On the other side, a wooden dragon crossed the sky and wrapped around the four tails.

Senju Hashirama stood above the wooden dragon, overlooking the battle situation of Sora Uchiha below.。

“Well done! “Seeing Uchiha Sora showing great power, Senju Hashirama couldn’t help but clapped his hands and applauded.。

“Damn humans! “The four-tails struggled hard, but it couldn’t break free from the wooden dragon’s entanglement, and the wooden dragon’s binding force became stronger and stronger, and it was even absorbing its chakra. The two-tails

and six-tails were also trapped by the tree cast by Hashirama. The world came to hold it back and was unable to support.

Seeing that the four-tails were about to be unable to support, the six-tails became anxious and released a tailed beast jade directly in its direction.

He planned to blast the wooden dragon and the four-tails together. !

The tailed beast jade attacked the wooden dragon, and the vines along the way were crushed.

Seeing this, Senju Hashirama hurriedly turned the wooden dragon’s head, opened his mouth and bit the tailed beast jade tightly.

Taking this opportunity, the second tail He finally broke free from the obstruction of Wooden Dragon, flew to Wooden Dragon’s side, and clawed hard at Wooden Dragon’s body! Stab


A long gash was pulled out of Wooden Dragon’s body immediately. When

the four tails saw this, they both With a sudden tug of his arms, he finally pulled out of the wooden dragon’s shackles. Then he hugged the cracked part of the wooden dragon’s body and pulled hard to both sides! The wooden dragon’s head was restrained by the power of the tailed beast jade, and his

body The strength of the tail was greatly weakened, and a crack was torn out by the second tail. The overall binding force had been greatly weakened. The strength of the

fourth tail was also very powerful. With this force, it immediately tore the wooden dragon into pieces from the middle. Two halves!


The four tails escaped from the trap and roared to the sky.

A mouthful of lava spurted towards Senju Hashirama.

Senju Hashirama’s face changed when he saw this. He controlled the wooden dragon’s head with force and pushed the tailed beast jade out of his mouth. Throwing it away into the distance, he jumped up and hurriedly avoided the lava attack from the four tails.


A loud noise came from the distance.

It was the tailed beast jade that had just been thrown away by the wooden dragon that exploded in the distance. The movement.

Hashirama’s figure flashed, came to Uchiha Sora, and said: “Sora, buy some time for me, I want to gather a lot of chakra and use a wood escape technique!

Uchiha Sora raised his eyebrows, nodded and said, “Okay! ” ”

The current Senju Hashirama is on par with Uchiha Madara in strength, and Uchiha Madara has not yet obtained the Eternal Kaleidoscope, and Hashirama has naturally not yet obtained Senjutsu. Therefore, at this time, Senju Hashirama has not yet reached its peak moment

. , some powerful wood escape ninjutsu cannot be used easily, and you must have time to prepare.

Seeing Uchiha Sora nodding, Senju Hashirama sat down on the ground, clasped his hands, and closed his hands. The eyes began to gather and refine chakra.

The six tailed beasts seemed to be aware of Hashirama’s move to release his ultimate move at this moment. They all looked at each other and joined forces to attack here. The six tailed

beasts The beast once again used the Tailed Beast Tama, all aimed at the place where Uchiha Sora and Senju Hashirama were.

But this time, they saw Hashirama not moving on the spot, and they did not rush to launch the

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] Tailed Beast Tama, but Continue to condense chakra and expand the size of the tailed beast jade.

Finally, in front of each tailed beast, a tailed beast jade that is half the size of their body is condensed!

The tailed beast is as black as ink. Jade exudes an extremely powerful sense of oppression.

The river in the canyon stirred up huge waves, and the surrounding rock cliffs cracked with spider web-like cracks under this pressure. Senju Hashirama, who

was sitting on the ground, frowned. His expression instantly became extremely serious.

But he did not act rashly, but chose to believe in Uchiha Sora。

“These guys are really fighting for their lives! “Uchiha Sora felt the strong sense of oppression emanating from the six tailed beasts, and couldn’t help but said. With

so many tailed beast jade, and such a large tailed beast jade, he didn’t dare to move around at will. The

previous tailed beast jade The scale is not large yet. He can move it to an open area and let it self-destruct, but the scale of the explosion of such a large tailed beast jade is definitely not comparable to that of the previous tailed beast jade. Before, he was only in various open areas within the Fire Country

. Coordinates were set up everywhere, and those coordinates were also destroyed in the previous Tailed Beast Jade explosion. Many of the remaining coordinates are close to some villages, towns and cities. If these Tailed Beast Jade are moved to that vicinity, I am afraid it will cause damage in an instant

. Massive casualties.

The best way is to transfer it to the sea, but it is a pity that he has no coordinates on the sea。

“Just stop it! Uchiha Sora took back the Hundred Techniques and Senjutsu, and shouted to the tailed beasts: “Stop now, I can still let you go, otherwise don’t blame me for being heartless!””

“Human, stop bluffing! Let’s catch our attack first! “The six tailed beasts naturally would not agree to Uchiha Sora, and they all sneered.。

“Well, don’t blame me then! “Uchiha Sora shook his head.

He originally thought that these tailed beasts were relatively innocent, and fighting them was a helpless choice, but now that they don’t listen, he had to give them some color. His

words As soon as it fell, the senjutsu seal on his body suddenly opened! The

huge natural energy previously stored in the senjutsu seal filled his body instantly!

Uchiha Sora’s eyes turned into gold, and his hair stood up and turned into gold.

And he His face has also undergone a slight change, his eyebrows have gradually faded, and his face has become more streamlined.

The muscles on his body that were originally just well-proportioned suddenly swelled and expanded into muscle shape.

The whole body is exuding golden chakra arrogance!

Super ! Sage mode! Turn on!

At this moment, a powerful aura filled the entire canyon.

The pressure exuded by the tailed beasts was instantly crushed by Uchiha Sora’s aura. The

entire canyon was shaking violently, and the clouds in the sky were Blowing out a huge hole!

“This, what kind of power is this?” ! “The tailed beasts were immediately shocked and stunned.

Even Senju Hashirama, who was gathering strength, couldn’t help but open his eyes and looked at Uchiha Sora, who was exuding golden chakra arrogance, with a shocked expression.

He was far away from him The nearest Hashirama can feel the powerful power of Sora Uchiha even more at this moment!

At this time, far away from the canyon, dozens of kilometers away.

The clan leaders of the Fire Country who are on their way also seem to sense it. This extremely powerful force raised their heads and looked in the direction of the canyon.

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