"Nine Heavens Mysterious Break, transformed into divine thunder. The mighty power of heaven, guided by the sword!"

"Super S-level fairy art, the true art of divine sword controlling thunder."

"Using a sword to guide the heavenly thunder to attack? Naruto's imagination is really rich."

Kakashi sat in a sky garden in Konoha Village, flipping through the first volume of "Zhuxian" with relish.

As for the "Intimate Paradise" that he had secretly read, he had thrown it away somewhere long ago.

How could such a rubbish novel with no sense of substitution be compared with "Zhuxian"?

Kakashi shook his head and continued to flip through the book in his hand for the countless times.

From the destruction of Uzumaki Xiaofan's village, to Uzumaki Xiaofan joining the Dazhufeng department, to the competition among the seven departments, and finally Uzumaki Xiaofan winning the fourth place, this is the entire content of the first volume.

Naruto, this stinky boy, shamelessly used his own surname as the surname of the protagonist.

However, speaking of this, although Uzumaki Xiaofan is a good person, he seems a little...unpleasant compared to Naruto.

As expected, Naruto, the combination of a reckless egomaniac and an idiot, is not likable at all!

"Kakashi, Lord Hokage invites you."

An Anbu appeared at Kakashi's side in an instant.

"Got it."

Kakashi nodded, stuffed the book into his ninja bag, turned around and walked towards the Hokage building.


"Uzumaki Xiaofan is a good boy with a stubborn and firm character and a strong sense of friendship."

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled slightly and closed the book in his hand.

"No matter how the outside changes, the inside is still the same Naruto."

"When there is a new follow-up to this book in the future, remember to send it to me in time."

"Yes! Lord Hokage."

The Anbu in the dark quickly responded.

"Sandaime-sama, you're looking for me?"

At this time, Kakashi pushed open the door of the Hokage's office and walked in.

"Well... it's like this, Kakashi, how is Team 7 doing recently?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked with a smile while smoking a cigarette.

"Well~ everyone has been practicing hard recently. Usually, they only do some C and D-level tasks. Generally speaking, it's still quite free."

Kakashi's tone was leisurely. Team 7, including Sakura, already had the strength of Chunin, so he didn't have to worry too much.

However, he also realized that the Hokage probably had some tasks for them when he asked this.

"Does Hokage-sama have any tasks for Team 7?"

"Well, it's not Team 7. To be precise, there are special tasks for you."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded first and then shook his head and said.

"It's about the joint Chunin exam this time."

"It's just that I'm a little worried about the Hidden Rain Village."

"Please give me your orders, Hokage."

Kakashi nodded and agreed without asking what the task was.

"Well, the difficulty of the task is S-level. I need you to find out the information about the Hidden Rain Village, mainly the true situation of Hanzo."

Hiruzen Sarutobi's lowered eyes exuded a cold light, and he gently exhaled the cigarette in his mouth and said.

"In the past ten years, Hanzo has been very low-key, which is very abnormal for this 'demigod'. The spies I sent to the Hidden Rain Village have no news, so I'll leave this matter to you."

"The reason is to let the Hidden Rain Village participate in the joint Chunin exam."


Kakashi nodded seriously and accepted the task.


Haruhi Festival.

As the name suggests, it is some activities or festivals held in the spring season.

The Spring Festival in each country is actually very different.

Because everyone's customs and habits, the gods they worship are also different.

The Spring Festival in Konoha is held in mid-March.

It happens to be today.

"So, I still came to the central street of Konoha."

Naruto sighed, resting his head on his arms, and wandering aimlessly on the street.

It's not that he didn't want to stay in the eastern base, but who would have thought that the people in the base also ran to the central area of ​​Konoha to play.

Naruto, who likes the hustle and bustle, thought that if everyone comes, then I will come too.

So this scene happened.

"Naruto, what are you wandering around here for? Come with me quickly, Kakashi teacher asked us to gather."

Sakura hurriedly appeared from nowhere, and then pulled Naruto without saying anything and gathered towards the small bridge that Team 7 often went to.

"Haruno-san, what happened?"

Naruto followed Sakura and was a little confused.

"I don't know. Kakashi-sensei said there was something important. Damn it! I was just about to put on makeup.Makeup!"

Sakura said with resentment.

She was planning to put on makeup and then go find Sasuke.

But a mission came and all the preparations were ruined.

"Kakashi teacher is really something. Even if you want to do a mission, you don't have to choose today!"

"It may not be a mission."

Naruto comforted her with a guilty conscience.

He didn't want his reward to be taken back.

"Hey, Sasuke, you're here!"

Coincidentally, Sasuke came over at this time, and Naruto hurriedly greeted him, trying to make Haruno Sakura forget about the meal ticket.

"Sasuke, good morning!"

Haruno Sakura hurriedly put on a smile and greeted him.

"Well, good morning, everyone. "

Sasuke nodded familiarly, then leaned against the bridge with his hands clasped together.

As soon as Sasuke arrived, the three people on the bridge fell into strange silence.

What made people even more silent was that after waiting for half an hour, Kakashi hadn't come yet!

"Hey, I got lost on the road of life today."

Just when everyone was getting impatient, Kakashi's figure instantly appeared on the archway of the small bridge.

"Can't you change a fresher excuse?"

Sakura shouted with veins throbbing on her forehead.

"Well~well~! I'm used to it."

Kakashi scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

"Today I mainly want to tell you that I need to go out of the village to do missions in the next period of time, so you can go to the mission center to pick up the C and D-level missions in the future."

"What? ! Teacher Kakashi! You don't even take us with you on the mission! ! ! "

Naruto shouted in dissatisfaction when he heard this.

"Our team 7 is so lax because we have a jonin like you who is not conducive to unity!"

"It's okay if you don't take Sasuke and Haruno, but you don't even take Naruto!"

"Do you think I will be a drag? !"

"No, no, this is an S-level solo mission, it's not that I won't take you."

Kakashi rolled his eyes and waved his hand to interrupt Naruto's nagging.

"Then, Sasuke will be the captain next time, see you later."

Kakashi said hello to everyone and left in an instant.

He wanted to say a few more words, but seeing that Sakura's murderous aura was getting heavier, he decided to leave first.

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