While the tailed beasts were fighting against the same enemy, the two Senju brothers in the Senju clan were busy.

Senju Tobirama was busy studying and perfecting his Flying Thunder God Technique, and he even lowered his face to ask Uchiha Sora for advice and greetings.

Sora Uchiha was not stingy, and explained many key points of the Flying Thunder God Technique to him one by one, answering many of his doubts.

Senju Tobirama couldn’t help but be extremely grateful for this.

But he didn’t know that this Flying Thunder God technique was originally created by him in another world.

On this day, in an open area of the Senju Clan’s training ground, at Sora Uchiha’s request, he wanted to start a sparring match with Senju Hashirama.

There is no doubt about the strength of Senju Hashirama. In the previous battle with Kaguya Hyakki, he actually came to support when he was in poor condition, so he did not display his maximum strength.

And his real strength is definitely more than that.

Uchiha Sora proposed to spar with Senju Hashirama not because his hands were itchy, but with a purpose.

Because his physique has been cultivating automatically, evolving towards the human body of Hashirama Senshi. According to the original process, it will take about three years to evolve into the human body of Hashirama Senshi, which is about the same as the time it takes to evolve into the Eternal Kaleidoscope.

But this does not mean that there is no other way. The system had previously adjusted the evolution time of Hashirama Sen.’s human body because of external stimulation.

So this time he decided to challenge Senju Hashirama himself to see if he could elicit some reaction from the system. Maybe with luck, he could greatly shorten the evolution time of Hashirama’s human body.

And once the physique is transformed into the real Hashirama Immortal body, the other gods’ pupil technique sealed in the body will be able to greatly reduce the cooling time.

In this world, the arts of other gods have almost no natural enemies.

In the field, the two stood face to face.

Tsunade and Tobirama stood behind Sora Uchiha and Hashirama Senju respectively to watch the battle.。

“Brother, be careful with the Flying Thunder God technique! “Tobirama reminded Senju Hashirama from behind.

Tsunade watched this scene with interest.

From her understanding, Senju Hashirama’s strength is naturally the ceiling of this world, but Uchiha Sora’s strength It’s not bad at all. In her opinion, this will definitely be a wonderful showdown.。

“Sora, here I come! “Senju Hashirama was not polite. He knew that Uchiha Sora was very powerful, so he attacked him first.

He took out a scroll, opened it, and then pressed the seal on it.

With a bang, a giant sword It appeared in his hand.

This is Hashirama’s weapon, the giant sword!

Just looking at its appearance, you can tell that it is very heavy.

But Hashirama is also born with strange strength. His movements while holding the giant sword did not slow down at all, and in the blink of an eye he He rushed in front of Uchiha Sora.

Uchiha Sora had already drawn out the long sword from his waist, and blocked it with his horizontal sword!

Dang! There

was a crisp sound, and a huge force came, which made Uchiha Sora’s arms numb. He couldn’t help but secretly sigh in his heart, this The strange strength of Senju Hashirama is definitely not inferior to that of Tsunade.

Fortunately, Uchiha Sora’s physique has been cultivating automatically. The strength of his body is no longer as simple as it seems on the surface. In his seemingly slender and thin body, It also contains ex

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] tremely powerful power.

After shaking his arm, he actually blocked Hashirama’s giant sword with his long sword!

“Sora’s strength is really getting stronger and stronger. “Tsunade couldn’t help but murmured to herself when she saw this scene. She seemed to have thought of something and couldn’t help but show a blush on her face.。

“nice! “Hashirama couldn’t help but admired when he saw that his sword was blocked with force.。

“As expected of Senju Hashirama. “Uchiha Sora retorted.

Then, the two started a physical contest with a tacit understanding.

The weapons of both sides intersected, fists and feet were fired, and they were constantly flashing and moving in the field.

The two people fought and even produced a line. Dao Qi Wave, it can be seen that the power of the two has been powerful to a very terrifying level.

However, in the end, Senju Hashirama’s physique has the upper hand. Coupled with the advantage in weapons, Uchiha Sora gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Ding !

The weapons of the two collided together again, making a crisp sound.


At this time, Uchiha Sora’s long sword actually shattered and broke into two pieces!

“Sora! ” Tsunade couldn’t help but let out a nervous cry when she saw this.

Although his weapons are made of special chakra metal, they are only ordinary products after all. They will naturally be damaged in high-intensity collisions. And

Hashirama The giant sword weapon is not only better in material than Uchiha Sora’s long sword, but also seems to contain some special functions.

In every collision between the two weapons, Uchiha Sora can feel the impact from the giant sword. There were waves of concussive force coming from the sword.

This reminded him of Uchiha Madara’s Uchiha Fan, which was also a weapon with special abilities and could even bounce small tailed beast jade.

As a pillar who is on the same level as Uchiha Madara , How could he not have a decent weapon in his hand?

In comparison, Uchiha Sora’s weapons do seem too shabby.

With his strength, he has been using this kind of high-quality weapon mainly made of chakra metal. The sword is really too low-end.

Although this kind of weapon is already very rare, it is not a real treasure or even a divine weapon.。

“It seems that it is necessary to find a useful weapon in the future, and you cannot always let the weapon in your hand be damaged. “After the long sword broke, Uchiha Sora couldn’t help but think to himself.

But at this time, Hashirama’s giant sword changed from a slash to a horizontal strike, and struck directly towards Uchiha Sora’s body!


The figure flashed.

The giant sword struck Sora, Sora Uchiha instantly appeared in another place in the field.

There was a Flying Thunder God Kunai lying on the ground there.。

“The art of flying thunder god! “Hashirama’s expression condensed.

In the previous fight, Uchiha Sora had secretly sprinkled some flying thunder god kunai on the field as a mark.

Senju Tobirama, who was watching the battle from a distance, was extremely envious.

Although after asking for advice these days, , his Flying Thunder God Technique has almost been developed, but in terms of application, he still cannot do whatever he wants like Sora Uchiha.。

“The key to the Flying Thunder God Technique, in addition to the precise grasp of the movement process in space, also has very high requirements on reflex nerves. Sora’s reflex nerves are faster than mine! “Tobirama immediately grasped the key point and secretly analyzed it.

In terms of reaction speed, he believed that even his brother Hashirama might not be stronger than Sora Uchiha.

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