Come leisurely.

Leave leisurely.

The high temperature in July is like a spring breeze for the "humanoid self-propelled air conditioner Naruto".

"I say, kid, Qingkong Yao is dead?"

Suddenly a voice with some anger sounded from the side.

Naruto was stunned for a moment, turned his head and saw that the person who came was an uncle with white hair, two red oil paints on his face, and a mole on the wing of his nose. He looked about 40 or 50 years old.

"Who are you?"

Naruto asked back unceremoniously. After all, he was the first to call him a kid, hum.

"You asked a good question!"


The drum music in the style of Heshi sounded inexplicably.

The white-haired uncle suddenly stretched out five fingers to Naruto, one foot off the ground, and jumped three times on wooden clogs.

"I am the toad spirit Xiansu Daoren of Myoboku Mountain! People call him - Toad Immortal!"

Yo——! ! !


Naruto looked at the drumming toad hiding behind the tree on the other side with a twitch in his mouth, and then looked at Jiraiya with disgust. Isn't this guy a fool?

"What a silly opening! Stupid Immortal!"

"It's the Toad Immortal!" Jiraiya shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Okay, okay, I'm going home."

Naruto waved his hand perfunctorily and walked around this unserious old man.

"Wait, you haven't told me about Qingkong Yao yet!"

Jiraiya saw that Naruto was not impressed by his style and secretly thought that this kid had no vision, but when he remembered his doubts, he hurried forward and grabbed Naruto.

"If you want to know what happened, please look forward to the August Zhuxian!"

Naruto tried hard to shake Jiraiya off but failed, so he had to answer helplessly.

"It's boring to know the plot in advance, right?"

"You're right."

Jiraiya then let go of his hand and nodded seriously, but he didn't leave, but continued to follow Naruto.

"So, stupid sage, why are you following me!"

Naruto shouted helplessly.

"I'm not following you, I just happen to be going to the eastern base."

Jiraiya snorted coldly and pretended to be dissatisfied.

"Besides, this road is not yours."

"Okay, okay, then you go."

Naruto rolled his eyes, changed direction, and walked towards a waterfall, but Jiraiya still followed him.

"So...what do you want to do? I will never tell you the plot!"

"Tsk, I didn't want to ask you, I just happened to be on the way..."

Jiraiya curled his lips in disdain.

"In that case!"

Naruto changed direction again, but this time he didn't walk normally, but rushed out directly and quickly.

"I used 50% of my speed, I don't believe you can keep up!"

"Oh~ What a coincidence, is this 50% of my speed?" Jiraiya appeared beside Naruto, picking his nose, looking very relaxed.

"Hey! I have a bad temper!"

Naruto had never been wronged like this before, and he immediately increased his speed to 80%.

"Tsk tsk, is this all you can do?" Jiraiya appeared beside Naruto without changing his expression.

"You forced me to do this, it seems that I have to use 100% of my speed!"

Naruto glanced at Jiraiya with high fighting spirit, and finally used the fastest speed under normal conditions.

With a sound of 'whoosh', a gust of wind blew, and Naruto disappeared directly from Jiraiya's sight.

"Wow, this kid is pretty fast!"

Jiraiya was also slightly surprised when he saw this. He thought that was Naruto's full speed just now, but he didn't expect that he had a trick up his sleeve.

"But, if you think you can get rid of the Toad Sage like this, you underestimate me too much!"

Jiraiya sensed Naruto's position a little bit, and chased him in the same "swoosh".

In this way, the two of them chased and fled, and began to compete secretly for no reason.

What's even more speechless is that both of them are unyielding. As long as one of them doesn't stop, the other will never stop.


On the morning of the third day.

At some unknown river, Naruto finally couldn't hold on anymore, and sank his head into the river to drink water frantically.

"Ah~ I almost ran myself to death!"

Naruto lay flat on the river with an expression of "I'm saved", not wanting to move.


Jiraiya was also very tired at this time. He didn't expect Naruto to have such good physical strength. If he hadn't been able to cheat by using the psychic toad, he wouldn't be able to stand in front of Naruto at this moment.

But even so, he was very tired.

"You, you little brat, you finally feel tired!"

Jiraiya supportedKnees maintained dignity.

"It's only me, the sage. If it were someone else, you would probably tire them to death."

"So, why did you follow me? If it's just for a plot, there's no need to work so hard, right? Stupid sage!"

Naruto asked weakly.

"You are the idiot! Can't you see? I came here to help you practice!"

Jiraiya shouted angrily.

"Otherwise, you are not a pretty girl, only a lunatic would follow you!"

"Ah? That's true."

Naruto smiled embarrassedly. He really didn't expect it, or he had long forgotten that Kakashi had found someone to help him practice.

"However, let's talk about practice tomorrow. I'll sleep for a while, otherwise I'll really die."

Naruto said that his life was important, but he didn't have any sense of defense. He just tilted his head and fell asleep on the cobblestone.

If it weren't for his breathing, people who didn't know would have thought he was dead.

"What an idiot!"

Jiraiya didn't stop Naruto, because he was also very tired.

Although he cheated in the middle, he also didn't sleep for two days!

In fact, it's okay to not sleep for two days, but it's a bit hard to not sleep for two days when running fast.

Moreover, when running fast in such a state, Naruto actually only used his own chakra all the time, and didn't use the chakra of the Nine-Tails.

So, Naruto is a monster, right?

His physical strength is better than that of the hero Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas?


Kushina, it seems that you really gave birth to a good son!

His chakra and appearance seem to have inherited yours!

And the spirit of not admitting defeat.

Jiraiya thought of this and couldn't help but glance at Naruto's sleeping profile, vaguely as if he saw the appearance of Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato when they were teenagers.

In a blink of an eye, thirteen years have passed.

Time flies so fast. I wonder how Minato and Kushina are doing in the Pure Land?

Jiraiya sighed and leaned against a boulder. He took out a pipe from his arms, lit some tobacco, and took a puff of the cigarette in silence.

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