Loess couldn’t help but think of the fear that the Iwagakure troops had when they were dominated by that yellow flash during the Third Ninja War.

And the Uchiha Sora in front of him actually learned such a terrifying teleportation technique!

Not only that, the Uchiha Sora in front of him not only had unique skills like the yellow flash, but also had terrifying eyes like the Mangekyou Sharingan.

These are the eyes that he once heard his father talk about, the same eyes as Madara Uchiha, who was the same generation as the first Hokage!

Huang Tu began to retreat in his heart.

He quietly sent a code signal to his men around him, indicating that everyone was ready to evacuate.

And he continued to use ninjutsu and launched a fierce attack on Uchiha Sora.

He wanted to cover the departure of these companions and subordinates.

Uchiha Sora, who saw Huang Tu’s intention, couldn’t help but reveal a cold arc at the corner of his mouth.

He used his mind to give the orders to the Six of the Deadly Earth, asking them to hunt down the Iwagakure troops who wanted to evacuate, and then ordered the Kusanagi’s subordinates to cooperate with the actions of the Six of the Cleansed Earth.

Pursued by the Six from the Bad Land, the Iwagakure ninjas who attempted to evacuate suffered heavy casualties.。

“Damn it! I am restrained by Sora Uchiha, and I can no longer free my hands to restrain these six reincarnated people from the dirty land! Everyone must hold on! “Seeing this scene, Huang Tu was anxious.

However, as time passed, Huang Tu’s inner anxiety had turned into panic.

Because he found that his attempt to contain Uchiha Sora was disappearing from time to time. Every time he The flash disappears, and they will appear next to one of his subordinates, and then kill the elite ninjas among his subordinates.

This has completely eliminated the hope of containing the six people and allowing some people to escape. Obliterated.

Loess looked at it with eyes splitting, but he found that he had no choice.

Because every time he wanted to free his hands to help his subordinates, Uchiha Sora would flash back and attack him. The

Flying Thunder God The technique is so abnormal!

The powerful field control ability brought by the speed of thousands of miles in a blink of an eye allowed Huangtu to completely experience the fear of being dominated. Not long after, his

troops of six to seven hundred people, six people in the dirty soil Due to the massacre, the number has been reduced to a hundred people.

Then under the flash of Uchiha Sora, the number has dropped sharply again。。。

In the end, only a dozen subordinates were left, panting and returning to Huang Tu’s side.

The looks on their faces were full of despair and pain。

“Lord Loess! There’s no escape! We can’t escape! I don’t want to escape either! “A rock ninja with Jonin strength said to Huangtu dejectedly.。

“All our people are dead, he is simply a devil! No, Death! He is the god of death! “The other person had a look of fear on his face, and his psychological defense was on the verge of collapse.。

“Yes, Lord Loess, run away! If it were you, you would definitely be able to escape back to the village! This time we will cover you!”

“Yes, Lord Loess, you are the hope of the village. Even if it is for the Third Tsuchikage, you must live! ”

Listening to the words of his subordinates, Loess, who had experienced the Third Ninja World War and had experienced hundreds of battles, could not help but feel a sense of sadness in his heart.

But the situation at the moment did not allow him to express any more emotions, and he spoke slowly. Slowly uttered a few words: “Cover me, retreat! ”

Huang Tu said this as if he had exhausted all his strength.

He knew that saying this was equivalent to issuing a death sentence to the only dozen subordinates around him.

Because he was very It was clear that if he wanted to stop Uchiha Sora’s pursuit, he could only use the lives of his subordinates to make up for it!

So, Loess changed his previous attitude of violently attacking Uchiha Sora, and began to attack Uchiha Sora under the cover of the remaining elite subordinates. Fight and retreat。。。

Uchiha Sora was naturally very aware of Huang Tu’s intentions. While he was dealing with Huang Tu’s ninjutsu in a leisurely manner, he continued to order the six people from Uchiha to deal with the dozen Iwagakure elites.

Soon, with the joint efforts of the six dirty earth elites, the subordinates who were covering the departure of the yellow earth also lost their lives one by one.

At this time, Loess had already escaped dozens of kilometers away, with only Sora Uchiha chasing after him.


Suddenly, Uchiha Sora’s figure appeared beside Huangtu.

Loess was shocked and hurriedly punched Uchiha Sora without even having time to use his ninjutsu.

