"Kakashi! What's wrong with you!"

Shimura Xing shouted at Kakashi angrily.

"We have caught twelve snakes in a row. Where is the enemy?"

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

Kakashi opened his dead eyes and didn't want to pay attention to this person at all.

"The enemy obviously found someone chasing them, so they thought of a way to deal with it. In addition, it is raining now, and the smell has been diluted. Even Parker and others will find it difficult to continue tracking."

"Damn it! Can't you be reliable for once!"

Shimura Xing didn't want to listen to the explanation. He just wanted to catch the murderer and beat them to death.

"Master Shimura, please calm down. Our Frost Ninja support troops will arrive soon. Maybe they will find a way to continue tracking."

This is a Frost Ninja Jonin. Seeing that Konoha was about to fight over a case in the Frost Country, he hurried forward to dissuade them.

At the same time, he thought to himself, how great it would be if the border troops of each country were like Konoha!

This brotherly country is indeed right.

"Oh~ This is the only way, let's take a break."

Shimura Xing sighed, there was no better way, so he could only compromise temporarily.

And now it was cold and raining, and everyone was indeed a little tired after running around for most of the day.

'I should be the one sighing! '

Kakashi looked at Shimura Xing's sighing appearance and couldn't help but roll his eyes secretly.

The battle in the morning had already made his chakra a little bottomed out, and he hadn't eaten anything until now, so he was the most tired one, okay?

Tiredly taking out an umbrella from the ninja bag to keep out the rain, Kakashi sat on a relatively dry tree trunk, took out some compressed food and slowly ate it with rain water.

About an hour later, the sky had completely darkened.

Just when Shimura Xing was impatient again.

The four Isu Jonin finally joined the main force.

"To make a long story short, Yisu, does your team have any ninjas who are good at tracking?"

Shimura Xing didn't wait for Yisu and the others to say hello, and stepped forward and threw a pile of finger bones into the hands of Yisu and the others.

"These are the enemy's finger bones, but their smell is covered. If you have a way, use it quickly. Once they run out of the Frost Country, it will be difficult for us to chase them!"


Shimura Xing's tone was very aggressive, and even Yisu, the leader of the Frost Ninja squad, was a little confused by the words.

Fortunately, he also heard clearly what Shimura Xing meant.

So he looked at Nishikawa Alina, who was the perception ninja in their team and had very powerful reconnaissance and tracking methods.

"Let's talk nicely! Why are you so fierce!"

Nishikawa Alina snorted in dissatisfaction, but she didn't have the courage to contradict Shimura Xing.

She briefly examined the finger bones in her hand, and then stretched her own chuck into the finger bones with some disgust, not knowing what she was sensing.

She opened her eyes again after a while, and then quickly formed seals with both hands.


A subtle sound wave sounded from the finger bones, and then Xichuan Alina looked at the white tiger under her.


The white tiger saw its master looking over, and howled softly, and then seemed to be listening to something.


The white tiger's eyes lit up, and it quickly nodded in a certain direction.

"The enemy is in that direction."

Seeing that everyone looked at her with confusion, Alina knew that her operation was a bit inexplicable to outsiders, so she quickly explained.

"Dabai has a trace of listening blood, it can hear some sounds that humans can't hear. In fact, everything in this world has its own unique sound, but humans can't hear it."

"I don't want you to explain, but why don't you lead us right away!"

Shimura Xing shouted at the baby-faced girl without any courtesy.

"Woo, why are you so fierce! I'll go right away."

Nishikawa Alina was so wronged by the shouting, but she didn't dare to fight back. After all, the fierce man in front of her was above her in both status and strength.

In addition, after all, he came to help the Frost Country.

So... this shouting was in vain.

Nishikawa Alina made a bitter face and hurriedly rode the white tiger towards Orochimaru.


On the other side,

It was late, and after a whole day of running.

Naruto and his party were already exhausted, both physically and mentally.

Led by Xichuan Xia, several people came to the Xichuan family's mansion.

It was a very luxurious courtyard. Because it was too dark, everyone couldn't see anything.Of course, no one cared about the scenery.

Naruto and his friends had a big meal at the hospitality of Xichuan Xia.

Then they were taken to the hot spring in the mansion by the maid.

"Ah~ After a tiring day, I can enjoy a hot spring. It's so happy!"

Naruto half leaned on the edge of the hot spring pool, with a white towel on his forehead, humming comfortably. This was the first time he had taken a hot spring since he grew up.

"Today's experience is really bizarre, don't you think, Sasuke?"

"Yeah." Sasuke responded sullenly and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Speaking of which, Sasuke, why don't you continue to accept the test?"

Naruto asked curiously.

"If you succeed, you can summon the clones of nine immortals! With their help, I don't think your enemy can resist your revenge."

"That test is very difficult for humans to pass."

Sasuke shook his head and said.

"If I'm not mistaken, all the tests are about the seven emotions and six desires. I think those who pass all of them are no different from Buddhas."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Naruto opened his eyes and looked at Sasuke, his eyes full of confusion.

"After becoming a Buddha, you will not be affected by hatred. I want revenge and don't want to let go."

Sasuke saw that Naruto still didn't seem to understand, so he added another sentence.

"What I mean is that if I successfully pass all the tests, it means that I don't want revenge, but that's impossible."

"Oh, that's a pity."

Naruto nodded thoughtfully, and he couldn't help but think of the scene in the illusion.

Although it's a bit fake and a bit bloody, this is the first time he feels the love of his father and mother.

This may be my biggest gain today.

Naruto smiled slightly and felt very warm in his heart.

"By the way, Sasuke, tell me about the illusion you experienced. I'm very curious. I'll tell you about my experience after you finish talking."


Sasuke nodded and began to slowly narrate everything that happened in his illusion. In fact, he was also very curious about Naruto's illusion test.

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