The meeting lasted until late at night before a preliminary charter was discussed.

Naruto's plan to overwhelm the entire ninja world with low food prices also ushered in various problems, big and small.

The problems mainly appeared in three aspects: land, transportation, and energy.

First of all, without a territory belonging to the [Nirvana] organization, it would be absurd to produce crops. The small area of ​​the Wave Country, even if the islands are added, is not enough.

Secondly, even if food is forcibly grown in the Wave Country and scattered islands, the manpower and material resources consumed will completely exceed the price of the food itself.

At the same time, food must be transported to all parts of the world, and no matter how rich you are, you will be dragged down.

This is the problem of transportation.

So after the discussion of many masters, everyone focused on ninjutsu.

As we all know, ninjutsu is a very magical thing, so magical that many things you can't solve can be solved by ninjutsu.

So, in the solution discussed by everyone.

The best way is to use ninjutsu to lift a flat seabed and create a fertile plain.

In this way, it will not be easily discovered by outsiders and there is no need to spend time cultivating the soil.

Because the soil on the seabed has buried the corpses of various creatures for countless years, its fertility is far greater than that on land.

Then the masters made various tools to achieve fully mechanized agricultural production.

This saves time and effort.

For transportation, you only need to build more transport ships.

In the Nirvana organization, which has many seabed mineral veins, shipbuilding is just a piece of cake.

So, the problem finally turned into an energy problem.

And this energy is not simple electricity, but ninjutsu energy, that is, chakra.

It is best to have a continuous, reusable and huge volume.

"Can the tailed beasts work?"

Naruto looked at the final conclusion report and asked hurriedly.

"Not sure, after all, we haven't seen the tailed beasts, and we don't think the tailed beasts can hold up thousands or tens of thousands of square kilometers of seabed."

A master shook his head and said he was not optimistic about the tailed beasts.

"Some of us are from the former Loulan Kingdom. It would be best if we could move the dragon veins of Loulan Kingdom here."

"Dragon veins?"

Naruto was a little confused. This word goes well with "make" and "rebel". I didn't expect that I, Naruto, would be involved with dragon veins one day.

Should I shout at this time?

The blue sky is dead, and the yellow sky should be established?

"The dragon vein is the lifeblood of the earth. There is chakra that surpasses other places on the earth. If it is used carelessly, it is very likely to destroy the entire earth."

The master from Loulan said solemnly.

"Of course, everything has two sides. We can't abandon the dragon veins just because they are dangerous. Instead, we should use them to serve us and benefit more people."

The master sighed with some regret.

"It's a pity that our queen doesn't agree with my point of view. She is so stubborn that she is unwilling to use it even when the war started by Akatsuki destroys her country."

"Destroy the entire earth? That's really dangerous!"

Naruto was shocked. This is much more powerful than a nuclear bomb. It seems that the lethality of the ultimate weapons in the ninja world is much greater than that of the other world.

In the world of Otaku, all the nuclear bombs can't destroy the earth, at most they can destroy all mankind.

"Usually the dragon veins are sealed, and only the queen's blood can affect them."

The master smiled bitterly, and seemed to be very speechless about the queen's stubbornness.

After all, having such a powerful weapon and still being destroyed by others, how stupid and naive it must be to do this.

"So, if the leader can control the queen of this generation or use a new sealing technique to move the dragon vein here, we can completely solve the problem of chakra energy."

"Sealing technique!"

Naruto nodded. As for controlling the queen, he had never thought about it. If the other party was desperate, he would not be able to withstand the attack of the dragon vein.

That is a terrifying energy that can sink the continent. Naruto did not question the master's words.

"As for sealing techniques, I am not good at it, but I will solve this problem within two years."

Now I have 76 remaining attribute points.

When I reach 100 points, I will try to upgrade my physical skills. If I can.

Then I have to wait another 100 days to upgrade my chakra control.

Next, if I haven't obtained the Mangekyō Sharingan, I will consider sealing techniques.

But two years should be more than enough.

"Well, we can wait two years, and the organization is just starting out, so we are still focusing on cultivating crops and making equipment."

The master nodded in approval and marked the location of the dragon vein on the map.He marked it and handed it to Naruto.

"As long as the technology is in place and the dragon vein arrives, we can start planning immediately, and it is expected to start in the third year."

"Okay, then I'll trouble you all about the technology. I will solve the problem of chakra energy."

Naruto took back the map and made a promise, watching the masters leave.

"My lord, are you going to Loulan later?"

Rui suddenly blinked her big eyes and looked at Naruto hidden under the cloak mask.

"Well, I will take time to go to the ruins of Loulan to confirm whether the dragon vein is still there, and then find a way to find a master of sealing techniques to try to migrate successfully."

There is nothing to hide from his own people, so Naruto directly told his itinerary.

Jiraiya gave him two weeks, and today is the fourth day.

That means there are still ten days left.

Loulan is located near the buffer zone between the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind, and is still very far from the Land of Waves.

But with his own walking speed.

Ten days should be enough to go to Loulan and rush back to Tansho Street.


Naruto was speechless when he thought of this.

Jiraiya knew where Tsunade was, but he pretended to look for her.

"By the way, are you asking this because you have relatives in Loulan and asked me to leave something or a message for you?"

Naruto turned his head and looked at Rui and asked.

"Ah, no."

Rui stuck out her tongue a little embarrassedly. After all, asking about the leader's whereabouts was still very suspicious.

"I'm from the Land of Demons, which is very, very far from the Land of Waves."

Rui said nonchalantly, as if it was not her hometown at all.

"I mainly want to ask when the leader will leave so that I can prepare clothes and other things for the leader."

"I'm leaving early tomorrow morning. You don't need clothes. Just prepare some cash for me."

Naruto shook his head. He had prepared these a long time ago. One of his purposes for coming back this time was to develop the organization and the other was to get some money back.

"There's not much cash in the organization, but there are a lot of precious metals. I'll prepare 10 kilograms of gold for you, should that be enough? And it's convenient for you to carry and use."

Rui said with a smile.

The organization is not short of money at all. These precious metals are like stones in the organization, but they are a huge fortune when taken to the outside world.

"If it's not enough, there are still a lot in the warehouse."

"Ahem, ahem. Enough."

Ten kilograms of gold!

Damn! I've never seen so much money in my life!

Naruto shouted in his heart.

It's really great that the organization has a mine!

PS: I finally made it through the Chunin Exam, mainly because I was very busy at work in November. I worked from 9 to 5 every day and did all kinds of overtime. I went home and wrote until midnight. Sometimes my mind went blank while writing, but the 2,000 words I promised to add every day this month were basically completed.

Haha, I really worked hard for the six or seven yuan a day of novel income.

As I move on to a new chapter, I will try my best to write something new.

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