Uchiha Sora raised his hand to stop Huangtu’s fist.

Compared to the panting Loess, Uchiha Sora was still calm and calm at this moment, and his face was very calm.。

“Mr. Huangtu, I have already set the seal of the Flying Thunder God on your body! “Uchiha Sora said slowly, with a hint of joking on his face.。

“What? When was it? ! “Loess exclaimed, even he didn’t notice this!

Doesn’t this mean that Uchiha Sora could have teleported directly to him a long time ago and gave him a fatal blow?

But he didn’t do this Instead, he pursued himself unhurriedly throughout the whole process, while his remaining elite subordinates foolishly sacrificed their precious lives for a self who didn’t need cover at all.。

“In the process of fighting you, I had too many opportunities to leave marks on you, and you had no chance of winning! “Uchiha said coldly.。

“I see, it seems that I still underestimated the art of Flying Thunder God! “Loess said with a face ashen as death.

He knew that although he still had the strength to fight Uchiha Sora, but since the mark had been planted on his body, it was only a matter of time that he would die sooner or later. If he could prevent one of his sneak attacks

, Can you still defend him ten times or a hundred times?

But at this moment, Uchiha Sora said lightly: “Mr. Huangtu, I will spare your life this time and go back to tell your father for me. All the Iwagakure ninjas who died this time should be regarded as the price paid for provoking me! If he doesn’t want to lose his son in the future, he can try bringing someone over in person! ”

After saying that, Uchiha Sora retracted his hand and stopped attacking Loess.

Loess was stunned for a moment, not knowing what it was like.

He never thought that he would be so completely defeated in the hands of such a young junior. !

In the end, it was the other party who took the initiative to spare his life!

But before, the lives of those subordinates who died to cover his departure seemed to have completely lost their meaning.。

“It seems that you didn’t want to kill me in the first place? So are all your actions just to kill all my subordinates? “Lotus said bitterly.

He thought that he was strong enough to roam the ninja world at will, and would not retreat even if he faced the shadows of other villages.

But Sora Uchiha taught himself an extremely profound lesson!

What? At that

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] time, his own life turned out to be something that could be taken away from the other party at any time?

Looking at the extremely young figure in front of him, Huang Tu couldn’t help but feel a chill in his heart.

Then, he took a deep breath and turned towards Tu He flew away in the direction of the country.

Uchiha Sora stood on the spot, looking at Loess who was walking away in embarrassment, with a calm expression.

This time he let Loess go, firstly because the mark of the Flying Thunder God had been left on him, Loess He can take his own life at any time, and Erye also wants to use this to give Onoki a warning and threat, so that he can use rat weapons against him.

If Loess is killed directly, then Onoki, the third generation Tsuchikage, who is Loess’s father, will inevitably lose his mind and risk everything. Come and attack the Grass Ninja Village.

He is well aware of Onoki’s strength. Even if he has the Flying Thunder God Technique and can avoid his attack, it will be difficult for the Grass Ninja Village where he is to exist. After all, if a big country ignores the consequences

, If he launches a war, it is impossible for a small country to stop it.

Therefore, Uchiha Sora did not kill Loess, which can be regarded as keeping a bottom line.

After all, the enemies he really wants to deal with are not the forces of the five major ninja villages. There is no need Fighting with these people.

At this time, the six people from Huitu also chased after them.。

“Leader, why don’t you pursue me? If it were you, even if you couldn’t kill that Loess, you would definitely be able to teach him a profound lesson! “They appeared around Sora and looked at Loess who had escaped far away. One of the dirt elites asked.

A moment ago, he was like a god of death, but at this moment, he seemed to be deliberately letting go.

Uchiha Sora looked at the people around him , said calmly: “The other party is the son of Onoki, the third generation of Tsuchikage. Although I am not afraid of Onoki, after all, I have now entered the Grass Ninja Village. If I kill or destroy the other party’s son, I am afraid that the Kingdom of Earth will never end. endless revenge。”

“The leader is right. We are still in the development period, so how can we really mess around? “At this time, Zabuza and Uzuki Yugao also arrived next to Uchiha Sora, and Zabuza opened his mouth and said.

