“Itachi, you are really a crazy brother-protector.” Sora Uchiha said with a smile.

Uchiha Itachi was stunned for a moment and did not answer.。

“It seems that after not seeing each other these days, you and I have become unfamiliar. “Uchiha Sora shrugged.

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku appeared in front of the two of them.。

“Sora, why are you here? “Fugaku showed complete surprise at Uchiha Sora’s arrival.。

“I have something to do with you, so let’s find a safe place to discuss it in detail. “Uchiha Sorado。

“whats the matter? Can’t you make it clear here? “Itachi frowned.

Fugaku glanced at his son and said nothing.。

“Well, in that case, I’ll just say it! Uchiha Sora looked at Itachi and said, “You should know that Danzo cannot tolerate the Uchiha clan. The Third Hokage also acquiesced in this matter. The Uchiha clan is now at the end of its rope.” ”

After a pause, Uchiha Sora looked at Fugaku again and said:

“Previously, when I left Konoha, I was not sure of saving the Uchiha clan, but now, you should have seen that Konoha can’t do anything to me, and the Uchiha clan can’t do anything.���The good way out is no longer a coup, no longer staying in Konoha, a big tree with rotten roots. Only by following me and joining me is the future of the Uchiha clan!”

“So I came here to give my family one last chance! ”

After hearing this, Uchiha Fugaku and Itachi looked at each other.

Fugaku said: “Sora, this matter is not that easy. You should know that too many people in the family don’t want to leave Konoha. What you think doesn’t matter. will be recognized by everyone. Uchiha

Sora shook his head and said: “I don’t need everyone’s approval, I only need the approval of some people, especially you and Itachi.” ”

After hearing this, both of them fell into silence.

Fugaku’s eyes flickered, and his heart began to waver.

If it was before Uchiha Sora’s defection, he would never have wavered in his thoughts, but during this time, he discovered the situation of the Uchiha clan It is becoming more and more difficult, and Itachi’s attitude is becoming more and more unpredictable, which makes him feel that the hope of a coup is getting slimmer.

Uchiha Sora’s proposal can be regarded as a solution to the current predicament.

The most important thing is that Uchiha The ability shown by Sora gave him hope.

Looking at his father who was obviously moved, Uchiha Itachi frowned slightly and said: “I think this matter cannot be decided hastily. It is best to ask other clan members first.

Hearing this, Fugaku nodded and said, “What Itachi said makes sense. Even I, the clan leader, cannot violate the will of all family members at will. “。”

“Let’s do this, give me three days, and my father and I will try to do some ideological work for the clan members. “Itachi suddenly suggested.

Uchiha Kong frowned, looked at Itachi deeply, and said, “Okay, I’ll give you a few more days.

After saying that, he glanced at Fugaku and said, “Then I’ll leave first. ” ”

The Flying Thunder God Technique was activated, and Uchiha Sora disappeared in front of the two people.

After Uchiha Sora left, Fugaku said to Itachi: “Itachi, I am very pleased that you are on my side this time. The matter of persuading the clan members is still up to you. Let me do it. Your first priority is to stabilize Danzo. ”

Uchiha Itachi nodded slightly, turned and left.

In the early morning,

Uchiha Itachi opened his eyes from the bed, quickly got up, got dressed, put on his ninja gear, and quietly left the room.

He walked quickly all the way , walked out of the Uchiha clan, passed through a forest, and came to the lobby of the Root Organization base.

In the lobby of the Root Organization base, Danzo was sitting on a chair, with his right eye wrapped in a bandage. When he saw Uchiha Itachi arriving, he faintly He said, “Itachi, is there anything you want to report? Itachi

knelt down on one knee and reported: “This evening, Sora Uchiha came to the family and persuaded my father and I to bring the clan to him.”

Danzo heard this and snorted

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] coldly: “This Sora Uchiha is so bold! ” While negotiating with the Sandaime, he is doing this kind of thing secretly! Damn it! Does he think that by taking away the Uchiha clan, he can develop with peace of mind? He is provoking a ninja war! ”

Duanzo’s words are not alarmist.

The Uchiha clan is in Konoha and is protected by the big tree of Konoha. Other forces in the ninja world dare not openly make trouble. Once they leave Konoha and go to the country of grass, then those in the ninja world will The forces will definitely be mobilized one after another, and by then the entire ninja world will be in turmoil because of the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan. Sora Uchiha is

very strong, and no one dares to attack him, but not everyone in the Uchiha clan is like this Strong, but they possess such a secret as the Sharingan, how can they prevent other forces from being tempted? After a

slight silence, Danzo said again: “What is your father’s attitude?”

“Father, he promised。”

“Is it? It seems that things cannot be delayed! Danzo said coldly: “Itachi, I will leave the root to you to prepare, and tomorrow night, we will baptize Uchiha with blood!””

“yes! “Itachi was shocked and took the order to leave.

Watching Uchiha Itachi leave, Danzo couldn’t help but curl up the corner of his mouth, touched the Shisui Eye on the right, and murmured: “Fortunately, this happened a month ago. The CD of one eye has been restored, and the ‘loyal to Konoha’ illusion of another god used against Uchiha Itachi seems to be very effective now.。”

“It’s a pity that a strong man like Itachi can’t let his will change too completely, otherwise Fugaku will soon see the clues. “Danzo shook his head with some regret.。


On the other side, Uchiha Sora has been thinking about the Uchiha clan since he returned.

Because he found that this matter seemed too easy. The Uchiha clan was now under surveillance everywhere. It seemed that it was not that easy for Uchiha Itachi and Fugaku to persuade the clan members.

In the original work, Itachi is a double agent, so he shouldn’t abandon Konoha and come to him so easily.

Moreover, the Third Hokage was negotiating with him, but Danzo was nowhere to be seen. This old guy was not someone who could stay idle.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kong made a move and activated the Flying Thunder God Technique to disappear.

When he reappeared, there were six more dirt elites beside him.

Except for Ye Cang, the other six people, including the newly joined Shanfeng, were all present.

Uchiha Sora looked at the six people in front of him and said: “I will send the six of you to the Uchiha clan. From now on, you must closely monitor the situation of the Uchiha clan.。”

“yes! “The six people responded one after another.

Then, Uchiha Kong launched the Flying Thunder God again and sent the six of them to the surveillance blind spot of the Uchiha tribe, letting them hide. With

these six dirty soil elites standing guard in the Uchiha tribe , it’s like Uchiha Sora has six pairs of eyes to watch at any time. Once there is any trouble, he can directly see the situation over there through the person reincarnated in the dirt. It is simply easier to use than the shadow clone


The author has something to say:

Cute Tutu, Little Street 1, Champion of Staying Up Late, Unexpectedly Persisted Until Now, Zha Tian Gang. Gang – don’t kill unknown people, バハムート, Zhatian Gang – how lonely it is to be invincible, user 28099733, Long Yue, Xiao Qin who loves English scrambled eggs, 3781628923, Zhatian Gang————Great protector, Wu, user 10885002, user 10777813, Feisa who loves beef meatball soup, user 44284306, Gu, Nai Xiuer, Wang Xingye who likes chain pod beans, user 22821771, the security captain of Zhatian Gang. , Feiwang Liduo of Wanxiudian, I like reading books. , help me up, still have liver, Zhang San, the lawless madman. . , burning in hell, drinking for a long time, the Ark of the Covenant who likes spicy fried chicken tenders, user 30210857, user 29867765, Sato who likes Hook-billed Babbler, user 21

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