Under Kakashi’s trembling eyes, two figures slowly walked out of the vortex of time and space hand in hand.

One of the figures, dressed in white, is young and handsome.

Next to him, it was Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage, whom Kakashi and the ANBU had been waiting for day and night!


The ANBU shouted in shock.

Kakashi also looked at the two figures with a shocked expression, his Sharingan turning around crazily.。

“This is not an illusion! This is real! “Kakashi murmured to himself, his tone full of disbelief.

You know, after Tsunade and Sora Uchiha disappeared into the dragon vein energy a year ago, Konoha Village and Grass Ninja Village launched countless attacks. Manpower and material resources were used to find their whereabouts. Later, after countless research and Orochimaru’s guess, it was learned that the two people should have fallen into the vortex of time and space. The danger of the vortex of time and space, as long as anyone who has studied psychic

skills Anyone who practices magic knows very well that if you are not careful, you may summon terrifying monsters from another world, or you may fall into the endless turbulence of time and space. Although Konoha and the grass ninja village are still

there Looking for the whereabouts of the two people, but in fact everyone knows very well that the chance of finding the two people is too slim.

Close to zero!

Therefore, the shock and surprise in Kakashi’s heart at this moment are difficult to express in words. , even he thought that an illusion appeared in front of his eyes.

Just when everyone was shocked, a chuckle sounded: “Oh, I didn’t expect someone to welcome our return! ”

The person who spoke was naturally Uchiha Sora.

He held Tsunade with one hand and greeted Kakashi and others with the other: “Kakashi, what are you doing here? ”

Kakashi and others were shocked as if they were waking up from a dream, staring at the two of them.

Kakashi suppressed his excitement and said: “Sora! Tsunade-sama! You guys are back!”

“Yes, we are back! “Looking at her former subordinates, Tsunade sighed.。

“Tsunade-sama, you and Sora? “At this moment, Kakashi’s eyes suddenly fell on the hands held by the two of them, and his words were shocked.

Tsunade was slightly stunned when he heard the words, and then realized Kakashi’s eyes, and his face turned slightly. Yi Hong quickly let go of Uchiha Sora’s palm and coughed: “Cough! Kakashi! How is the village doing now? It has been about three months since we left. Nothing happened in the village, right? ”

Seeing Tsunade’s reaction, Kakashi immediately realized that a lot of things might have happened between the two of them, and these things were obviously not

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] something that an outsider like him could explore, so he hurriedly withdrew his eyes. But when he heard Tsunade speak

, After reading the content, he was stunned again and said: “Tsunade-sama, you have obviously been away from here for a year! Not three months!”

“What? One year? Tsunade was immediately surprised when she heard this. She looked at Sora Uchiha and wondered, “Have we spent such a long time in the vortex of time and space?”

Uchiha Kong frowned and said: “It shouldn’t be the case. The time we stayed in the space-time vortex was obviously very short. I think there should be a time difference between the two worlds. One year here is equivalent to that world. ” three months? ”

Uchiha Sora couldn’t explain the reason for this strange phenomenon.

Because the two worlds should essentially belong to parallel spaces, but there is an obvious difference in the flow rate of time between them.

Fortunately, the difference is not very big, Otherwise, after staying there for three months, not just one year has passed, but ten or a hundred years, it will be a big trouble.。

“Tsunade-sama, Sora, where have you been? Why disappeared for so long? How did you come back this time? “At this time, Kakashi asked doubtfully.

Tsunade waved her hand: “We will talk about these things later. Kakashi, you should answer my previous question first. How is the village? ”

Hearing Tsunade’s question, Kakashi and the ANBU around him looked at each other, took a deep breath, and slowly said with a solemn expression: “The situation in the village is relatively stable, but the ninja world is very uneasy right now. By now, the Akatsuki organization had exposed their ambitions and launched many terrorist activities in the ninja world, launching many attacks on major tailed beasts and jinchūriki.。”

“What about Naruto? Should he be fine? “Tsunade said.

Kakashi glanced at Uchiha Sora, but hesitated to speak.

Because Naruto is the Jinchuriki of Konoha Village, Uchiha Sora is an outsider, and talking about secrets like the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki in front of him is obviously It was inappropriate.

Seemingly seeing Kakashi’s concerns, Sora Uchiha smiled and said: “Kakashi, the Nine Tails on Naruto is not a secret to me. You don’t have to worry about the leakage of information.”。”

“Kakashi, tell me. “Tsunade also said.

Kakashi then breathed lightly and continued: “The Nine-Tails in Naruto is still there, but half a year ago, there was a Nine-Tails riot, and a lot of Nine-Tails investigation was revealed. Kara, after our investigation, we found that it was someone from the Akatsuki organization who did it.。”

“I see! Tsunade nodded and frowned: “The damn Akatsuki organization is so rampant!” “

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