
The first question is to decipher the code.

Well, Buddha said: I don't understand.

The next question, oh my god, is a parabola. I didn't expect that the mathematics in the ninja world is so difficult?

Did the teacher really teach this thing in the ninja school?

Why don't I remember it? !

But, forget it, I'm also a math idiot, so it's normal that I don't understand it~

Next question.

This question is about climate. Why does it rain all the time in the Rain Country?

This country is next to the desert of the Wind Country, and it can rain all the time? ! ! !

Damn, the world is really full of wonders!

The more Naruto looked down, the faster the 'mosquito coil' in his eyes turned.


Suddenly, a whisper came from his ear and pulled Naruto back from the abyss of mental retardation.

"Hinata? You are sitting next to me?"

Naruto looked at his side in disbelief, and subconsciously forgot to add honorifics.

"I, I, Naruto, you can look at my test paper later."

Hinata was overjoyed when she heard Naruto call her by her real name in a very intimate way.

"Forget it, that will drag you down, and it's not like I don't know everything."

Naruto smiled slightly, then turned back to look at the test paper in his hand.

Originally, he couldn't do any of the questions even if he was a super genius, but now, he is not really helpless.


Attribute panel!

Come out! Math!

Naruto quickly looked through the elementary school math in the otaku world in his mind, and sure enough, after reading the multiplication table.

As expected, there was an extra status on the attribute panel.

[Math (kindergarten), remaining attribute points: 42]


I didn't expect that I could actually get started in math!!!

Naruto was shocked, it seems that his math talent is not as bad as he thought!


As expected, I am! Uncle Naruto is destined to become the world's number one mathematician!

Attribute panel, add points to me!

[Mathematics (kindergarten) → Mathematics (primary school) → Mathematics (junior high school) → Mathematics (high school); remaining attribute points: 39]

For the time being, let's go to high school. After that, ten attribute points will be consumed. Let's see if we can solve the second problem first.

Attribute points are very valuable to Naruto now.

And according to his plan, these attribute points should be used to improve strength first. At present, they are mainly saved to upgrade the Konoha Steel Fist to the next level.

Of course, mathematics is also very important. Naruto has no objection to adding points to mathematics, but he still focuses on saving his life.

After all, the ninja world is very dangerous. If it were in the world of otaku, Naruto would not care so much and would definitely add whatever he wanted.

As soon as the points were added, countless memories flooded into his mind.

Naruto seemed to see himself in a classroom, studying mathematics crazily day and night for a month.

Unlike the multiple shadow clones, which rely on their own "ability base", the crazy learning of the attribute panel seems to have maximized Naruto's math talent, allowing him to absorb math knowledge better.

But even so, it took Naruto a whole month to learn all the math knowledge from elementary school to high school.

Although it takes twelve years from elementary school to high school, it seems that it is very good to learn and integrate it in just one month.

But there are many people with good math talents in the real world, and they can do this without cheating.

The gap between people is sometimes greater than that between people and dogs. It's a pity that no matter how good your math talent is in the ninja world, it's useless. You still can't beat those who play assassination.

When Naruto thought of this, he couldn't help but think of Bai.

After he told Bai about his idea, the two had no contact again.

I don't know how Bai is now?

Well~ I'm really unreliable! After handing things over to Bai, I just don't care at all.

Naruto scratched his cheek with a guilty conscience.

However, even if I wanted to, I couldn't. After all, I have no experience at all. It's better to leave it to someone who is good at it.


A kunai was nailed on the test paper of the person behind Naruto.

"Cheat five times, you are eliminated."

"I didn't cheat! Where is your evidence?"


The sound of the Chunin proctor killing the cheater in one move immediately pulled Naruto back from his distracted state.

Shaking his head and temporarily putting aside the guilt in his heart, Naruto continued to look at the second question on the test paper in his hand.

This time, he was no longer dizzy as he was when he saw this question just now.

For him who has mastered mathematics knowledge from kindergarten to high school, the content of this question is of average difficulty and can be done.

Slightly pauseAfter a pause, Naruto started writing.

After finishing a question, Naruto's mood suddenly changed, from being confused to being complacent.

Tsk, I'm so awesome! (Hands on hips)

If this wasn't an exam room, Naruto would have laughed three times to fill his cup.

'Huh~ I've finally finished it all. '

Halfway through the exam, Sakura wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Even she felt that these questions were a bit difficult. There were a total of nine questions, and she could only guarantee that she could get six right.

She was very unconfident about the climate question, because in her opinion it was just a joke.

It rains every day in the Rain Country bordering the Wind Country and the Earth Country, but the other two small countries closest to the Rain Country are normal. This is simply... the biggest joke in the world!

This doesn't look like naturally generated weather at all!

Logically, the monsoon would bring the rain clouds from the Land of Rain to the Land of Wind, and then they would all be swallowed by the desert. Without the rain cycle, the Land of Rain should be gradually desertified.

So, the Land of Rain must have a big secret!

Sakura crossed her arms and thought confidently, but soon, she came to her senses and looked at Naruto worriedly.

She was not worried about Sasuke, because with the Sharingan, even if Sasuke could not solve the problem, he could cheat.

But Naruto was different. As far as she knew, Naruto did not know any detective methods.

This guy, why is he still so complacent?

Sakura frowned and looked at Naruto's arrogant back, as if he was not worried about the test questions at all.


Sakura's eyes shifted slightly, and she happened to see Hinata beside Naruto, and immediately thought she understood why Naruto was not afraid at all.

It turned out that Hinata helped him cheat.

No wonder.

Sakura smiled slightly, planning to thank Hinata for her help after the Chunin Exam, and at the same time, she felt relieved.

Since she didn't have to worry about Naruto anymore, she could calmly appreciate everyone's cheating methods.

Sakura covered the test paper and silently watched the Genin in the exam room show their skills.

She even took a nap in the middle.

Ten minutes later, the chief examiner Ibiki announced the tenth question.

People in the exam room couldn't bear the pressure and left one after another.

The three members of Team 7, who had a good idea in their hearts, naturally didn't take it seriously.

It wasn't until Ibiki saw that no one in the exam room was hesitant that he announced with regret that the rest of the people had all passed.

By the way, he also explained his intention.

"What! The tenth question turned out to be a lie."

"Huh~ I almost gave up, it was a close call."

"So, you don't actually have to do the first nine questions! I wouldn't have put the psychological pressure on cheating if I had known!"

"Idiot! Shut up! Are you afraid that others won't know you're cheating?"


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