The power of the ten tails is not weak. Each of the ten tails dances like a giant dragon, carrying unparalleled pressure.

Boom, boom, boom!

The tails whipped at Susanoo’s body one after another. Uchiha Sora controlled his wings behind his back and blocked them in front of him, blocking the powerful and heavy attacks of the Ten-Tails.

The complete Susanoo was shaken by the whipping.

But Uchiha Sora still withstood this wave of attacks and jumped on the Ten-Tails.

Uchiha Obito hurriedly used Hollow to avoid it.

At this time, the complete Susanoo hugged the Ten-Tails’ head, and Sora Uchiha directly activated the Flying Thunder God Technique!



With the support of Senjutsu and Susan, Sora Uchiha actually moved the giant Ten-Tails!

The disappearance of the Ten-Tails instantly reduced the pressure on all the ninjas in the Grass Ninja Village.。

“Very good! The leader moved the monster away, and the biggest crisis was finally resolved! “Zabuza shouted.

Although the Grass Ninja Village is still under attack from White Zetsu and the six dirt elites, these threats are not actually very big.

After all, the Grass Ninja Village itself is not weak, and there are many elites in the village. , not to mention Uchiha elites like Uchiha Yuu, as well as Hagura, Kakuzu and others who also have bodies of filthy earth.。

“Did it actually move away? The Ten-Tails and I have a huge connection, you can’t run away! “Uchiha Obito murmured.

The next moment, he activated the power of divine power, found a correct location, and disappeared into the vortex of space.

On the sea.

The originally calm sea surface suddenly became turbulent.


Two huge bodies Suddenly landed on a huge reef.

On this reef, there was the mark of Uchiha Sora’s Flying Thunder God. The

arrival of the Ten-Tails and the perfect Susanoo instantly crushed the reef into pieces, and a strong wind arose in the entire sea. waves。

“This is a good battlefield, let’s get rid of you here. “Uchiha Sora let go of his hand and whispered.

On this sea far away from the mainland, Uchiha Sora can completely let go of his power and fight the Ten-Tails. The

Ten-Tails felt that he was transferred to the sea, Suddenly it became a little uneasy.

At this time, its body shape had changed, becoming larger and thicker.。

“The free natural energy is constantly gathering here, and it seems that the time for the Ten-Tails to complete its complete body is getting closer and closer. Uchiha Sora’s face condensed

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] , and he whispered: “Unfortunately, it’s just an appearance.” ”

After he finished speaking, he suddenly clapped his hands and shouted: “Xianfa·Mingshenmen! ”

Boom! Boom! Boom!

I saw huge mahogany shackles falling from the sky, directly suppressing the ten tails of the Ten Tails.

The Myojin Gate fell on the water, and did not sink to the bottom of the water, but perfectly connected with the water below. Combined into one, they formed a huge and unbreakable seal.。

“The last one! ”

The huge mahogany shackles hit the Ten-Tails’ head, directly pressing its head on the water. The

entire Ten-Tails was instantly sealed by the powerful sealing power and unable to move.

It twisted its body uneasily and vented crazily. With strength.

But under the powerful seal of immortal magic, he was unable to break free from the shackles of the Mingshen Sect.。

“This seal is indeed powerful. “Uchiha sighed secretly.

However, just sealing the Ten-Tails is actually of little use. The power of the seal will weaken sooner or later, and it is only a matter of time before the Ten-Tails break free.。

“It is almost impossible to kill the Ten-Tails, and you must find a way to get rid of it completely. “Looking at the unable to move Ten-Tails, Uchiha Sora temporarily put away his complete Susanoo and stood on top of it, lost in thought. In fact, even

ordinary tailed beasts are not that easy to kill, and It is difficult to destroy a behemoth like the Ten-Tails by any ninjutsu, and the only way is to seal it.

And Uchiha Sora does not know the Yin-Yang Escape Technique. Although he has mastered all the chakra attributes of the Yin-Yang and the Five Elements, he can only master it. I have only mastered the escape techniques corresponding to these attributes, and have not mastered the most special Yin-Yang escape.

Yin escape, Yang escape, and Yin-Yang escape are completely different concepts. The

fusion of Yin and Yang is the Yin-Yang escape, which can dominate life and be able to control life. The Ten-Tails are re-divided.

The Sage of Six Paths controls this power.

If Uchiha Sora wants to master the Yin-Yang Escape, unless there is a system to help, it is not that easy to just rely on his own cultivation and understanding.

However, this is also the same as Uchiha Sora’s development path . Senjutsu is related to the power of nature.

As he focuses on senjutsu, he is not so eager to learn the Yin-Yang Escape Technique.

However, meeting the Ten-Tails at this time gave him a headache.

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