The Kingdom of Ghosts.

Capital, Royal Palace.

Today is the day of the court meeting of the Kingdom of Ghosts. A group of ministers and even the witch Maitreya are present to participate in the court meeting to discuss important matters.

Everyone stood on both sides of the hall according to their respective identities, whispering about what needs to be reported next.

Only the witch Maitreya did not participate in any discussion.

She stood alone in the upper right position, staring at the empty throne with a worried look, and I don’t know what she was thinking.

For a while, the ministers did not dare to go up and ask.

After all, almost no one in the Kingdom of Ghosts is not afraid of witches, because no one wants to be suddenly told when they will die.

That is really too unlucky.

However, due to the special status of witches in the Kingdom of Ghosts since ancient times, no one would be blind to find trouble with witches.

The ministers whispered for about a quarter of an hour, and they were almost done talking, and the voices gradually disappeared.

Just then.

A figure wearing a black coat with red clouds suddenly appeared at the entrance of the palace.

The ministers looked over and saw that it was the current daimyo of the Ghost Country - Baizu Renhua.

Seeing the newcomer, the ministers bowed and saluted.

Baizu Renhua looked at the ministers and said nothing. She just took off her Akatsuki coat and threw it aside, revealing the costume of the daimyo of the Ghost Country.

The daimyo's costume was mainly dark purple, with an embroidered centipede pattern on the back, which seemed to be the family symbol of Baizu Renhua.

Although the priestess and the ministers had almost never heard of the name of the Baizu family, they did not delve into it too much.

Because Baizu Renhua had been the daimyo of the Ghost Country for several years, they had never seen other people from the Baizu family appear.

Therefore, in their inherent thinking, the Baizu family should be based on Baizu Renhua as the first generation.

This daimyo who suddenly appeared wanted to create a royal family on his own.

Naturally, no one would object to this huge ambition, after all, those who opposed it were all fed to the centipede.

"What's going on in the demon world recently?"

Bai Zu Lian Hua sat on the throne with a majestic look, and there was a kingly demeanor in his every move.

He glanced at the ministers, and seeing that no one dared to look him in the eye, he couldn't help but feel a little bored.

All the ministers with real backbone in this country were killed by him, and those who were left were relatively smooth, but fortunately, these people were also good at handling government affairs.

Because those who were idle were also killed by him.

"Your Excellency, the demons, ghosts and their monster army have been wiped out by our side with less than a thousand casualties, and now they are retreating to the Tropic of Return."

A general dressed as a warrior hurriedly stepped forward to report the situation on the front line, and then he knelt down and bowed without any backbone.

"Our soldiers were able to achieve such a record thanks to the help of the secret medicine [Ladder] provided by the daimyo."

"Hmph, is it considered a military achievement to just kill some minions that can be replenished at any time?"

Baizu Lianhua was very dissatisfied when she heard this.

The demon army that these people thought of sounded very powerful, but in fact it was just some terracotta warriors made of soil from the demon world.

So many people died but only a pile of soil was turned over. What kind of military achievement is this? !

They couldn't even do such a simple thing as fighting against the two rubbish, Chimei and Wuliang!

Unfortunately, the Ghost Country is a small country after all. It's not that there are no real generals, but in the hands of these capable and flattering people, those generals with low status and strong abilities basically have no chance to make a name for themselves.

And he himself has no time to discover talents.

He has only one goal, that is to destroy the demon world. Other things like governing the country are nothing in his eyes.

"Da-Da-Ming, calm down!" The general was so frightened that he trembled all over when he heard that Baizu Lianhua would not buy into this.

"I'll give you another seven days, and by then we will completely occupy the Yellow Spring Tropic of Return!"

If there was really no one, this guy would be barely qualified, and Baizu Lianhua would have wanted to slap this waste to death.

"But, but..."

The general was terrified when he heard this.

Occupy the Yellow Spring Tropic of Return within seven days?

For him, isn't it just a matter of living seven more days or seven less days?

He said tremblingly.

"Da-Ming, our army has just experienced a great battle, and morale is exhausted, and most importantly, the [ladder] is already in short supply."

"It's not that I don't want to obey orders, but if we force an attack at this state, it will be tantamount to sending the soldiers to their deaths!"

"Insufficient supply of [ladder]?"

Baizu Lianhua knew that the shortage of secret medicine was the key point, and the rest was nonsense.After all, these nobles treated the people like pigs and dogs, just like he treated his ministers.

How could he care about the lives of the lower-class people?

"Your Excellency, the secret medicine [Ladder] is already in full production, but..."

At this time, a minister dressed as a civil servant came out to report.

"But, most of our young male laborers are fighting against the demon world ghost soldiers, and the fields are cultivated by women and the elderly. These people are short of strength and are not allowed to take medicine, so the planting area and harvest of medicinal materials have not been improved."

"The secret medicine in the treasury can only sustain the entire army for three months."

"Three months?"

Bai Zu nodded when he heard it. This is indeed a difficult problem to solve.

He brought the secret medicine [Ladder] to this world.

This is a very scary drug, because it is addictive. Once the person who takes it stops, he will be worse than death within three days. Except for a few people with extremely strong willpower, almost no one can resist this side effect.

And the life span of people who take it for a long time will become shorter and shorter.


Centipede Lotus knew that this secret medicine [Ladder] would poison the world once it was released, so why did it still use it?

That's because.

In front of the positive effects of this secret medicine, these small effects, addiction and short life are actually nothing.

The power of [Ladder] lies in.

It is not like other drugs that make people hallucinate and turn a healthy person into a waste like a maggot.

Its effect is completely opposite to ordinary poisons. It can make people stronger and stronger, just like a ladder, helping people who take it to climb to their limits layer by layer.

As long as your life is strong enough, it is not a problem to climb to the top of the world by taking medicine.

Therefore, once [Ladder] came out, all adult men in the ghost country, except the elderly, women and children, including the ministers in the hall, were taking it.

As for the so-called life span?


In this era where living to the age of thirty is considered a huge profit, who cares about what happens after the age of thirty?

In an environment where fighting for a long time is equivalent to committing suicide, there is suddenly a new way to become stronger by fighting for a long time.

Is there any need to ask?

Of course, eat first to show respect!

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