In the conference room,

As Naruto spoke, the atmosphere gradually became serious.

The life and death of everyone here is actually controlled by Naruto.

But most people here don't care about life and death, and most of them can die immediately for an answer.

So there are constant questions to the leader of the organization.

After all, they can die for the truth, which does not mean that they are willing to follow a silly idealist and rush towards the unknown darkness with only ideas but no practical action plan.

I am willing to die for my ideal, but I will not die for my ideal.

Everyone has a selfish mentality, even the God of Ninja and even the Six Paths Sage.

Not to mention that everyone present has experienced suffering.

Such people are actually very realistic. They will recognize your great and glorious ideals, but they only recognize them.

It is almost impossible to make these people completely return to their hearts.

So I can only use this method, using the curse seal to control.

Although the means are cruel, for the people in the ninja world, this operation that seems inhumane in civilized society is just a basic operation. They don't even have resentment towards the people who control them.

Looking at the inquiring eyes of the crowd.

Naruto continued.

"And in order to satisfy everyone's appetite, after years of thinking, I also have a shallow direction."

Naruto pointed to the sky.

"I don't know, what direction does the leader mean?"

Rui asked nervously.

She is different from the masters present. She only has high emotional intelligence and average IQ. From the beginning of the meeting, she didn't understand.

Whether it is the leader or these masters, they only talk about the key points, and the hidden meaning is really not mentioned at all.

These guys, will it kill people if they speak more clearly? !

They don't consider people like themselves who are less educated!

This time she represented the management department of the island to attend the meeting. If she didn't understand it at all, how can she go back and explain it!

Why are these masters who are usually stubborn and completely unreasonable so tacitly in tune with each other today?

Can't your tacit understanding be used in life?


Naruto looked at Rui in surprise, wondering how this guy got in here.

However, since she asked, Naruto didn't mind explaining it.

"I think everyone knows that our world is a planet."

"That means there are many life planets similar to ours in this universe, as well as more non-life planets, that is, resource planets."

"When our world's population is saturated, why not set our sights on alien planets."

"We go to discover life planets or transform non-life planets so that people can survive."

"There are more huge planets in the universe than humans. When that time comes, at most every family will be given a planet to live and reproduce, so that humans can make progress and resolve conflicts."

"Although conflicts may arise later, given the size of the universe, it is likely to be tens of millions or hundreds of millions of years later. In my opinion, we have maintained peace for such a long time, and I think it is better for humans to perish."

Naruto almost revealed all the future he had thought about since he got the memory of the otaku.

"The leader's ambition is really fascinating!"

After a moment of silence, the masters nodded in approval.

Although Naruto did not mention what to do if he met aliens, those things were hundreds of years away from everyone's perspective, so there was no need to worry about future generations.

They believed that in an era of stable life, the achievements of the younger generation would definitely surpass theirs.

"How about the name of our organization being [Star Sea]?"

A master suggested.

"What the hell? It's not realistic at all!"

"In my opinion, we should call it [Glorious], which means that we will bring light to people!"

Another master stroked his long beard, obviously very satisfied with the name he had chosen.

Naruto thought it was not bad, so he would be the Lord of Glorious!

"Old-fashioned! My country was set off by a war by an evil organization called [Akatsuki]. Now I feel sick when I hear the term related to [Light]."

An old man said angrily.

"Evil organizations like them that profit from wars everywhere deserve to be called the Light of Dawn?!"

"Ahem, my country has indeed been messed with by the Akatsuki organization, so let's not call it [Glorious]!"

The old man said, and dozens of people immediately agreed.

"Akatsuki organization?"

Naruto's eyes flickered.As expected, evil spirits emerge in troubled times. This evil organization must be eradicated.

"Ruyi, what do you think?"

Naruto saw the blue-haired lady beside him hesitated to speak, so he encouraged her.

"Our organization is not the kind of place where you will be punished for your words. You can join the discussion boldly."

After all, under the control of the curse, if you force yourself to say something that you can't say, you will die.

"I, I think our organization can be called [Nirvana]!"

Ruyi said a little embarrassedly.

"I heard that the phoenix will usher in a new life after Nirvana. As the leader said, isn't our organization bringing a new life to the corrupt ninja world?"

Everyone felt that it was appropriate after hearing this.

"[Nirvana], yes!"

Naruto muttered in a low voice. Although it felt a bit old-fashioned, it was really very vivid.

He originally wanted to name the organization [Bud], but he felt that it was too gentle and not domineering enough, so he asked everyone to discuss it together.

"Since everyone has no objection, then our organization will be called [Nirvana]."

Naruto didn't plan to waste too much time on the name of the organization. He didn't really care what it was called, even if it was called a shipping company, but it was more important for the centripetal force of the people in the organization, so he discussed it publicly.

"Then, let's move on to the third topic, the development plan of the [Nirvana] organization in the next three to five years."

"Let me talk about my ideas first."

Naruto sorted out his thoughts and continued.

"My goal is very clear, there are only three directions."

"First, we need to absorb more talents."

"Second, we need more money and more advanced technology."

"Third, we need a more complete system."

"I'm not very good at talents and systems, nor am I very anxious about them. Let the relevant departments improve them."

The lives and deaths of these people are under their control, and there is no rush for systems.

At that time, throw out the systems of the other world and the local systems together, and let the professionals worry about it.

My goal is just to allow the lower-class people to live with dignity.

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