Grass Ninja Village.

One year has passed, but for Uchiha Sora, only more than three months have passed.

But during the Warring States Period, he experienced more things than he experienced in this year.

When he flew back to his familiar mansion with the Flying Thunder God Technique, he found that there was no one in the mansion.

In the courtyard, there was only one cherry blossom tree blooming quietly.

Quan, her daughter, and Bai are not here.

He had sensed that their auras were still safe before, but they all seemed busy.

But now, he needs to understand the current situation as quickly as possible.

After thinking about it, he suddenly tried to contact the dirty earth elites he had summoned.

Once the Dirty Land Reincarnation is summoned, even if the caster dies, the people reincarnated from the Dirty Land will not disappear. Uchiha Kong just went to another world for a period of time and has no impact on these people reincarnated from the Dirty Land at all.

Moreover, they would not easily betray Uchiha Sora’s orders.

At this time, under Uchiha Sora’s induction, several pieces of location information immediately appeared in his mind.

Among them, the closest one is Ye Cang。

“Ye Cang, come to the chief’s mansion! “Uchiha Sora directly sent the message to her with his mind. Ye

Cang, who was instructing several genin, couldn’t help but trembled slightly when she heard this long-lost and familiar voice.

Then she dropped the genin and dodged. Heading towards the leader’s mansion.

After a while, Ye Cang had arrived in the courtyard of the leader’s mansion and saw that familiar figure。

“leader! you are back! “Ye Cang knelt down on one knee and saluted.

Although the reincarnated body of the dirty soil is just a dead thing, it can’t hide the emotional fluctuations in its eyes.。

“Get up, Ye Cang, and tell me what happened in Kusaku Ninja Village and the ninja world during my absence. “Uchiha Sora waved his hand, looked at her and said。

“yes! “Ye Cang stood up and responded.

The leader was back, and she seemed to have a backbone in her heart all of a sudden. A smile appeared on her originally cold face.

Then, she slowly began to talk.

Today’s Kusanagi Village is more… It turns out that the scale has expanded several times, and the number of ninjas in the village is almost comparable to that of the five major ninja villages. The reason why

Grass Ninja Village can develop so fast is because of his participation in the previous ninja war. He

almost single-handedly reversed the situation of the Grass Ninja Village being attacked from both sides. In the end, the Earth Kingdom was defeated and the Rain Kingdom retreated, making all ninja forces intimidated. Now, one year later,

Ninja The war in the world has not yet subsided. There are still local wars, large and small, and even the Akatsuki organization is making trouble.

But this does not affect the reputation of Kusanagi Village.

Therefore, this year, ninjas have

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] continued to come here. When you join the village, there are also chaebols from all over the world to submit tasks.

Therefore, the Grass Ninja Village can achieve such great development.

However, although the current Grass Ninja Village seems to be powerful and has almost become the sixth largest ninja village in the ninja world, due to Uchi Namikura has not shown up for a year, and the village is constantly being coveted and attacked by various forces. The disadvantage of the grass ninja village’s weak foundation is gradually revealed. The only ninja elite in the village who can use it is the Uchiha clan,

and Although the Uchiha clan is powerful, they are also outnumbered. They are often attacked by unknown forces when they go on missions, and their troops are lost. Moreover, because the Kusanagi Village has recruited a large number of foreign

ninjas, the interior has become a mixed bag, with many people with ulterior motives. , secretly lurking in the Grass Ninja Village, collecting intelligence。

“It seems that some people were very excited during my absence! “Listening to Ye Cang’s narration, a chill flashed through Uchiha’s eyes.

Among them, the Akatsuki organization must be the most active one, followed by the Kingdom of Earth. Previously,

under their own pressure, the Akatsuki organization collected tailed beasts. It has become very difficult. Now, during his absence, I am afraid that he has taken action against the tailed beasts and jinchūriki countless times. Speaking

of the tailed beasts, Ye Cang couldn’t help but have a worried look on his face and said: “Chief , according to intelligence, during this year, the jinchuriki of various countries have had troubles one after another. A month after you disappeared, one of the jinchuriki of the country of wind was attacked, resulting in the jinchuriki being captured. Later, after the Kazekage personally dispatched , to save it。”

“Not long after, our Grass Ninja Village was also attacked, and the two-tailed jinchuriki who was originally imprisoned was also taken away. After that, senior Lao Zi disappeared, the Kingdom of Water was attacked, the six-tailed jinchuriki was taken away, and the Leaf Village Under attack, the Seven-Tails Jinchuuriki disappeared, the Nine-Tails went berserk, and Konoha suffered heavy losses.。”

“Currently, the only jinchūriki who have not had any accidents are the Five-Tails and the Eight-Tails. ”

Hearing this, Uchiha Sora frowned slightly.

He carefully sensed the Flying Thunder God mark left on the Five-tailed Jinchuriki, and found that the Flying Thunder God mark had disappeared. It seemed that something had happened to the

Five-tailed Jinchuuriki.

Calculating this, almost every tailed beast has had something happen to it.

And the person behind this is definitely the Akatsuki organization.

So they probably have most of the tailed beasts’ chakra in their hands now.

This means, Is the Eye of the Moon plan going to be brought forward?

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