The pure black sky slowly turned blue and bright.

The east was already bright.

The soft dawn light shone directly on Naruto's cheek through the glass window.

Naruto was lying on the uncomfortable hard bed in a "big" shape, staring blankly at the ceiling with a few spider webs, and a light blue shadow appeared in front of him.

[Uzumaki Naruto - Age: 12; Level: Genin; Chakra attributes: Wind, Yang (Water, Fire, Thunder, Earth, Yin); Chakra amount: 30 (600); Ninjutsu: Multiple Shadow Clones (Beginner), Seduction (Mastery), Substitution (Beginner); Physical Skills: Konoha Steel Fist (Beginner); Shuriken (Beginner); Available attribute points: 1]

"What on earth happened?"

Naruto murmured in a low voice with some disbelief.

After he defeated Teacher Mizuki happily last night, he woke up to see this light blue panel in front of him.

He also roughly knew the use of this panel - he could improve his abilities through attribute points!

But these are still acceptable to him, because what is more difficult to accept is that there is an extra memory from the 'other world' in his mind!

The owner of that memory seems to want to... yes, 'take over' himself, but that person's will is very weak, and he was easily defeated by himself, so he inherited part of that person's memory.

Blue Star, Shehui, D disk? ? Gulu

This guy who calls himself an otaku is really good!

Naruto wiped the non-existent saliva and felt that the magazines he secretly read in the bookstore before were simply garbage!

But now is not the time to care about D disk!

Naruto patted his cheek hard to wake himself up, and then looked at the attribute panel.

According to the memory of the otaku, this thing should be the gold finger that only the protagonist has.

At the same time, it is an absolute secret that must not be told to a second person. Naruto looked at the various protagonists in his memory who died tragically because the gold finger was discovered, and his heart shuddered.

No matter how good the golden finger is, you have to be alive to use it!

Come to think of it, this 'golden finger' that Azai left for me is not fake, right?

He is almost 30 years old and still so mentally fragile? It's hard to convince people!

"Whether it is true or false, won't you know if you try it first?"

After Naruto carefully wrote down the iron rule that the golden finger must not be exposed or even mentioned, he hurriedly and impatiently put more force on the multiple shadow clones.

Then, Naruto stared at the entrance behind the multiple shadow clones, but after a long while, there was no movement.

What's going on?

Why not?

Naruto touched his chin and frowned as he recalled Azai's memory.

Soon, he got the answer.

"It turns out that there are not enough points!"

Naruto tapped his palm with sudden realization, and then looked at the seduction technique... the physical technique next to the substitute technique.

Naruto swallowed his saliva and put aside the beautiful sisters in the otaku's memory for the time being.

Although I really want to improve my strongest ninjutsu, it is better not to use this move normally~

He tapped the Konoha Steel Fist with his mind.

Physical Skills: Konoha Steel Fist (Proficient)

In an instant!

The memory of his countless days and nights of practicing Konoha Steel Fist emerged in Naruto's mind.

These days and nights are really days and nights, from morning to night, from night to morning without a second of rest!

Just like that, he practiced various moves mechanically and exercised his body crazily!

At the same time, Naruto's body began to change.

First, the muscles became more prominent.

His short stature due to malnutrition also grew two centimeters taller, from the original 147cm to 149cm!

Fortunately, because of his tight living conditions, he bought clothes two sizes larger.

Otherwise, he would have to spend more money to buy new clothes.


It was a blessing to be able to save money on clothes!

Naruto breathed a sigh of relief and soon immersed himself in the joy of growing taller.

After all, he was really unhappy that his height was shorter than many girls in the same class!

Now, Uncle Naruto has finally stood up!


Naruto thought that his height should not be the shortest in the class now, and he laughed arrogantly.



What is it? It stinks!

Naruto was laughing and suddenly smelled a strange smell. He looked around and finally lowered his head to look at his arm.

He saw that there was a layer of black and smelly stuff on his arm.

"What is this? Ugh~"

Naruto retched and was busy.He rushed into the bathroom and began to wash the dirt on his body.

Finally, he used half a bottle of shower gel to save his life.

He used multiple shadow clones to wash his clothes, quilts and sheets, and laid clean bedding, and Naruto lay down again.

"It seems that Hokage is no longer just talk! No! I not only want to become a Hokage, I also want to make everyone in this world equal!"

Naruto stared at the ceiling, burying his excitement deep in his heart.

According to the memory of the otaku, he should find a way to explore the method of obtaining attribute points next, only in this way can he be strong enough to make the world recognize his ideas!

Everyone is equal!

Science and technology are the primary productive forces!

A world where everyone can have enough food is really wonderful!

I seem to know what I should do after becoming a Hokage.

With the attribute panel, those knowledge that I can't learn anyway, as long as I have enough attribute points, I can easily master it, right?

Everything in the future has become clear.

Naruto clenched his fists and pointed at the ceiling and shouted.

"I have decided now. I will take this dream as my own ninja way and keep moving forward on this path that I will never regret!"

"Who is it? Can't you let me sleep?!"

"It's not even daybreak, why are you barking like a dog!"

"If you dare to bark again, I will kill you!"


Naruto covered his mouth guiltily, and was relieved when he saw that the neighbor only cursed him twice and didn't come to the door.

"But~ It feels so good to no longer be confused!"

After secretly rejoicing for a while, Naruto began to plan for the future.

The first thing to solve is the way to obtain attribute points.

Only with enough attribute points can he achieve his wish faster.

According to the memory of the otaku.

The ways to obtain attribute points can be roughly divided into four types: one is to obtain through killing, the second is to obtain through food (energy), the third is to touch some mysterious things, and the fourth is unknown.

For him at present, eating is the simplest of these.

"In that case, let's celebrate today by making an exception and eating my rare miso ramen!"

Naruto hit his palm with his fist, opened the cabinet full of ramen with high morale, and solemnly took out the two barrels of ramen stored in the deepest part.

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