It was as if a piece of the earth had been dug out, and a huge canyon with a diameter of several kilometers was formed out of thin air.

There is no bottom in the canyon, and there are cracks extending in all directions around it.。

“Oh my God, this blow actually changed the entire terrain! “Everyone in the distance was shocked.

Originally, this area was a flat plain and forest area, but now, a canyon lay across it, which looked very abrupt. At this time, everyone

saw Jiuwei standing on the edge of the canyon. , above it stood Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

Senju Hashirama was panting violently at this time, and the big Buddha behind him had disappeared. Obviously, the move just now consumed thousands of hands, and even that one The collision directly consumed a large amount of Senjutsu Chakra, causing him to retreat from the Sage Mode.

Madara on the side looked at all this with a look of shock.

At the other end of the canyon, Uchiha Kong Station On top of Nanao’s head, he also retreated from the sage mode. Like Hashirama, the super spiral shuriken move just now consumed almost all of his senjutsu chakra. However, his Hyakuha no Jutsu mark is still

there Now, although the immortal facial makeup has disappeared, Baihao’s lines are still blessed on his body, and a steady stream of chakra is released from the mark on his forehead, replenishing his chakra amount. Since he obtained the human body of Hashirama Immortal

, Then, after some training in the Holy Land of Shiggou Forest, Uchiha Sora’s physical fitness and chakra amount have grown greatly. In

terms of normal chakra amount, he is no less than Hashirama, and because Because of the Yin seal, the battery life is even stronger than Hashirama.

With the continuous supplement of chakra, Uchiha Sora gradually returned to his peak state.

He looked at Hashirama and Madara opposite him, and couldn’t help but shake his head and shout Said: “Hashirama, if you do this, Madara may not appreciate it! ”

Hashirama heard the words, looked at Madara beside him, and responded to Sora Uchiha: “Sora, I’m sorry, if I didn’t block the move just now, Madara will definitely die. Although our two clans are against each other, we must Let me watch him die, I can’t do it! ”

Hashirama’s slow confession of sexual love made Uchiha Madara next to him tremble slightly, and his cold and stern eyes softened unconsciously.

He couldn’t help but think of the time he was with Hashirama. The good times.

At that time, by the creek, the two of them also had the same dream.。

“Brother! “However, at this moment, a voice appeared next to Madara.

I saw Uchiha Izuna arriving here at some point.。

“Quan Nai, why are you here? Didn’t I tell you not to come over? Madara, who came back to his senses, looked at his younger brother and asked with a frown.。

“Brother, are you so willing to fail? Quan Nai said: “Have you forgotten the efforts of our brothers?””

“The Uchiha clan is never afraid of failure! We will become braver as we

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] fight! Defeat all enemies! Quan Nai said excitedly: “Brother, I will give you my power!” Help you regain the glory of the Uchiha clan! ”

After saying that, Izuna opened his eyes, instantly opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, and looked at Uchiha Madara.

Seeing his brother’s Mangekyō, Uchiha Madara was slightly startled.

Immediately, he only felt a powerful Pupil power pours into his eyes。

“This is。。。”Madara was shocked and shouted: “Izuna! What are you going to do?!”

“Brother, I will give you all my power! Next, my Sharingan will not be able to open for a period of time. Big brother, use this power to regain the glory of our brothers and the glory of our Uchiha! “Izuna shouted.

After saying that, as the pupil power was poured into Madara’s eyes, Izuna’s eyes gradually closed, and the Mangekyou Sharingan pattern disappeared, returning to normal pupils. After doing all this, Izuna

again Leaving quickly.

Seeing his younger brother leaving, Uchiha Madara regained his ambition.。

“Quan Nai, I will never let you down! ”

He slowly closed his eyes, as if he was brewing something.

Hashirama on the side looked at this scene with a surprised look on his face, and called him worriedly: “Madara! ”

Uchiha Madara didn’t pay attention to Hashirama’s shouting.

After about a minute of silence, he suddenly opened his eyes.

In an instant, a terrifying eye force that made people’s hearts beat was released.

Hashirama stood next to Madara. Everyone couldn’t help but trembled slightly, looking at Madara’s eyes

in shock. At this time, Madara’s eyes were no longer in the shape of his original Mangekyō Sharingan, but on this basis, they seemed to be fused. Izuna’s kaleidoscope pattern。

“So that’s it, is this the power of brothers? “Feeling the powerful pupil power in his eyes, Uchiha Madara murmured to himself. The

Uchiha clan’s stone tablet once recorded the realm above the Mangekyo Sharingan.

That required digging out the brother’s eyes. You can get it by fusing it with your own eyes. Both

Uchiha Madara and Izuna have seen the stone tablet.

However, the two of them did not have the idea of gouging out each other’s eyes, so they later developed a method based on the method recorded on the stone tablet. There is a way to temporarily obtain this power.

That is for one of them to inject all his pupil power into the kaleidoscope of the other person, allowing the pupil power of both parties to merge, thereby temporarily achieving that state. The price is to sacrifice the pupil power

. A person’s Sharingan will enter a dormant period for at least one year.

This state is called the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan!

Feeling the power of the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, Uchiha Madara, with his brother’s share With a heavy entrustment, he looked coldly at Hashirama beside him and whispered: “Hashirama, I want to thank you for blocking Uchiha Sora’s move for me. He should have exhausted his strength now. Come down and I will kill him with my own hands! No one can stop it! “

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