The next day, early in the morning.

A group of ninjas from the Grass Ninja Village rushed to the Leaf Village overnight to ask for help.

The Third Hokage put on his Hokage robe and summoned them.

From their mouths, the Third Hokage learned that the Grass Ninja Village of the Country of Grass, which had always been on good terms with the Country of Fire, had been attacked by a powerful enemy.

After asking for some specific details, the Third Hokage said solemnly: “Thank you for your hard work, everyone, don’t worry, Konoha Village will definitely not ignore this matter!”

“yes! Thank you so much, Hokage-sama! Konoha Village is the best ally of our Grass Ninja Village, we are counting on you this time! “The grass ninjas were very moved.

After saying that, they were taken down to settle down and rest.

After the grass ninjas left, the Third Hokage called two advisers, Mito Kadoen and Kaden Koharu. He

told them about the matter. After reading it over, the faces of the two consultants became very ugly.

Koharu turned to bed and said: “Sarutobi, there is no doubt, that person is Sora Uchiha! I didn’t expect that this guy would dare to attack the grass ninja village at such a young age, and even learn the art of reincarnation from dirty soil! I think we must find a way to get rid of this cancer as soon as possible!

Mito Menyan sighed and said, “I don’t think this matter is that simple! ” Why did Sora Uchiha attack the Grass Ninja Village? We have to understand his purpose first and then make a plan!”

“This brat is using our Konoha Village’s forbidden techniques to do evil in the ninja world. It’s simply abominable! Koharu couldn’t help but curse after hearing this.

The Third Hokage thought deeply: “Uchiha Sora is very strong. Even if I take action, I’m not sure I can kill him. Even if I get Jiraiya back, I’m afraid I won’t be able to kill him.” He forms an effective blow, the Flying Thunder God Technique is too tricky。”

“yes! So what should we do? We can’t ignore the request for help from the Kusaku Ninja Village, right? “Xiaoharu turned to bed and said worriedly: “If this matter is not handled well, it may affect the reputation and status of our Konoha Village in the ninja world. ”

Mito Kadoyan pondered: “For the current plan, we can first send people to the Grass Ninja Village. The purpose is not to provide support, but to investigate Uchiha Sora’s true purpose. We will wait until we know his true intention. make the final decision. Sandaime, what do you think? ”

The Third Hokage nodded: “Well, you are right. Now Uchiha Sora is no longer a simple brat. It is indeed feasible to act more conservatively.。”

“What about those people in Grass Ninja Village? ” Xiaochun asked when he went to bed.。

“It’s okay, I will explain it to them personally. “The Third Hokage said.

After turning to bed, Koharu nodded: “Okay, in that case, I think it’s better to send Kakashi to go there this time, right? After all, he was Sora Uchiha’s captain. ”

The third generation pondered for a moment and nodded: “Yes, this task is very difficult. I’m afraid only Kakashi can do it. ”

The three of them discussed and temporarily finalized a simple plan.

When the sun rose, they called Kakashi and explained the mission to him.

Since Shisui’s death, Kakashi has been promoted to become the ANBU captain. Kakashi couldn’t help but look solemn when he heard that it was about Uchiha Sora’s mission.

As Uchiha Sora’s former captain, Kakashi couldn’t say he knew much about Uchiha Sora, but his character and behavior were still clear. I

heard that he knew Uchiha Sora very well. Uchiha Sora actually did such a cruel thing as attacking the Grass Ninja Village. Kakashi felt very sad in his heart and accepted this difficult task without hesitation.。

“Don’t worry, Hokage-sama! I will definitely complete the task! “Kakashi promised.

At the same time, he said silently in his heart: Sora, no matter what you want to do, I can’t let you make mistakes anymore!

At this time, Uchiha Sora was dealing with some things in the Grass Ninja Village. He

had just occupied the Grass Naturally, there are many things that need to be arranged in the Ninja Village.

Most of the group of prisoners last night chose to stay, accept the reality, and continue to be ninjas in the Grass Ninja Village, but their leader became Sora Uchiha.

Still A small number left the Grass Ninja Village with hatred.


[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] chiha Sora did not care about the whereabouts of these people, and there was no need to care.

