After the order was issued, the entire Grass Ninja Village soon began to mobilize.

After the senior officials left the leader’s mansion, they first informed them from top to bottom about the convening of the Five Shadows Conference.

Then, invitation letters were drawn up one after another and sent to all parts of the ninja world.

The people invited by these invitations are naturally the Kage-level representatives of the five great ninja villages.

In addition, there are some well-known forces from various parts of the ninja world, including chaebols, lords, etc.

After the invitation letter was sent out, the whole village began to rearrange the venue, the location of the venue, the arrangement of security guards, etc.

The next day.

This invitation letter appeared on the desks of the major ninja village forces.。

“Five Shadows Conference? “In Konoha Village, Tsunade, who had just finished a meeting with the senior officials to discuss the alliance, looked at the invitation letter in her hand and her eyes lit up.。

“This guy Sora actually wants to hold a five-kage conference, which is a good idea! “Tsunade murmured with a smile.

Then, she called Jiraiya, the Third Generation, and two advisors, and told them about the Five Shadows meeting.。

“Uchiha Sora wants to hold a five-kage conference at this time. What is his purpose? “The Third Hokage frowned.。

“He didn’t say anything in detail in the invitation letter, but from what I know about him, he doesn’t seem to be someone who likes to mess around. This Five Shadows Talk is definitely an event of great significance! We in Konoha can’t miss it! “Tsunade said.

Jiraiya nodded: “I support Tsunade’s decision. ”

The Third Hokage and the two advisors thought for a while and nodded: “Okay, then let’s go see what kind of medicine he sells in his gourd!”

“However, the escort force this time cannot be missing! Tsunade, let Kakashi and Akai be your shadow guards this time! “Then, the Third Hokage said again.

Kakashi and Akai are the top jounin elites in the village.

Especially Akai’s Eight Gate Dungeon, which can turn the tide of the battle at critical moments.

Tsunade nodded.

But she Naturally, he will not worry about his safety at the Five Shadows Conference. The only thing he needs to be vigilant about is the safety on the road.

In the Kingdom of Wind, in the Kazekage office of Sand Hidden Village,

the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa frowned and looked at the desk. After receiving the invitation letter for the Five Kage Conference, I couldn’t help but feel deeply worried.

Because in the year when Sora Uchiha disappeared, he had made some small moves against the forces of the Grass Ninja Village. He even sent people to ambush some peopl

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] e who entered the Kingdom of Wind to carry out executions. The ninja of the Grass Ninja Village on the mission.

Although these things are not big things, they are not good after all.

With Uchiha Sora’s character, I am afraid that when the time comes to go to the Grass Ninja Village, he will definitely make things difficult for himself.

When I think of Uchiha Seeing the strength of Namakura, Rasa stood in front of the window and couldn’t help but fell into deep worry.

Similarly, in the Earth Country Iwagakure Village, Onoki, the third generation of Tsuchikage, gritted his teeth and looked at the invitation.。

“I really didn’t expect it. It was rumored that Sora Uchiha and the Fifth Hokage fell into a rift in time and space and disappeared. I didn’t expect that they could come back! How abominable! “Ohnoki’s expression was gloomy and he murmured curses.

With the hostility between Iwagakure and Kusanagi Village, he could completely ignore the invitation, but if he didn’t go, there might be even greater trouble.。

“Damn it, this guy started such a big fight when he came back! Since you are going to hold the Five Shadows Conference, then I will make your action fail completely! No matter what your purpose is, I, Onoki, will never let you get it! ”

He tapped the table a few times.

After a while, an ANBU from Iwagakure Village appeared in front of him.。

“Send a message to the Akatsuki organization immediately, I need their power! “Ohnoki ordered。

“yes! “The Anbu left.

The Kingdom of Thunder.

The Fourth Raikage punched the table.。

“Bastard Sora Uchiha! Yumu Ren, who captured us a year ago, was later kidnapped by the Akatsuki organization. I haven’t asked you for this matter yet! How dare you hold a meeting of the Five Shadows! Just in time! In this case, I will come to your door personally to ask for an explanation! ” He roared loudly.

The secretary Mabuyi on the side wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and reminded: “Lord Raikage, please calm down first. Do you want to discuss this matter with other senior officials in the village?”

“No need! I have decided! Go to the Grass Ninja Village! You ask Tarui and Samui to prepare, and we will set off to the Grass Ninja Village tomorrow! “The Fourth Raikage said simply and neatly.。

“Yes, Lord Raikage! “Azabui responded solemnly.

At the same time, in the Kirigakure Village of the Water Country, Terumi Mei, who had already sat on the fifth generation Mizukage, had just received the invitation.。

“Haha, I knew it, how could you disappear so easily? “After reading the contents of the invitation letter, she stretched out charmingly, with a look of expectation in her eyes, and murmured: “This time, I will meet you in the name of Ying!”


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