“Impossible! Stop being alarmist! Do you think you can talk nonsense here after arresting our leader’s son?”

“I think that Shimu is also fake, right? ! Don’t think you can fool us? Do you want us to surrender? There are no doors! ”

Looking at the people who were still resisting stubbornly, Shenmu came to his senses and finally shouted: “Everyone, run away! Everything he said is true! If you don’t run away, you will all die here!”

“Hello! You pretend to be our leader’s son, don’t even think about disrupting our military morale! “Someone shouted。

“What a verbosity! “Uchiha Kong frowned, and his expression became impatient.

He raised his hand to form a seal, and created a shadow clone.

The main body said to Uchiha Hao and Uchiha Yi beside him: “I’ll leave this to you. Shibuki stays here, you think of a way to make these Takigakure ninjas give up their resistance, and capture as many prisoners as possible if you can. If that doesn’t work, just kill them. With my shadow clone here, they can’t make waves. ”

After saying that, Uchiha Sora activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and left.

When he appeared again, he had returned to the Grass Ninja Village.

The victory of the Takigakure Village front was determined.

But there was still the threat of the Rain Country troops to the south.

Ame Hidden Village The strength of the ninjas is not weak, almost comparable to the strength of the ninjas in the five major ninja villages.

Moreover, there is an Akatsuki organization and management behind the Amegakure Village. It has a deep foundation and is the most difficult to mess with.

Uchiha Sora sent almost all the original grass ninja villages The force went to resist, and adopted a defensive posture to minimize casualties and delay time.

But not long after he came back, Yakushi Nonoyu came to him and reported to him that a large force from the Kingdom of Earth appeared on the western border. The news.

The Yanyin Village troops are menacing, numerous and the most ferocious.。

“The leader, the leader of the Earth Kingdom troops is Huangtu, and there is also a big man in red armor, who is suspected to be the Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki of Iwagakure Village! The total number of enemies is at least five thousand, which is far more than the total number of ninjas in our Grass Ninja Village!”

“At such a scale, our ninjas are absolutely unstoppable! “Yakushi Noonoyu said worriedly.

There are a full five thousand, and the leader is Loess, and the other is a terrifying existence like a Jinchuriki.

With such a scale, let alone attacking a small Kusanagi village, even if It’s enough to attack a big ninja village like Konoha Village.

I didn’t expect that Iwagakure Village would attach so much importance to this war. It seems that the old man Onoki is determined to avenge the last time!

Uchiha Sora He frowned and said: “Although the Yanyin Village troops are large in number, I have the reincarnation of the dirty earth, so I will first send the elites of the dirty earth to resist for a while. ”

There are seven dirt elites in total, and all of them are invincible. It can be done by letting them delay for a while.

Moreover, Uchiha also has the card of Danzo in his hand.

Danzo is a shadow-level powerhouse, because Due to the hostile relationship, Uchiha Sora has sealed him in a coffin since he was reincarnated into a coffin without ever using it.

This time, the seven people from the dirty soil will definitely not be able to resist the Iwagakure troops. Once they cannot support it, Danzo can use this card now.。

“leader! The Uchiha clan invites a fight! “At this time, a man came to the leader’s house and knelt down on one knee in the yard and shouted.

Hearing the sound outside, Uchiha Sora walked out of the house and looked at the young man kneeling on

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] one knee.。

“Are you Uchiha Yu? “Uchiha Sora recognized this Uchiha tribesman.

This person is considered the right-hand man of the clan leader Uchiha Fugaku. In addition to Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Itachi, and Uchiha Sora, he is the strongest in the family. Now

Uchiha Hao Fugaku disappeared in the ancient city of Loulan, and he probably traveled through time and space.

Uchiha Itachi is in the Akatsuki organization.

Uchiha Sora is the leader and rarely manages family affairs.

So now the only one in the family who can manage things is Uchiha. Bo You.

He came to ask for a fight, and he should have come on behalf of all the Uchiha ninjas who are currently staying in the Grass Ninja Village.。

“The enemy this time is extraordinary. With your current strength, you are likely to suffer heavy losses! “Uchiha Sora looked at him and said: “Since the incident in Konoha Village, my Uchiha clan should recuperate and recuperate. I personally don’t want all of you to go to the battlefield.。”

“leader! Now that we have joined the Grass Ninja Village, we are part of the Grass Ninja Village! For the glory of the Uchiha clan, we are not allowed to hide in the village and let others charge into the battle! “Uchiha Yuu said sonorously and forcefully.

Feeling Uchiha Yuu’s determination, Uchiha Sora pondered for a long time, and finally nodded and said: “Okay, I promise to let you fight!

He ordered: “Uchiha Yu, listen to your orders! “”

“exist! “Uchiha Yu was shocked.。

“Yuu Uchiha, I now order all the ninjas of the Uchiha clan to form a support force and go to the battlefield of the Land of Rain in the south to provide support!”

“yes! “Uchiha Yu said solemnly。

“Yuu, if I remember correctly, your parents should have died in the incident in Konoha, right? “Uchiha Sora suddenly said。

“Yes, Chief. “Uchiha Yuu said sadly。

“You still have a young sister still there, right? “Uchiha Sora said again.

Uchiha Yuu was slightly startled and nodded. Thinking of his sister, a trace of tenderness appeared on his face: “Well, it’s rare that the leader still knows these things. Uchiha

Sora took out two Flying Thunder God Kunai and handed them to him: “Keep this. If you encounter a crisis that cannot be solved, destroy the art of one of the Kunai. I will show up to support you.”。”

“leader! “Uchiha Yuu was greatly moved. He didn’t expect that the leader would care so much about his own safety.。

“I don’t want to see your sister left uncared for in the future. Uchiha Sora waved his hand: “Go!””

“yes! “Uchiha Yuu nodded heavily, put away the Flying Thunder God Kunai, and turned around to leave.

Watching Uchiha Yuu leave, Uchiha Yuu felt a faint expectation in his heart. The Uchiha clan has been suppressed in Konoha for too long. This time, he wants to fight. Maybe this is an opportunity for them to wash away their shame and rebuild their glory.

In the war between life and death, will the Uchiha clan awaken another pair of kaleidoscopes?

In this way, there will be very little power left in the Kusanagi village.

So what happens next ? Come down, we urgently need to deal with the trouble coming from Konoha in the east.。

“Nonou, notify the civilians in the village to evacuate in advance, and then let the people from Konoha enter the Grass Ninja Village and take them to the training ground! “Uchiha Sora ordered。

“yes! “Nonoyu took the order and left.

After Nonoyu left, Uchiha Sora went directly to the island in the mirror space.

There were still two White Zetsu sealed there.

He took out one White Zetsu, and then took out the one he killed earlier. Part of Kakuzu’s flesh and blood, Uchiha Sora’s hands began to form seals.

After completing each complex hand seal, Uchiha Sora patted the ground。

“Psychic Technique: Reincarnation from Dirty Land!”

“Come out! Kakuzu! “

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