Wave Country

A small island that is hidden but not too hidden.

Because many people know about it, no matter how hidden it is, it will be known by outsiders.

What's more, the most common people on this island are orphans with ragged clothes.

It is difficult for such children to keep secrets.

Fortunately, the owner of the island did not mean to hide anything.

Anyway, as long as the ninja forces are not cultivated secretly, neither the nobles of the big countries nor other ninja villages will care.

And the owner of the island has always kept in mind the words of a certain hands-off shopkeeper.

In addition to the need to replenish new blood, there is no large-scale training of ninjas.

Instead, the orphans are trained to the greatest extent, so that they can acquire certain basic knowledge, and then they are sent to suitable places to learn from masters according to their talents.

The place of learning is not a place related to martial arts, but some unpopular "masters" in various fields.

In order to make those masters accept disciples, the island will even provide a lot of living assistance.

"How is the company's business going recently?"

Bai called Cardo's former subordinates to ask.

Professional matters should be left to professionals. After dealing with Cardo, he did not kill all of Cardo's subordinates. Instead, after dealing with a few troublemakers, he took over Cardo's business.

The main business is transnational smuggling of contraband.

Such business is also very convenient for him to send orphans to various places to learn and become apprentices.

In fact, Bai wanted to train spies at the beginning, and then send the spies out to learn from masters.

But later, when Cardo's subordinates knew about it, they directly stated that it was not so troublesome to deal with ordinary people. Just send people over and let those masters teach.

When Bai heard that it was so easy, he stopped caring.

But brainwashing was still inevitable.

So he first collected orphans with talents other than ninjas from various places, brainwashed them in accordance with the "correct three views", and then sent them out.

As for those with ninja talent, they were sold to the ninja village for training, and they could also make a profit from it.

This world is like this. Even in an era of overall peace, there are still orphans everywhere who have no one to support them.

Bai's approach even saved many children who should have died in disguise.

Of course, there is also a cruel side to it, such as the survival of the fittest.

Bai saw all this, but was indifferent.

Although he said that he wanted to have the same dream as Naruto, in fact, he just regarded Naruto as a new sustenance.

Naruto needs him, so... he will go all out for Naruto, it's that simple.

"Report to the leader, our shipping company made a total profit of 8 billion taels last month, and the ships we had previously booked have also left the dock one after another. I believe that our company's revenue will get better and better in the future."

The sixteen-year-old Bai has grown a lot taller and is now 1.65 meters tall.

Looking at the masked boy in front of him, the subordinates who reported the company's situation were also very impressed.

They have now given up the contraband business and turned into a legitimate shipping company, but they have made many times more money than in the Kado period.

Before, they could not make 8 billion taels a year, but now they can easily do it in a month.

They will make more money in the future.

The credit for this should be attributed to the initial brainless order issued by Bai after he controlled the company to collect and send orphans to study.

But it didn't take long for them to deeply understand how great this order was.

Because, after they kept contacting those masters, naturally many frustrated masters were willing to join them after hearing about Bai's purpose.

With these professionals, some illiterate people who only knew how to bully poor people and sell contraband carefully have a deep understanding of what real money robbery is.

Pirates and bandits are simply weak.

They transform advanced fishing boats to fish in the sea, invent advanced preservation technology to sell fish and fruits, and sell anything that is difficult to preserve. Anyway, they have nothing else, but enough channels.

Recently, the masters are planning to invent a machine that can mine on the seabed, survey and mine minerals in the sea. He can't imagine what it would be like if a chakra metal vein was found in the sea.

That is to say, they have just completed the transformation not long ago, otherwise the monthly income of more than 50 billion taels is simply a piece of cake.

"Yes, remember to keep our profits confidential to avoid those people's covetousness. In addition, with more money, we can also recruit more professionals and train more talents. You have to pay more attention to this matter."

Bai heard that a month later,8 billion, but he didn't react much. After all, he had long been numb to money. When he had too much money to spend, he didn't care about it.

"Don't worry, leader. We will never let those nobles take away our property!"

The subordinate nodded seriously.

In front of money, all the nobles can die.

As long as he has money, he can spend money to hire ninjas to kill those nobles who tell him that the nobility is supreme.

He dares to kill the daimyo, and unfortunately, he dares to kill those bounty ninjas.

"Okay, let's develop according to this model in the future. We need to cultivate more and more talents. Those masters will be given priority when they need funds."

Bai nodded at last and waved his hand to let his subordinates leave.

He also knows some of the magic spells of the dark department of the Hidden Mist Village that Zabuza will use to control people.

These people were all sealed by him without any surprise. Life and death depend on their own thoughts, and they will never betray.

As for the people who come later, they will be brainwashed first, and if the brainwashing fails, they will be directly arranged by spells.

So, he can also be a hands-off boss.

Bai breathed a sigh of relief and left the island alone.

"Master Zabuza, it seems that your failure back then was not without reason."

Bai came to Zabuza's grave and squatted slightly, pulling out the new weeds.

Back then, Zabuza worked hard to kill people for a few million, but he didn't expect that Naruto's simple order would bring him more money than killing people, and there was no big risk.

"You are the one who redeemed Zabuza's body?"

A low voice appeared behind Bai.

"Who are you?"

Bai frowned slightly, he turned around and saw that the person who came was a short-haired ninja wearing a mask.

"I'm not the one in charge, my leader wants to invite you to join."

The masked ninja didn't seem to want to reveal his identity, but just let go of the mask a little, and then asked again.

"Are you going to meet my leader?"

"It seems I have no choice but to go."

Bai nodded helplessly. Since they were targeting him, there was nothing he could do at the moment.

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