[Frost Release: Wind Wall]

Naruto was so dizzy from the flood that he couldn't tell up from down, left from right.

He saw that he was about to hit the sharp tree in front of him. In the face of life and death crisis, he suddenly had an idea to use the wind wall to create a water vortex for himself.

As expected, he temporarily got precious oxygen in the center of the vortex.

Naruto quickly climbed out of the water. At this moment, he didn't know where he was. He just found a direction and ran away.

The opponent couldn't be killed at all. What else could he do except run away?

Fortunately, his physique was not as strong as a human. If it was Sasuke or Sakura, they would have been blown apart by the impact of the water.

"The current situation is that I am being hunted by the Bandage Uncle. Going to Sasuke and Sakura will harm them instead.

So... I have to focus on escaping. It is best to collect the Heaven and Earth Scrolls in the gap time, and then go to the Central Tower. At that time, with the help of the tower's jonin, I can escape the pursuit of the Bandage Uncle."

Naruto quickly made a decision, then climbed to the top of the tree, looked at the direction of the Central Tower, and soon he used the newly learned mathematical knowledge to determine that he had deviated from his original position by at least more than ten kilometers.

In the complex environment of the Death Forest, more than ten kilometers is already very far.

Naruto breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. Fortunately, he learned mathematics, otherwise if he happened to run back, it would be troublesome.

Then he no longer hesitated, changed direction, and went to the Central Tower in a roundabout way.

As for Sasuke and Sakura, he believed that they could definitely reach the Central Tower!


In the Hokage's office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was talking to someone.

"Isu, how is your Shimokage doing recently?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of cigarette and smiled at the young man standing in front of him with a respectful face.

"I haven't seen him for at least ten years, right?"

"Hokage-sama, Shimokage-sama has always been in good health and energetic."

Isu looked at the short old man with age spots on his face in front of him, and the pressure in his heart was even greater than when he saw the tall and strong Shimokage.

"That's not bad, but it's a pity that my health is getting worse day by day."

Sarutobi Hiruzen rubbed his shoulders while speaking.

"After all, I'm not like that guy, who doesn't care about anything every day."

"Hokage-sama is in his prime, and he will definitely live a hundred years."

Isu said tactfully.

"Haha, you, I haven't seen you for a few years, and you seem to have grown a lot."

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't seem to expect that such compliments could come out of Isu's mouth, and couldn't help but joked.

"If it were you back then, you would definitely stand there in a daze, and then struggle with what to say."

"Uh, hehe, Lord Hokage is joking."

Isu scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

"Life is always accompanied by one choice after another, Isu, whether you are smooth or dull, you must be decisive and firm enough to make a choice, so as to live up to our expectations of you."

Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly changed the subject and said meaningfully.

"You know, as long as you are firm enough, I will be at ease with you."

"Yes, Lord Hokage's words, Isu has taken note."

Isu knelt on one knee and nodded in a serious tone.

"Well, get up, you haven't been to Konoha for many years, right? This time, let's take a good look around Konoha."

Sarutobi Hiruzen saw that Isu understood what he meant, and nodded with a smile.

"Yes, then, Lord Hokage, I..."


The door of the Hokage's office was suddenly pushed open, and Hongdou rushed in, interrupting Isu's words.

When Isu saw someone coming in, he put on a mask as soon as possible.

"Hokage, Orochimaru, I have something very important to report!"

Hongdou wanted to directly explain the matter of Orochimaru, but after seeing Isu, she quickly shut up and stared at the Frost Ninja.

The meaning is very clear, you outsider, get out of here quickly.

"What happened to Hongdou, so anxious?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was not angry when he saw Hongdou rushing in, but asked curiously, but Hongdou kept looking at Isu vigilantly, so he had to say.

"He is a trustworthy person, you can tell me directly if you have anything to say."

"Oh, a spy! No wonder he is sneaking around with a mask."

Hongdou thought he understood, then let down his guard and said to the Hokage with a serious look.

"Hokage, I suspect Orochimaru has sneaked into the examination room."


Isu couldn't help but whisper in surprise when he heard this.He exclaimed.

"Why did Orochimaru sneak into this boring Chunin Exam?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was also a little surprised.

Could he have some idea about Naruto?

"I don't know the specific reason, but three Genin of Kusagakure were killed and the technique of erasing their faces was performed, so I inferred that Orochimaru should have sneaked into this Chunin Exam."

Hongdou didn't know what Orochimaru was thinking. Well, she admitted that she never understood Orochimaru, even though she was Orochimaru's nominal disciple.

"Since you found Orochimaru, then you should deal with him."

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought about it, but still didn't decide to do it himself.

"Uh... Hokage-sama, you think too highly of me. How could I be a match for Orochimaru."

When Hongdou heard the order from the Hokage-sama, her expression suddenly became embarrassed, and she could no longer maintain her cold expression.

"I see, since becoming a jonin, little Anko has become more powerful. I heard that she often sends people to the hospital. I thought your strength was no less than that of the three ninjas."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of his cigarette with a smile, and then looked at Anko, who was kneeling on one knee and sweating profusely, with a playful look.

"Well~ Anyway, in the future, little Anko, you should be gentler, and don't let people come to me to complain about you every time."

"Hokage, Hokage, Anko will never dare to do it again!"

Anko said with a terrified look on her face, and she was thinking angrily in her heart that next time she must beat the bastards who harassed her until they dared not complain.

"You can follow Anko to deal with this matter."

Sarutobi Hiruzen saw that Anko understood what he meant, so he turned his head and said to Isu, a jonin who was trying to reduce his presence.

"Yes, yes!"

Isu was very reluctant to hear this, but he still nodded respectfully.

"....Eh?! Lord Hokage, add two more Anbu teams!"

Red Bean waited for a while but saw no other reaction from the Hokage, so she quickly reminded him.

"It's enough to have him here. Orochimaru won't mess around when he sees him."

Sarutobi Hiruzen waved his hand casually. It's not enough to have more people to deal with Orochimaru.

"Huh? You're so strong?!"

Red Bean stared at Isu's mask with suspicion, as if she wanted to see the truth behind the mask.

"Ahem, my strength is average, but if I just hold Orochimaru and wait for the arrival of the reinforcements, it should be no problem."

Isu's jonin was a little scared by being looked at, and quickly raised his hand and said helplessly.

"Tsk, insincere! Minus 100 points!"

Red Bean spat lightly. Does this guy know how to speak? The Hokage thinks you can fight Orochimaru alone. If you are average, don't you mean I'm a waste?

She turned around and left the Hokage building angrily, then sped away, as if to test Yisu.

"Haha, I'm really not good at dealing with girls of this type."

Yisu was inexplicably given a low score, shrugged awkwardly, but still kept up with Hongdou's speed effortlessly.


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