With his current strength, if others want to assassinate him, they must also have Kage-level strength. , these people alone cannot make waves at all.

And the villagers of Cao Ninja Village have also learned that the village has changed its leader.

Most people are very panicked, for fear of this new leader They would do some cruel things to them.

However, at this time, Uzumaki Kanako and Kaoru stood up and went to tell the civilians their own stories. According to

their description, the original leader was a complete bad guy. , and the new leader is a tolerant and good man.

After hearing the deeds of the two men, these civilians, although they still had doubts, had temporarily relieved some of their fears.

Some originally planned to leave the Grass Ninja Village and go to other places. The people who took refuge also decided to stay and observe the situation first.

In this way, the turmoil in Kusanagi Village quickly subsided.

But Uchiha Sora knew that all this was just the calm before the storm.

At the same time, The information that the Kusanagi Village was attacked and changed hands overnight was quickly conveyed to other forces.

In addition to Konoha Village, which had already known the information, and Kirigakure Village, which was undergoing internal rectification, Sunagakure Village, Iwagakure Village, The top brass of Kumogakure Village were all alarmed.

The third Tsuchikage, the fourth Raikage, and the fourth Kazekage all issued orders to have their subordinates pay attention to the information of the Kumo Ninja Village.

And those adjacent to the Kumo Ninja Village Inside the Kingdom of Rain, on a high building in the Hidden Rain Village.

Bai Zetsu appeared in front of Uchiha Obito with information and said: “The Grass Ninja Village has changed its owner, and the other party is Uchiha Sora, Madara, what do you think? Uchiha

Obito narrowed his eyes and said calmly: “The other party’s actions have already begun. It seems that we can’t sit still and wait for death!””

“What are you going to do? “White Zetsu asked.

Uchiha Obito sneered: “He wants to stop my plan, and he is not the only enemy he faces. Don’t forget that he is now a rebel ninja in Konoha, and there are also winds around the grass ninja village. The country of the country and the country of the earth will never sit idly by and ignore it.。”

“you mean? “Bai Zetsu was a little confused.

Obito ordered: “Konoha has sent people to the Grass Ninja Village. There is no movement at the Sunagakure and Iwagakure villages, but it is only a matter of time. Next, you should pay close attention to Sunagakure. Information about the village and Iwagakure Village, if anyone wants to go to Kusakunin Village, please notify me immediately! Bai

Jue was stunned, nodded and smiled: “It seems you are going to cause trouble again!” Uchiha

Obito said in a low tone: “Uchiha Sora is my number one enemy, how could I let him do things so smoothly?” He can capture a small Kusanagi village, but can he stop the Sunagakure and Iwagakure villages?”

“Hey hey hey! Obito, no, Madara, you are getting more and more sophisticated now. ”

PS: Although the blind date failed, there will be an update later! Parents, can you please remind me to update the advertisement?…

The author has something to say:

scp 343 God, I hate Knx, Lu Zu of Qingzhou Island, Qingfeng Yin on the River, user 40633927, keep it simple, Zhang Xiaoyin who loves to eat soy bean curd, Hinata Hanabi’s sister, Ye Yu, Mi@, Payne Six Paths [Heavenly Paths], three days into the water, one wind ☜, Dr. Lin who loves Huizhou cuisine, Zhang Yuanyi who loves eating eggplant rice bowl, a life of drunken dreams, three thousand avenues gathered around me, Qian Chu who loves eating coconut stewed chicken , the prehistoric emperor who loves to eat coleslaw, Mengyan, user 29551009, the Assassination Hall of the Zhaotian Gang-Wang Dachui, the Zhatian Gang-the Demon Emperor of All Realms, the Seven Faces of Heart·Ji, Zhuge~Dali, look at my avatar���(-o-), my10097826, deaf in rainy days and blind in foggy days! , Beimao, Song Mengyao who likes to eat sprouts, Xue Sheng who likes Korean grilled squid, Zhang Laosan who likes crispy cakes, Taotie Carnival, user 10375667, Jiang Lingxiao from Kuching, lazy person, likes salted gold Orange’s Xiang Qin, WJ,

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