"Hokage, I think our team 7 is already competent for C-level missions. As for D-level missions, the training effect has become insignificant for our growth. Even Naruto's shadow clone can easily complete them, so I beg you to let us complete higher-level missions."

Sasuke spoke a long paragraph of words unexpectedly and sincerely.

"Oh? Really?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled with satisfaction when he saw Sasuke who took the initiative to step forward for Team 7. It seems that this child full of revenge has also gained a bond.

"I didn't expect you to make such great progress, Naruto."

"Hahaha, of course! But the arrogant Sasuke is not bad either, just a little weaker than me."

Naruto laughed arrogantly when he heard Sarutobi Hiruzen's praise.

"This idiot."

Sakura sighed and held her forehead with some fatigue.

"Well, I'll trust you once. I have a tricky C-rank mission for you."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded with a smile, and then said to the outside.

"Then, please come in, Mr. Dazna."

"What! Grandpa Hokage, you were just making things difficult for me, weren't you!"

When Naruto heard that the mission client was at the door, he didn't know that he was being tricked by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

After all, C-rank missions are only issued in the mission hall, and the client can't even think of meeting the Hokage.

"I just want to see if little Naruto has grown up. It seems that he is still far from it now."

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and took a puff of cigarette, looking at Naruto kindly.

"What! Really!"

Naruto's anger disappeared when he saw the loving eyes of the Sandaime, and he could only complain a few words.

"Then, the mission content is to escort this bridge master Mr. Dazna back to the Land of Waves."

Sarutobi Hiruzen signaled the Anbu beside him to hand the commission to Kakashi.

"There will probably be dangers along the way, but Dazna can only afford C-level mission fees."

"How dangerous is it?"

Naruto asked curiously.

"There will be ninja attacks, kid, are you afraid?"

Dazna looked drunk and sneered at Naruto.

"Provocation is useless. Can you build a bridge?"

"I am the world's top bridge master."

Dazna said proudly.


Naruto looked at the alcoholic old man with some curiosity, thinking that a person can't be judged by appearance.

At the same time, he sighed in his heart that such a high-level talent is so miserable. This world is really sick!

"Yes, let's stop talking nonsense. Will you accept my commission?"

Dazna had seen many Genin teams a long time ago and didn't hold much hope. His tone was a little bad.

"We need to think about it."

Naruto frowned and walked out the door with the other members of Team 7.

"I suggest you don't accept it. After all, a ninja battle requires at least the reward of a B-level mission."

Kakashi flipped through the booklet and said indifferently.

"Of course, if you want to accept it, I have no objection. Just treat it as an experience."

"I listen to Sasuke."

"I want to accept this mission. Only by fighting with ninjas can I grow."

Sasuke is not short of money, nor is he interested in money. He just wants to become stronger, so he looked at Naruto and asked.

"So, Naruto, what's your choice?"

"Hey~ I didn't want to take this mission at first, after all, the Land of Waves is far away, but since you insist on going, Sasuke, then I agree."

Naruto shrugged, then rolled his eyes and said.

"However, we can't let that arrogant uncle have an easy time. I'll make some requests later."


Sasuke nodded. He was also a little dissatisfied with the rude guy Dazna.

Soon, they returned to the Hokage's office.

"So, what's your decision?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't want to waste time on such a trivial matter, so he asked directly.

"We decided to accept this mission, but there is a condition."

Naruto looked at Dazna.

"As long as it's not an excessive request, I can agree to it."

Dazna's attitude immediately improved when he heard that things had taken a turn for the better.

"I want you to do four things for us in the future, of course, it won't exceed your ability."

First he opened his mouth high, and then bargained step by step.

Naruto pointed at the four of them, and then smiled cunningly.


Dazna agreed without hesitation. What could an old man like him do? One or four things were the same to him. Now the most urgent thing was to return to the Land of Waves, otherwise everything would be over."Uh... OK, that's settled."

Naruto's mouth twitched, and he felt like he had punched cotton, but he didn't ask for more.

However, he really wanted to help Dazna.

Because such a top-level high-tech talent is very rare.

He deeply understood from the memory of the otaku that if you want to be rich, you must first build roads.

And Dazna is such a top talent in road construction, and he must firmly grasp it.

He needs Dazna to cultivate enough infrastructure and bridge-building talents to prepare for the future.


Pokemon get doza!

Naruto's mood at this time was probably like this.

Soon, the documents were signed, and everyone agreed to gather at the gate of Konoha early tomorrow morning, and then they dispersed.

But before leaving the Hokage's office, Naruto still used the ultimate secret, causing all the men in the Hokage's office except Sasuke to bleed from their noses, and then he laughed wildly and ran away.

Little did they know that apart from Sakura who wanted to beat someone up, everyone else wanted to do it again.

Although the distance between Konoha Village and Wave Country is not far, it is definitely not close.

Dazna obviously doesn't look like someone who can afford a carriage.

This journey plus protecting Dazna and others in Wave Country will probably take one or two months.

To be honest, it is very thankless.

Because during this period, Naruto has no extra income.

In this way, his already tight life will probably be worse.

But he doesn't think it's not worth it, because talent is the most important thing in this world. Only with enough talents can he have the opportunity to touch that ultimate dream.

"Although I only collected one bridge master, I believe that more buried masters can be found in the future."

Naruto thought to himself while packing his luggage.

"At the same time, if I want to become Hokage, I must find a way to cultivate a force that belongs to me."

"As the saying goes, a new emperor appoints new ministers. If I don't have my own trusted subordinates, even if I become Hokage, my decrees may not be able to leave Konoha Village."

"But, I have nothing now, how can I recruit masters?"

"Forget it, don't worry, even if I become Hokage, the fastest I will be the sixth generation, I have enough time to complete all this, I will wait until I am older."

Naruto quickly put aside the deepness that was inconsistent with his age, packed his luggage, washed up, and fell asleep carelessly.

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