"Sister Nishikawa, are you okay?"

After killing a person who approached secretly for unknown purposes with a knife, Naruto came to Nishikawa Kasumi with a nervous face.

"Uh, he is..."

Nishikawa Kasumi glanced at the body on the ground. She remembered that this seemed to be the guard he hired.

"Oh, he approached sneakily just now. Maybe he used some disguise to deceive you."

If it was one of his own people, there was no need to be so sneaky with murderous eyes. Naruto didn't think he would kill the wrong person.

"Then, you?"

Nishikawa Kasumi blinked. In just a few minutes, she saw at least dozens of people die in front of her. At this time, she was a little unsure who was the good guy.

"I want to eat your pancreas."

Naruto knew that he had to come up with a convincing message, so he said without hesitation.

"Woo, you finally came to save me!"

Nishikawa Kasumi quickly stood up and wanted to hug Naruto for comfort, but was blocked.

"Ahem, I'm a shadow clone now, you'll break my technique if you do this."

Naruto explained, then used the instant body technique to quickly kill seven or eight enemy ninjas who were only Genin, and finally looked at the other partners and said.

"Everyone, I'll take Sister Nishikawa away from this dangerous place first. It's getting more and more chaotic here, so you should evacuate quickly."

"Well, go ahead."

Sakura and the others nodded and had no objection, but the shadow clones couldn't really help them much.

Naruto nodded, blasted the wall around him with a sword, and then rushed out quickly carrying Nishikawa.

Others didn't stop Naruto when they saw him rescue a noble.

Originally, neither side had planned to attack the nobles.

"Why is Naruto here?"

Kakashi asked in confusion as he instantly came to Sakura's side.

"Oh, Teacher Kakashi, that's Naruto's shadow clone, who came here specifically to rescue Miss Nishikawa."

Sakura said with some jealousy.


Kakashi nodded, then looked down the field.

I saw that Sasuke seemed to still be fighting with someone.

So, after Sasuke finished fighting, could he still find Naruto?


Everything depends on God's will.

Kakashi shook his head. It didn't matter if he couldn't find Naruto, he didn't want Naruto to turn into the Nine-Tails.


On the plains in the suburbs.

The battle between Uchiha Shisui and Scorpion of the Red Sand became more and more intense.

[Magnetic Release: Thunder God Technique]

I saw Scorpion of the Red Sand gave Gaara a look, and unexpectedly began to make hand seals in an uncharacteristic way.

Seeing this, Gaara pouted his lips with displeasure, moved his head slightly, and the plug of the big gourd behind him popped out immediately.

Then countless iron sands poured out.

No, it should be more appropriate to describe it as iron sands covering the sky and the sun.

Under the seal of the Red Sand Scorpion, the iron sands gathered around him slowly but quickly.

Soon, an eight-armed black iron giant that was no smaller than Susanoo appeared on the ground.

This giant had three eyes and eight arms, a hideous face, and a black body. He was indeed an arrogant and fierce god.

Magnetic escape·Thunder God Technique: This technique is just as its name suggests. It uses one's own body to develop a scalar field, absorb the surrounding matter by electromagnetic force, and make the body's appearance huge.

Simply put, it is a technique that uses magnets to attract iron sand and shape a human form.

And it's not just that.

[Red Secret Technique·Eight-armed Narayana]

In the vertical eye on the forehead of the eight-armed giant, the Red Sand Scorpion made a seal again.

The other eight puppets were also integrated into the black iron giant under the guidance of the Red Sand Scorpion. Among them, the Ice Release, Molten Release, Storm Release and Explosion Release were integrated into the four arms, the Steel Release was integrated into the iron sand body, the Swift Release was integrated into the legs, and the Dark Release was integrated into the giant's mouth.

[Melting Release·Inferno Fire Fist]

[Explosion Release·Mine Fist]

[Storm Release·Thunder Prison Fist]

[Ice Release·Frozen Fist]

[Magnetic Release·Sand Iron Giant Sword]

The eight-armed giant grabbed the spiral sword with one hand and held down Susanoo's arms with two hands. The other five arms smashed Susanoo's head with their own "special moves".

The Molten Release arm carried the terrifying high temperature of lava, the Storm Release arm was wrapped with black lightning, the Sand Iron Giant Sword chopped it down fiercely, and the last one was the seemingly ordinary Explosion Release Giant Fist.

Just listen.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Five loud crashes sounded.

The Susanoo crystal where Shisui was was actually cracked.

"What a strong defense!"

The Red Sand Scorpion exclaimed in surprise when he saw that this seemingly 'transparent' phantom Tengu had such a strong defense.


what does it matter if the defense is strong?It's nothing more than throwing a few more punches. Anyway, there is a 'power bank' next to him. Chakra can be absorbed at will with the dark escape technique, which is enough to maintain the endurance of [Thunder God's Technique] for a long time.


Boom boom boom!!!

The Red Sand Scorpion attacked mercilessly. In addition to holding down Susanoo's arm, the other four arms bombarded Susanoo in turns like a rainstorm.

"What a terrifying attack!"

It is said that two fists cannot beat four hands, not to mention that the opponent has eight hands, and almost every hand can use the power of blood limit!

Uchiha Shisui secretly complained. This was only the first wave of attacks, and he was dazed for a while. His confidence in himself was a little shaken.

Because before today, he always thought that Susanoo was almost invincible, and the enemy's way to defeat him was only to drag him until he was exhausted.

Unexpectedly, when facing this eight-armed giant, there was a faint crisis of breaking the defense.

In this ninja world, the title of "Shadow" is the only one that cannot be faked.

It is not Uchiha Shisui's style to just take a beating without fighting back.

He struggled to operate Susanoo and kicked the eight-armed giant with a fierce knee strike, and took this opportunity to quickly break free from the restraints and fly back, which gave him a chance to breathe.


The current situation made Shisui a little bit of a dilemma.

Because the opponent was almost wrapped in sand iron.

Whether he used Susanoo's skills or other ninjutsu, it was difficult for him to cause damage to a pile of iron.

The ninjutsu that hit him was basically the kind of state that seemed to have hit but not hit, wasting the pupil power in vain.

"The most urgent task now is to find a way to crack the Thunder God's Technique."

Uchiha Shisui actually wanted to find the body of the Red Sand Scorpion, and then use Kotoamatsukami to directly end this farce.

But thinking of his poor eyesight, he could only give up this idea helplessly.

After all, he couldn't even see the tree below clearly, so he should forget about looking for flaws.

"I advise you to find a way to survive!"

The Red Sand Scorpion controlled the eight-armed giant and came to the back of Susanoo and punched it again.

With the support of Swift Escape and One-Tail Chakra, he is more mobile than the perfect form of Susanoo.


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