Uchiha Sora’s offensive arrived in front of Uchiha Madara and Uchiha in the blink of an eye.。

“snort! “Uchiha Madara immediately raised the fan behind his back to block the front of the Rasengan. The

Uchiha rebounded!

The power of the Rasengan hit the Danjou firmly, but then a stronger rebound force Suddenly.


Uchiha Sora’s body was instantly submerged in the rebounding force.。

“Finished? “Sarutobi Sasuke on the side stared at Uchiha Madara in confusion.

Uchiha Madara frowned and looked up into the air.。

“This guy can’t be killed so easily. The one just now was probably just a shadow clone! ”

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Nanao’s huge figure slowly descending and standing on the ground, level with Kyuubi. Above Nanao’s

head, Uchiha Sora was standing there, looking at Uchiha Madara with an indifferent expression. Said: “Uchiha Madara, didn’t I warn you long ago not to cause trouble again? It seems you didn’t take my words to heart!”

“Uchiha Sora, let’s just call you that. I, Uchiha Madara, have never promised you anything. No one can stop what I want to do! What are you? Pointing fingers at me? Uchiha Madara replied coldly.

Uchiha Kong frowned and his eyes turned cold: “Uchiha Madara, I think you want to die!””

“Ah! You are the one seeking death! “Uchiha Madara sneered: “Before I fight with Hashirama, let me get to know you first! ”

The two were tit for tat, and the air was filled with a cold murderous intent.。

“Uchiha Sora, I have been waiting for this day for a long time! “Uchiha Madara stared at him.

Previously in the Uchiha clan, if it weren’t for his concerns, he would have taught Uchiha Sora a lesson.

But this time the Ninja Alliance has a large number of people, and he has controlled the five major Tailed beasts, and the opponents only have Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Sora, as well as a group of Uzumaki clan members who are not a threat.

Even if Senju Hashirama is strong and Uchiha Sora is extraordinary, they have six tailed beasts and ninjas on their side. The alliance, plus Uchiha Madara, is already fully qualified in terms of strength.

The power of the Ninja Alliance and the six tailed beasts alone can make the Uzumaki Clan and Senju Hashirama overwhelmed.

So in the eyes of Uchiha Madara Come, this is the perfect opportunity for him to face off with Uchiha Sora. If he

misses this opportunity, it will not be so easy in the future. After

all, Uchiha Sora can defeat Izuna and possesses magic, so his strength cannot be underestimated. He was so surprised. It was impossible for Uchiha Madara to take action rashly without preparation.

Looking at Uchiha Madara’s eyes full of fighting spirit, Uchiha Sora shook his head: “Madara, you will regret your actions this time.。”

“Arrogant! “Uchiha Madara couldn’t bear Uchiha Sora’s contemptuous words. He didn’t bother to talk any more. He glared, and the Mangekyo Sharingan flashed into his eyes. Then,

he formed seals with his hands.。

“Fire Escape·Th

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] e great fire is extinguished! ”

Powerful chakra gathered, and the raging flames were like huge waves, attacking Uchiha Sora and the Seven-Tails at his feet.

Uchiha Sora smiled faintly and formed a seal with one hand.。

“Water Release·Big Explosive Water Wave! ”

The void was like a gaping hole, and a large number of waves poured down like an intrusion, directly hitting the surging sea of fire.

Water and fire collided instantly, and the huge scene made everyone watching the battle come together. stunned。

“Oh my God! Ninjutsu on this scale is too powerful! Is that Uchiha Madara’s power? Who is that guy? He has such strong power? ! ”

In the ninja alliance, many people did not know Uchiha Sora, and screams came from their mouths.

Sarutobi Sasuke’s expression changed, and he hurriedly jumped away from Uchiha Madara, and distanced himself from the two of them, so as not to was affected by their battle.

He also had to admit that although he was knowledgeable in ninjutsu and mastered a large number of five-attribute ninjutsu, none of them could reach the scale of Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Sora.

Learned If there are many, it is better to learn well! He couldn’t help but sigh.

In the battlefield, a large amount of steam generated by the intersection of water and fire filled the air, and Kyuubi and Nanao couldn’t help but pull away from each other.

But in the mist, Uchiha Sora and Madara But people had already collided with each other in mid-air.

Madara Uchiha held a fan, opening and

closing it. Sora Uchiha held the giant sword that Hashirama borrowed from him, and dealt with them one by one.

The sound of clanking was endless, and the fire was splashing everywhere.


After a violent collision, the two weapons retreated. The

surroundings fell into silence for a while.

In the battlefield, everyone was paying attention to the battle between the two.

On the side of the Uzumaki clan, Uzumaki Mito said worriedly: “Hashirama , can you let your friend deal with Uchiha Madara alone? If you all work together, I think we should be able to successfully take down Uchiha Madara. Hearing this

, Hashirama shook his head and said: “This is a battle between the two of them. I will not interfere. I believe that Sora will not let me interfere.” What’s more, I have to guard against other people on the battlefield, as well as the tailed beasts controlled by Madara. ”

Uzumaki Mito sighed softly after hearing this.。

“Don’t worry, Sora is very powerful, stronger than me! Uchiha Madara was by no means his opponent. “Hashirama said with a smile.。

“All right. “Although Uzumaki Mito didn’t believe that Uchiha Sora could defeat Madara, Hashirama said so, so she had no choice but to nod and feel relieved for the time being. At this time, the fog in the battlefield gradually dissipated. Uchiha Sora and Uchiha


both The people stood there face to face without saying a word.

Suddenly, a pupil power quietly gathered in Uchiha Madara’s eyes.。。。

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