
In the cold rain.

Orochimaru led Kimimaro and the other two slowly walked towards the Land of Fields.

Just then,

A small white snake crawled to Orochimaru's ear and hissed a few times.

"Haha, I didn't expect them to react so quickly."

Orochimaru knew that there was a ninja army chasing him, and he was not panicked at all.

"Kimimaro, separate a few finger bones."

Orochimaru ordered lightly, and summoned a dozen small snakes at will.


Kimimaro nodded, stretched out his right hand, and the skin cracked and fifteen finger bones fell down.

The small snakes below held a finger bone in their mouths, and then dispersed and left.

"Deal with the smell on your body. It's not time to face Konoha head-on yet."

Orochimaru spit out a small bottle of medicine and gave it to Kimimaro.


Kimimaro always obeyed Orochimaru, and he didn't think the mucus on the potion was disgusting. He opened the lid and sprayed himself and Kidomaru, then put the potion bottle into the ninja bag, leaving no trace that could be tracked.

"Kakashi... hehe."

The kid who chased him back then.

Chasing him again more than ten years later.

But don't bump into him again this time.

Orochimaru showed a meaningful smile and continued to move forward slowly.


"Wow! Wow! Such a tall tower!"

After several hours of boring rushing, Naruto suddenly saw a tower hundreds of meters high in the distance. He started shouting and screaming, as if he had never seen the world.

Indeed, he had never seen such a tall building.

Even Naruto, who had integrated the memory of the otaku, was particularly surprised when he saw this giant tower that almost towered into the sky.

"That's the Frost Tower, a unique building in our Frost Country."

Seeing that everyone looked shocked, Nishikawa Kasumi said with a little pride.

"Almost all the Buddhas in the world are enshrined in the Frost Tower. Each Buddha statue is carefully carved by a master. It took more than a hundred years to build it completely."


Naruto widened his eyes. This Frost Tower can be regarded as a spectacular building, similar to the Shadow Rock in Konoha.


After running for a while, two Frost Ninja youths stopped them when they were close to the outside of the Frost Ninja Village.

"We are Konoha ninjas, responsible for escorting Miss Nishikawa Kasumi to the Frost Ninja Village. Here are the commission documents and passes."

Seeing someone blocking him, Sasuke stepped forward and handed over the task commission and pass he had prepared long ago.

"In addition, we have news about Frost Leaf Town on the border of the Frost Country that needs to be reported to Lord Frost Shadow."

"It is the correct pass."

One of the Frost Ninjas carefully checked the pass and the letter of commission, and after confirming that they were correct, he asked with some doubts.

"What happened in Frost Leaf Town?"

"Frost Leaf Town was destroyed, and Isu Jonin asked us to convey the news to Frost Shadow."

Sasuke patiently said again.


The two Frost Ninjas were shocked and angry when they heard the news. One of them stayed to continue guarding the door, and the other hurriedly took Naruto and the others to the interior of the Frost Ninja Village.


Naruto and the others were taken to the Heavenly Drum Thunder Sound Hall, which is the Buddhist temple where Frost Shadow is.

"Lord Shimokage, they are ninjas from Konoha, and they brought information about Shimokage Town."

"I know, you go down first."



Looking at the way the Shimokage was talking to himself, Naruto was confused. Shimokage didn't even look back, okay?

"Sister Nishikawa, Lord Shimokage didn't seem to say anything just now, did he?"

"Hehe, ninjas from Konoha, I actually said something."

Just when Naruto was confused, an old and kind voice suddenly appeared in Naruto's mind.


"This is just a little trick of using mental power, you don't need to be surprised."

Shimokage smiled lightly, and then said.

"Then, please tell me the information you know."

"Yes, Lord Shimokage, please let me report."

Sasuke stepped forward and bowed slightly to Shimokage's back, and then told him everything he and others knew in detail.

"Corpse veins, strange transformations, deformed appearances... and powerful summoned beasts."

After listening to Sasuke's report, Frost Shadow secretly wondered which force in the ninja world had similar means.

But soon discovered that there seemed to be no such force, because normally deformed children could not become ninjas.

What a cautious organization.

Frost Shadow thought of this.Naruto shook his head slightly, but was not too upset.

Anyway, it was a done deal, everyone was dead, and the next step was for the people below to retaliate and hunt him down.

"That, Lord Shimokage."

Naruto saw Shimokage lost in thought for a long time without any response, and couldn't help but get impatient.

In addition to an incomprehensible Buddha statue, this Buddhist temple also had nine more incomprehensible animal statues,

In addition to Shimokage, who was also motionless with his back to several people, this was basically a statue!

It was meaningless.

"The Isu Jonin said before that if we tell you the information, you will reward us."

Naruto rubbed his hands a little embarrassedly, looking at Shimokage with shining eyes.

"Oh? I haven't asked yet, what's your name?"

Shimokage was interrupted but not annoyed, but asked with a little curiosity.

Isu was not the kind of person who would make decisions for others casually.

"Hahaha, I'm Uzumaki Naruto! I'm destined to become the Hokage!"

Naruto shouted arrogantly at the first moment.

"I'm Uchiha Sasuke."

Sasuke looked at Naruto with disdain and moved aside.

"I, I'm Haruno Sakura."

Sakura was a little restrained.

"Lord Shimokage, I'm Nishikawa Kasumi of the Nishikawa family." Nishikawa Kasumi performed a noble etiquette to Shimokage again and introduced herself elegantly.

"Well... they are all good juniors."

Uchiha Sasuke? No wonder.

In the direction that Naruto and the others couldn't see, the Mangekyō Sharingan in Shimokage's eyes turned slightly.

"What reward do you want?"

Shimokage stroked his beard and asked with a smile.

"Of course, the stronger and more precious, the better!"

Naruto said quickly, and he looked very polite.

"It's not impossible."

Shimokage stroked his beard again after hearing this.

"Then I will give you one chance, a chance to summon the Nine-Faced Subaha."

"Nine-Faced Subaha?"

Naruto and his friends were full of questions and couldn't understand at all.

"These are the immortals behind the nine statues. They are the subordinates of Amoghasiddhiraja. You can summon their clones. Each clone has the strength of a Kage. This is the strongest summoning technique in the ninja world!"

Frost Shadow's tone was calm, but the content was not calm at all.



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