After some testing, Tsunade was very satisfied with the Uchiha’s hardness.

She couldn’t help but laugh and said: “Song, is this the magic of Longdi Cave? It seems a little too strong!”

“Of course, this is not the magic of Longdi Cave, but a brand new magic that I have newly realized! “Uchiha Sora explained: “However, this mode takes some time to absorb natural energy. This is the secret realm of Ryūchi Cave, and the natural energy is extremely rich. It took me almost a minute to gather enough natural energy just now. If you were outside, this time would probably be extended to more than five minutes!”

“I see! However, compared to the power of this magical technique, the preparation time of more than five minutes is worth it. “Tsunade nodded and said: “We have tested your defense just now, now let’s try your strength and speed! ”

Uchiha Sora nodded. He was also looking forward to what level his current state could reach.。

“You go back a little further and be careful. “He told Tsunade.

Tsunade nodded and stepped back hundreds of meters.

Uchiha Sora raised his palm and clenched it into a fist. A blue light flashed on the fist covered with dragon scales.

Next For a moment, he gathered his strength and punched the ground!


There was a muffled sound, and the air seemed to be stagnant for a second. Then, a huge force came down along Uchiha Sora’s fist. Leaning out!

The ground under your feet was instantly torn apart by this force, with cracks extending hundreds of meters around.

Click, click!

Then, the earth sunk, and the rocks that had been cracked into spider webs instantly melted in the next moment. For the sake of the powder!

The entire ground was emptied in an instant!

A huge pit hundreds of meters deep was formed!

The edge of the pit extended all the way to Tsunade’s feet, and Tsunade was so shocked that she had to retreat for another dozen meters.。

“It was so strong that it turned the ground beneath its feet into dust! This power is ten times, no, a hundred times more than my strange power! “Tsunade muttered in shock.

At this time, Uchiha Sora, whose feet were shaken into nothingness, fell towards the bottom of the pit.

Suddenly, Uchiha Sora stepped down hard with his legs, and his feet moved with incredible force. The speed stepped on the air under his feet.


The next second, a sonic

boom sounded. Then, Uchiha Sora’s figure had appeared in front of Tsunade.

He actually stepped on the air with his feet, forming a powerful reaction. The thrust method achi

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] eves the effect of fast movement!

“This speed is almost the same as my speed in super immortal mode! It has reached the speed of Akai with all eight doors open in the original work! Uchiha Kong was pleasantly surprised and said to himself.

It can be seen from this that the dragon sage mode should have equaled the super sage mode in terms of power and speed!

And in terms of defense, it is even stronger than the super sage mode!

Overall, This new Dragon Immortal mode is even stronger than the Super Immortal mode!

However, the Dragon Immortal mode also has one of its biggest drawbacks, which is that the Dragon Immortal mode requires time to gather natural energy, and during this period it cannot be interrupted.

In this regard, the super sage mode seems to be much more convenient.

Comparing the two, it seems to be only half a pound.

However, Uchiha Sora suddenly thought, if it is possible to open the senjutsu seal and activate the super sage mode on the basis of the dragon sage mode. ?

Because Naruto in the original work can add toad senjutsu to the nine-tailed mode to achieve the fox immortal mode.

And his own senjutsu seal is created by imitating the tailed beast jinchuriki method, and the dragon sennin mode is Senjutsu.

The two should be able to be fused!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Sora opened the Senjutsu seal on his abdomen without hesitation, releasing a large amount of energy from it. In an instant,

powerful energy surged through Uchiha Sora His body was surging.

His gray hair danced in the wind, and under the energy of the super immortal mode, the color gradually turned golden.

And his pupils turned blue.

Not only that, in the super immortal mode, Yu Zhi Namikura’s chakra also turned into gold, forming a surging golden chakra flame outside his body.

Under the golden chakra flame, the original silver-white dragon scales seemed to turn into a shining golden color.


Nope It is not difficult to think of the two modes merging with each other.

Uchiha realized his current state and felt more powerful than ever before.

He looked down at his hands, and he was also shocked by this power.。

“too strong! This mode is so powerful! ” He murmured to himself.

Suddenly, he seemed to sense something, and punched the space in front of him with both hands!

Powerful chakra surged out with his fist.

Under this chakra, the space A dark vortex was opened in an instant.

It turned out to be a time-space channel!

At the other end of the time-space channel, a familiar feeling came.

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