None of the six people in the dirty land are stupid. They were the elites of each village before and they immediately understood the key.。

“Yes, the leader’s move can not only frighten the big countries, but it also does not reach the level of making the big countries lose their minds and besiege them. “Ye Cang nodded in agreement.

There was something different in the eyes of everyone looking at Uchiha Sora.

If the previous Uchiha Sora made them surrender because of his strong strength and potential, then now the leader has shown Their brains are even more admirable to them。

“Okay, you all go to the back mountain and collect those corpses. “Uchiha waved his hand in the air and ordered.。

“yes! “Everyone took the order and left.。

“Xiyan, please don’t go. “Uchiha Sora saw Uzuki Xiyan unconsciously obeying his orders to do things, so he couldn’t help but pull her and said。

“oh! “Uzuki Xiyan’s face turned slightly red. Her heartbeat suddenly accelerated when Uchiha Sora held her hand.。

“Come for a walk with me! “However, Uchiha Sora quickly let go of Xi Yan’s hand, jumped off the tree trunk, landed on the ground, and walked slowly towards the Grass Ninja Village. It was already early morning, and a touch of fish belly white appeared in the

east , the sky is still twinkling with stars.

Although Uchiha Sora, who has experienced a war, has consumed a lot, he does not feel tired due to his immortal body. As he

walked, he couldn’t help but look up at the deep night sky. There was a look of satisfaction on his face.

After the war, being able to walk freely and calmly under the stars, maybe this is the motivation for his desire to be strong! Peace

and war are the eternal themes of this world!

Only strong power , so that you can live the life you want anytime,

anywhere! Uzuki Xiyan, who was following Uchiha Sora, looked at Uchiha Sora next to him, thinking about everything he saw tonight. He had

seen Uchiha Sora with his own eyes The powerful and murderous side, and looking at such a quiet and peaceful scene of him at this time, Maoyue Xiyan was deeply confused in her heart, which side is the real you? The two of them walked silently

under the stars, each other fascinated. Didn’t speak。

“came back. “When the morning sun rose, the two finally returned to the gate of Kusanagi Village, Uchiha Sora said as if sighing.。

“Yes, I’m back. “Xi Yan, who was silent along the way, looked at the warm sun shining from the east, with a bright smile on her face.

Because this was when she and Uchiha Sora returned to the gate of Konoha Village after completing their mission. The emotional scene that often happens after this.

At this moment, all the doubts about Uchiha Sora in my heart seemed to be melted by the sunshine at this moment.

Yes, no matter what, the bond between myself and Uchiha Sora is not because of the position. It disappears due to differences.

That’s enough!

“Xiyan, I’m afraid I have to go out for a trip next, so you should go back to Konoha as soon as possible. “At this time, Uchiha Sora said。

“Eh? Aren’t you going to wait for Hokage-sama to negotiate? “Xi Yan looked puzzled.。

“Don’t forget that I have the Flying Thunder God Technique. Even if I go out, I can come back at any time. Uchiha smiled and said, “But if you stay here, I won’t be able to accompany you normally.”。”

“Okay, then I’d better go back early. Xiyan thought for a moment and said.

This time she came to Uchiha Sora, originally wanting to persuade Uchiha to go back, but after one night, she gave up her original idea.

Because she already understood that Sora would not come back. Konoha has his own thoughts and will.

He is no longer the younger brother who was younger than him when he was first grouped and needed to be taken care of by himself.

Now he is the leader of a village and the person who implements his own will. He is a strong man moving forward.

All he has to do is be by his side and look at him. Yes, he just needs to look at him.。。。

After returning to his residence and packing his luggage, Sora Uchiha took Xi Yan to have a meal and then personally sent her out of Kusanagi Village.

Before leaving, Sora Uchiha gave her a Flying Thunder God Kunai as a parting gift.

Uoyuki Xi Yan put the kunai away carefully. She knew that this was the spatial coordinate left for her by Sora, which was equivalent to a powerful life-saving charm.

Then, she stood on tiptoes, kissed Uchiha Sora’s side face gently, turned and left with a blushing face.

Uchiha Sora stroked his kissed cheek, feeling a warmth flow in his heart.

Suddenly, Xi Yan turned around and shouted to him: “Hey! Sora! Don’t think nonsense! This is the farewell kiss between brother and sister!”

Uchiha Sora couldn’t help but smile and waved towards her.

Is it really just a farewell kiss between brother and sister?

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