However, out of love for his son, he still asked with caution: “Uchiha Sora, you said you would get rid of the seal of the Nine-Tails, what are you going to do?” Uchiha Sora smiled faintly and said: “Of course you let

him A complete cooperative relationship has been reached between the jinchūriki and the tailed beasts. Only in this way can Naruto fully master the power of the nine tails.。”

“When you sealed the Nine-Tails into Naruto, was that what you hoped he could do, right? ”

Namikaze Minato was stunned and couldn’t help but nodded: “Indeed, if Naruto can master the power of the Nine-Tails, it will be of infinite benefit to his future life and development. However, Naruto is still young and it is not the time yet. You What can be done? Uchiha

Sora glanced at Kyuubi in the cage and said calmly: “I will use my power to make Kyuubi obedient. You just need to cooperate with me and let Naruto open the seal.” ”

Because this seal was originally engraved on Naruto by Namikaze Minato. If you want to open the seal internally, you must use Naruto’s own consciousness to open it. Otherwise, even if the seal can be destroyed by external interference, Naruto’s body It’s absolutely unbearable.

Namikaze Minato looked at Uchiha Sora and couldn’t help but fell into deep thought.

Now he is just a stream of chakra remaining in Naruto’s body. This chakra was originally used to strengthen Naruto. The seal actually doesn’t have much power at all.

If Sora Uchiha wants to do anything to the seal, he can’t stop it at all.

After all, he is a dead person, and the chakra left behind cannot turn the tide at all. After

weighing it for a long time , Namikaze Minato looked at Uchiha Sora and said word by word: “I hope you are sincerely helping Naruto, please! ”

Now Minato Namikaze can only choose to believe in Uchiha Sora.

Then, he took Naruto’s hand and gently tore the sealing charm on the cage.


The sealing charm was immediately torn open.

The cage’s The power of the seal was greatly reduced in an instant and disappeared.


The cage slowly opened.

The Kyuubi inside revealed its full true appearance.

A huge fiery red body with nine tails dancing wantonly behind it.

The powerful chakra aura rushed to his face, giving people a huge sense of oppression.

Naruto was stunned by the chakra of Kyuubi.

Namikaze Minato on the side stared at Kyuubi with an extremel

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] y solemn expression.。

“Hahaha, I didn’t expect you would actually dare to open the seal! I think you are looking for death! “The Kyuubi raised its head to the sky and howled wildly, letting out a low roar.

In the space of consciousness, strong winds raged, and the space shook.

The power of the Kyuubi was fully revealed.

At this time, another voice suddenly sounded: “Minato, what’s going on? Why was the Kyuubi’s seal released? ”

The moment the voice sounded, everyone looked in a certain direction.

Just behind everyone, they saw a woman with long fiery red hair standing there, frowning at the Nine-Tails.

It was Uzumaki Kushin Nai!

“Kushina!” “Seeing his wife appear, Minato couldn’t help but call softly。

“You, who are you? “Naruto recovered from the shock of Kyuubi and stared blankly at Kushina’s figure.

His body was so lively. Not only did he have Kyuubi, he also had a big brother Uchiha, and then he His father also appeared. Could this woman in front of him be his mother?

Looking at Kushina’s face with a similar outline to his own, Naruto couldn’t help but have such a guess in his heart.。

“Naruto, this is your mother. “At this time, Minato Namikaze opened his mouth and said。

“Mother。。。”Naruto’s body trembled, and tears burst out of his eyes involuntarily.

Unexpectedly, the reunion with his parents that he had been looking forward to would happen at this time and in this scene. All of this was just like a dream, incredible.

At this moment, Kyuubi’s voice came out at an inappropriate time: “Minato, I have to say that when you were sealing me, you did a lot of tricks, and you even left your own and Kushina’s chakra. What’s going on in Naruto’s body? Do you think that with this little chakra left behind after your death, you can stop me from breaking through the seal?” Kyuubi’s

voice brought Naruto and his family back to reality.

Yes, Naruto is still young, and his own strength is simply not enough to fight against the Nine-Tails in his body. If the Nine-Tails seal is lifted at this time, even if the remaining strength of the two of them is added together, they cannot be the opponent of the Nine-Tails.。

“Kyuubi, who gave you the courage to ignore my existence? “Suddenly, Uchiha Sora’s voice sounded.

He was seen walking towards Kyuubi step by step, looking directly at Kyuubi’s huge beast eyes, and the corners of his mouth raised a hint of disdain.

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