。

“Put it on! “Tsunade threw a piece of clothing from the side and covered Uchiha Sora.

Uchiha Sora hurriedly took it.

But he was very seriously injured at this time. As soon as his body moved slightly, he immediately fell to the ground.

Akatsuki watched quietly from the side. The princess rushed to Uchiha Sora’s side and said anxiously: “Son, why are you injured? Who did it?”

“it’s me! “Tsunade said coldly from the side.。

“What? Tsunade-dono, why are you doing this? Princess Xiaoyue said angrily。

“It’s nothing, this is just our daily training. ” Without waiting for Tsunade to answer, Uchiha Sora waved his hand with difficulty and explained for her.。

“Daily training? “Princess Akatsuki and Keiko looked at each other, a little hard to understand. This seems to be beyond the scope of daily training, right?

Uchiha Sora’s chest has deflated, and his face is as pale as paper. Even with such a serious injury, even if Ordinary people can see how serious it is, right?

This is already a fatal injury! Do

ninjas have such daily training?

Looking at Sora Uchiha who was seriously injured and had more air coming out than taking in air, the two of them were very worried. .

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