“Uchiha Sora!” Obito hid in the black ball transformed by the seeking jade, his face extremely gloomy.

He did not expect that in his current state, he would be unable to use the power of divine power, which would result in him being unable to avoid Sora Uchiha’s attack in time.

Normally, no matter how powerful Uchiha Sora is, he can hide in a different space at any time, so there is no need to worry at all.

But now, this feeling of being pressed and beaten is really uncomfortable.

Although the power in his body was unparalleled, he felt like he was back in the ninja school days and had the uncomfortable feeling of being suppressed by others.

This also made him even more angry and unwilling towards Sora Uchiha.。

“You guy, don’t be too proud! “Obito suddenly roared, and the powerful power in his body surged out, turning into a pillar of light that reached the sky.

In the light pillar, Obito broke through Uchiha Sora’s air cannon and rushed towards him.

Uchiha Sora was slightly surprised, He didn’t expect Obito to be able to burst out with such power.

He focused his eyes, raised his fist and rushed towards Obito.

The two figures, like two meteors, collided hard!


There was a loud noise . , the sea beneath the two people suddenly shook violently, and the entire sea level sank downwards, causing huge waves to surge and disperse in all directions. In mid-air, the two people’s fists collided together, refusing to give in to each other. On one side were six


. On the other side is the power of nature.

Feeling that Uchiha Obito is becoming more and more proficient in his own power, Uchiha Kong was slightly shocked.

It seems that the battle must be fought quickly, otherwise when Obito is completely adapted to his own power, It will be even more difficult to deal with then.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Sora pushed hard and when Obito was forced back, he also stepped back.

At the same time, the Yin seal on his forehead was suddenly released。

“Yin Seal·Resolution!”

“The art of hundreds of heroes! ”

In an instant, Uchiha Sora was in super sage mode and once again blessed the Hundred Hao Techniques!

Strange lines spread from his face.

His power increased again!

Not only that, in Uchiha Sora’s eyes, The power of the Eternal Kaleidoscope burst out.

In an instant, he was covered with a layer of golden armor.


No, not an ordinary Susanoo.

Because this layer of golden armor was just covered with Uchiha Sora’s body was covered tightly like a piece of clothing.。

“It is really unprecedented to use Susanoo to this extent. “Obito on the other side narrowed his eyes, fearful in his heart.

Super Sage Mode!

The art of one hundred heroes!


The three major powers are combined together. At this time, Uchiha Sora is at full strength!

He raised his palm, A golden long sword condensed in th

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] e palm of his hand.

The sword pointed forward!

That was the direction Obito was in.

A Jade of Seeking the Way appeared in Obito’s hand, and the Jade of Seeking the Way turned into a Sword of Creation.。

“This is the weapon used by the Immortal of Six Paths to create the world. Let’s put an end to it! Sora Uchiha! “Obito yelled.

The two bodies rushed towards each other again.

Like lightning flashing, they collided in an instant!

The golden long sword and the Sword of Creation collided!


In the loud noise, the power was scattered. .The

golden long sword that Uchiha Sora condensed with Susanoo was instantly pierced by the sword of creation that was transformed from Obito’s seeking jade! Click, click,


The golden sword turned into pieces in the blink of an eye.

The Sword of Creation was about to hit Sora Uchiha in an instant.

At this moment, light flashed in the eternal kaleidoscope of Uchiha Kong.

The realm of reality and fiction!

Invisible space fluctuations spread out!

A gray-white bone spear suddenly appeared in front of Obito.


The bone spear pierced Obito’s abdomen without any warning!

! ! !

Obito was shocked.

The movement paused.

He lowered his head in shock and looked at the bone spear that suddenly appeared in his abdomen.。

“This is? “Obito’s face was full of disbelief.

At this moment, he unexpectedly found that he had lost consciousness in the wound on his abdomen, and a destructive force was spreading along the wound towards the surroundings.。。。

Uchiha Sora breathed a sigh of relief and stepped back.

He looked at Obito, who looked in disbelief at this moment, and said calmly: “This is the Ash Bones of Shared Killing, and it is also the power of the six levels. If you are hit by this move, you will definitely die.。”

“If you have any last words, please tell me!”

“How, how is it possible? ! “Obito still had a look of astonishment and disbelief on his face.

He thought that he was immortal now and that no ninjutsu could hurt him.

Even though Uchiha Sora was very powerful and controlled extremely pure and huge The power of nature, but at most it can only hurt itself, but cannot kill itself.

But I didn’t expect that I was tricked by Uchiha Sora at the critical moment!

“You really have a pair of good eyes!” “Obito murmured, his tone full of unwillingness.

At this moment, he had realized that he had fallen into Uchiha Sora’s trap, and was deceived by his eternal kaleidoscope ability at the critical moment! ”

Obito, it’s not his own. No matter how powerful the power is, you can’t control it. This is the reason for your failure! “Uchiha Sora said calmly.。

“Haha, you win, Uchiha Sora。。。”Obito was unwilling to give up, and there was immense regret in his eyes.。


Obito formed a seal with his hands, and his body slowly turned into dust。。。

Uchiha Obito, die!

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