After a long time, the White Snake Immortal said: “If humans want to learn the magic of Longdi Cave, they must pass my test, but this test is a bit redundant for a strong person like you.。”

“Now that you have learned the magic of Miaomu Mountain and Shigu Forest, you can also learn the magic of Ryongchi Cave, but the method of practicing magic in Ryongchi Cave is different from that of Miaomu Mountain and Shigu Forest. “White Snake Immortal spoke slowly: “To learn the magic of Longdi Cave, the human body must be transformed into a snake to a certain extent, and natural energy can be injected into the body through the old body’s teeth.。”

“The immortality of Longdi Cave is different from the immortality of the other two families. Our immortality is closer to the physical transformation of immortals. Those who have mastered the immortality can transform from snakes into real dragons! ”

The words of the White Snake Sage came faintly.

Uchiha Kong frowned slightly, and Tsunade on the side asked with some doubts: “Is this necessary to practice the magic of Ryūchi Cave? ”

The body undergoes a certain degree of snake transformation. This kind of thing is unlikely for any normal person to accept.

After all, there are some strange things growing on my body, which feels very uncomfortable.

Tsuna Her hand couldn’t help but think of Orochimaru.

Because she knew that Orochimaru had once reached Ryūchi Cave, but he didn’t learn senjutsu.

But his body had also undergone part of the snake transformation.

When she thought of Uchiha Sora learning Ryūchi Cave senjutsu After that, he would become like Orochimaru, and Tsunade felt a little shuddering.

She couldn’t help but scratched Uchiha Sora’s arm and looked at him with some worry.

Seemingly sensing Tsunade’s nervous and contradictory emotions, Uchiha Sora He turned to smile at her and gave her a reassuring smile.

At this time, the White Snake Sage responded to Tsunade’s question and said with a chuckle: “If humans do not accept snake transformation, and forcibly practice the Dragon Transformation Sage of Ryūchi Cave, The technique can range from being disrupted by natural energy to nerves and meridians to causing death by explosion. After all, the magic in Longdi Cave is the most difficult to learn among the three holy places! Hearing this ,

Uchiha Sora looked at the White Snake Sage and said, “I want to try not to accept snake transformation.”。”

“Don’t you accept snake transformation? Human beings, you have to think clearly. “White Snake Immortal said calmly: “You must know the dominance of natural energy better than anyone else.。”

“No problem. “Uchiha Sora smiled

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] and shook his head.。

“Well, in that case, I will teach you the Longdi Cave Immortal Technique directly. Whether you can succeed in practicing it on your own depends on your luck. “White Snake Immortal straightened up and suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a scroll.

I saw White Snake Immortal rolling the scroll with his long tongue and handed it to Uchiha Sora.

Uchiha Sora stretched out his hand to take it and thanked him: “Thank you very much for your advice, White Snake Immortal.。”

“Haha, human beings, let me remind you one last time, don’t underestimate natural energy! “White Snake Immortal laughed softly and said: “You can stay in this Longdi Cave for a while to learn the magic of immortality. The natural energy here has been transformed by me into the most suitable existence for the magic of dragon transformation. If you practice here, you will get twice the result with half the effort. . “Finally, the White Snake Immortal said again。

“OK, thank you. “Uchiha Sora saluted and thanked the White Snake Sage.

Then, he took Tsunade and left the hall. After

the two left, the White Snake Sage couldn’t help but murmured to himself: “Since ancient times, there has never been a human being who can rely on his own strength. Learn the art of dragon transformation, Uchiha Sora, I wonder if you can bring me a surprise?”


After Uchiha Sora and Tsunade walked out of the hall, Tsunade looked at the secret scroll of senjutsu in Uchiha Sora’s hand and said with some worry: “Sora, do you really want to try Ryūchidō senjutsu? After all, White Snake Sage said, The risk of humans forcibly practicing Ryūchi Cave Immortal Techniques。。。”

Uchiha Sora gently raised his hand and looked at Tsunade: “Don’t worry, I already have a deep understanding of senjutsu. Even if there is an accident, I can stop it in time and nothing will happen.” Looking at Uchiha Sora’s firm

confidence In her eyes, Tsunade’s worried mood gradually disappeared, replaced by a bright smile.

She nodded vigorously, held Uchiha Sora’s keyboard in both hands, stood on tiptoes, kissed his forehead, and said softly: “Sora, I believe you!” Then, she took off the necklace around her neck

, Weared it around Sora’s neck.

Uchiha Sora’s body trembled slightly. At this moment, he deeply felt Tsunade’s thoughts.

Because this necklace was passed down from the Senju Hashirama of that world, it has always been her ancestral possession and will only be given to the people she cherishes the most.

Tsunade’s actions couldn’t help but bring greater confidence and determination to Uchiha Sora.

He will definitely succeed in practicing Longdi Cave Immortal Technique!

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