Uchiha Sora’s figure flashed. In the super sage mode, he was not inferior to the current Uchiha Madara at all.

Punch it out!


With a muffled sound, Uchiha Madara raised the six-rod tin staff in his hand, and felt a huge force coming from him, which made his body shake slightly.。

“What a terrifying power. Is this the power that can kill Obito? “Uchiha Madara was slightly startled, stared at Uchiha Sora and sighed. The

combined power of the Super Sage Mode, Susanoo, and Hyakuha no Jutsu is indeed earth-shattering, even if it is stronger than Six Paths Obito Six Paths Madara, who was one step ahead, also felt tremendous pressure.。

“Junior, you are very strong and very good! I, Uchiha Madara, would like to call you the strongest Uchiha! Uchiha Madara laughed and said, “I haven’t met an opponent like you for a long time. Even Hashirama back then didn’t put such pressure on me!” ”

Facing Uchiha Madara’s praise, Uchiha Sora didn’t show any expression on his face, but his figure flashed, appeared behind him like a ghost, and continued to punch him. Uchiha Madara turned around hurriedly


Bang !

There was another muffled sound, and Uchiha Madara barely resisted.

Swish, swish!

I saw Uchiha Sora’s figure flashing around Uchiha Madara’s body in mid-air as if teleporting, constantly launching various physical techniques towards him. Attack.

Uchiha Madara was also suppressed in Six Paths Mode and was a little embarrassed.。

“hateful! Don’t be too arrogant! “Just when Uchiha Sora appeared again to attack, a strange light flashed in Uchiha Madara’s reincarnation eye. The next moment, an invisible barrier seemed to appear in the space, blocking

Uchiha Sora’s Attack.

Wheel tomb prison!

“Hmph!” The realm of reality and fiction! “Uchiha Sora also activated the ability of the Eternal Kaleidoscope, and immediately froze the space in front of him.


There seemed to be a shadow shattering in the space.

Uchiha Madara was shocked。

“This guy’s eyes have some weird abilities! ” He was secretly vigilant in his heart.

After cracking Uchiha Madara’s Rimbura Prison, Uchiha Sora continued to attack Madara. The

two figures continued to collide in mid-air, and the entire sea space was affected by the aftermath of the collision between the two. , there were huge waves on the sea.

It has to be said that Uchiha Madara’s combat experience is indeed very powerful, and his power in Six Paths mode is also inexhaustible. In terms of durability, Uchiha Sora’s Super Sage mode is not Dominate.

Compared with Obito, Uchiha Madara has to make further

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] progress in all aspects.

But fortunately, Uchiha Sora can still suppress him, making Six Paths Madara very passive.


Another punch comes out, and Six Paths Madara parries. Unable to catch up, he was hit hard in the chest.

With a puff, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

Uchiha Madara retreated violently.。

“I finally understand what Obito felt before, you are indeed a difficult opponent. “Uchiha Madara said solemnly.

The next second, he turned around and flew towards the coast. He

actually ran away without a fight!


Uchiha Sora was slightly stunned.

But soon he understood what Uchiha Madara was thinking.

This I’m afraid the guy wants to get back the other Rinnegan!

After all, the Rinnegan on Madara’s body was saved by Obito before, because Obito only had this one before, and the other Rinnegan was He hid it, so now Madara only has one eye.

And it is easy for him to get back the other reincarnation eye. Bai Jue must have prepared it for him a long time ago.

Watching Uchiha Madara fly towards the land, Uchiha Kong He did not pursue it.

Because he was currently in the super immortal mode and could not last long. If he wasted time chasing, it would only be a waste of strength. Therefore, he decisively withdrew from the

super immortal mode and returned to ordinary Miao. Kiyama Sage Mode.

Then he used Sage Mode to sense the whereabouts of Six Paths Madara. His figure flashed and he directly activated the Flying Thunder God Technique to leave.

In the Grass Ninja Village,

those strong men who were reincarnated from the dirty soil did not disappear because of Obito’s death.

They were wreaking havoc everywhere in the village.

But fortunately, the elites of the Grass Ninja Village blocked them and did not cause much damage.


Sora Uchiha flew back to the village with the God of Thunder and found Yuu Uchiha.。

“Yuu, I will give you part of my power now to deal with those reincarnated elites from the dirty land. “Uchiha Sora opened the Eternal Kaleidoscope and directly injected a huge pupil power towards Uchiha Yu.。

“This is? “Uchiha Yu was fighting with a dirt elite. He was suddenly shocked when Uchiha Sora injected his eyes with power. However,

he soon felt that there was an extra one in his eyes that did not belong to him out of thin air, but Incomparably huge and profound pupil power。

“This is the power of other gods. Next, you can use this power to deal with those reincarnated elites from the filthy soil. After dealing with them, just stay where you are. “Uchiha Sora ordered。

“yes! “Uchiha Yu said.

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