Uchiha Sora couldn’t help but be pleasantly surprised.

The Sharingan’s retreat was completed at this time!

Moreover, it even incorporates the Eyes of Other Gods!

He rolled up his sleeves and took a look. There was a crow’s mark right there.

This is the psychic black crow that was sealed on his body before.


Uchiha Sora formed a hand seal and pressed it on his arm. With a bang, the psychic black crow appeared in his hand.

It’s just that the two eyes of other gods in the psychic black crow have disappeared at this time, leaving only two black eye sockets.

It seems that these two eyes of other gods were really absorbed by my own Sharingan, and thus directly evolved into the Eternal Kaleidoscope!

As for the two Eyes of the Other Gods, one was given to him by Shisui before his death, and the other was obtained from Danzo. Originally, after being cultivated during this period, the cooling time of the Other Gods had been reduced. It’s over, I didn’t expect to be directly integrated now.

Uchiha Sora originally planned to reincarnate Shisui Kuzuchi through these two eyes after using the other gods several times.

Now it seems that it can only be done by relying on the ability of the Samsara Eye.

Silently saying sorry to Shisui in his heart, Uchiha Sora felt the powerful pupil power brewing in his eyes at this moment.

The Sharingan is the core power of the Uchiha clan!

During this period, Uchiha Sora was fighting in other ways, almost forgetting the power of the Sharingan.

At this time, he felt the familiar and powerful eye power again, and he couldn’t help but feel a long-lost excitement in his heart.

It’s like suddenly meeting an old comrade I haven’t seen for a long time, and I feel an urge to vent my strength.。

“This is the power of the eternal kaleidoscope! That’s great! “Uchiha Sora closed his eyes tightly and said with suppressed excitement in a calm tone. As

he finished speaking, he suddenly opened his eyes!

He saw that Uchiha Sora’s pupils had turned into blood red, and a kaleidoscope pattern of a six-pointed star array was reflected in it. In the center of the six-pointed star array, there is a kaleidoscope pattern like a four-cornered windmill slowly rotating.

This is the eternity forme

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] d by Sora Uchiha’s kaleidoscope of the Sky God Realm and Shisui’s kaleidoscope of other gods. Kaleidoscope!

A powerful pupil power emanated from Uchiha Sora’s body, heading towards Uchiha Madara!

Uchiha Madara’s eyes were shocked, and he stared at Uchiha Sora.。

“This eye power? ! “He simply couldn’t believe that he actually felt a huge pupil power from Uchiha Sora that was no less than his own!

“How is that possible! ? Madara let out a shocked cry: “You actually activated the Mangekyo Sharingan?” ! Have you never opened your eyes? ”

Previously in the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Sora had fought with Izuna. At that time, he had never shown the power of the Sharingan. Even when pressed by the tribe, he never opened his eyes to show others. Madara always thought that Uchiha

Sora It is possible that they are the descendants of the Uchiha tribesmen who have been exiled in history. They have thin blood and are just people who have always regarded themselves as Uchiha. And it is normal for tribesmen with thin blood to be unable to open their eyes even if they have outstanding talents and strength. But now


from The powerful pupil power coming from Uchiha Sora overturned all his thoughts.

Because that pupil power was completely the power of a kaleidoscope, and it was not an ordinary kaleidoscope! It was even the same eternity as him Kaleidoscope!

“Uchiha Sora! Who are you? ! “Madara suddenly shouted, his tone no longer as calm as before.

Uchiha Sora just smiled faintly when he heard the words: “Madara, why are you talking so much nonsense? Come and fight! ”

Uchiha Madara gritted his teeth after hearing this, and seemed to realize that there was something wrong with his mentality.

But after all, he was a ninja elite who had experienced many battles. He quickly calmed down and snorted coldly: “Uchiha Sora ! I don’t care who you are, or where your powerful eye power comes from. If you want to stop me, just show your true skills! ”


Just one word!

The next moment, Susanoo, who saw Uchiha Madara, stepped towards Uchiha Sora.。

“Susanoo? I also have this power! “Uchiha Sora laughed. The long-lost power of Sharingan eyes made him eager to fight.

In his soft drink, a golden energy rose up!

Golden Susanoo! Open! !

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