After experiencing the horror of life and death, they finally got a chance to breathe.

South of the Death Forest.

Sakura took Sasuke to a hidden tree hole.

After setting a series of traps outside the tree hole.

Sakura sat down beside Sasuke tiredly, and used her limited chakra to help Sasuke heal his injuries.

Although it seemed to be useless for Sasuke's current condition, at least she could be at ease.

But Sasuke's injuries were not many. After the treatment, Sakura could only stand there in a daze and could not do anything.

However, she was not in the mood to do anything now.

She didn't even want to continue this exam.

Touching the bone knife in her hand, Sakura's tears flowed again.

Although she didn't want to admit it, in fact, her relationship with Naruto was deeper than Sasuke's.

Especially now, once people calm down, they tend to think about random things.

Sakura was reminded of Naruto by the sight of the things, and she began to unconsciously recall every little thing about Naruto.

Harassed her at the Ninja School.

Suddenly distanced herself from him after graduating from the Ninja School.

Always helped her during the missions, and always knew exactly what she wanted and liked.

When she was unhappy, she always made fun of him to make her angry, and then she gave her a severe lesson.

Arrogant, arrogant, hardworking, determined, mean, kind, and... lonely.

The last scene of the memory was frozen in the scene when Naruto stood alone in the crowd and smiled as he watched her and Sasuke leave.

I used to... ignore Naruto's feelings too much...

Naruto must be very lonely in the Pure Land alone, right?

Sakura kept stroking the bone blade, and tears kept dripping on it.

Naruto, I swear I will avenge you!

Use this knife to kill the guy called Orochimaru with my own hands!


In the bushes not far away.

The three Otonin ninjas were secretly watching Sakura and Sasuke.

"Orochimaru's order is to start tomorrow morning."

Toss looked at Sasuke lying next to Sakura and said in a low voice.

"Sasuke seems to be seriously injured. This mission is too easy."

Kintoshi put his hands on his waist with a relaxed look.

"Why don't we go over and kill him now?"

"Do you want to disobey Orochimaru's order?"

Toss snorted and warned, and then said.

"It doesn't look like he can wake up in a short time. Let him live one more night."


Just a few kilometers away from Sakura's hiding place.

"There are a total of 60 people in this exam, that is, 20 groups."

Hinata Neji folded his arms and looked at his two teammates.

"There were loud noises in the afternoon. I think someone should have finished collecting the scrolls and headed to the central tower."

"According to my analysis, there are probably less than ten groups left in the forest."

"There are still a little more than four days until the end of the exam. We must grab a scroll in the remaining days, even if it is the same Earth Scroll. That way, we can at least exchange with the team with two Sky Scrolls at a critical moment."

"So, the next battle plan is to find a team in the vast Death Forest."

"Is everyone okay?"

After Neji finished speaking, he looked at Tenten and Rock Lee.


Rocky Lee and Tenten have long been accustomed to listening to Neji's battle plan, so naturally they would not have any objections.

"Then, regardless of whether we encounter other groups, come back to this place every three hours to meet up."

Ningji nodded, said 'disperse', and then left first.

"Let's go check out the battlefield in the afternoon first. This shouldn't be the ninjutsu movement that a Genin should have."

Ningji was a little worried that he might meet that powerful ninja team later, so he planned to go and use the Byakugan to scout from a distance.


The moon was high in the sky.

The Death Forest became lively.

Countless poisonous insects and beasts began to forage for food.

Under the moonlight.

On the trunk of a big tree that was washed down by the huge waves in the afternoon.

Orochimaru sat quietly and looked at the cracked lines on the trunk like a tortoise shell with a thoughtful look.

"I didn't expect Naruto's strength to be stronger than I expected. It's only been half a year, and his physical strength is already comparable to Kimimaro. If Kimimaro doesn't use the Corpse Vein and Curse Seal, he will definitely not be Naruto's opponent."

Seeing the big picture from the small, Orochimaru is one of the three ninjas and has a huge amount of knowledge.

Just by looking at some traces after being hit by the flood, he roughly knew Naruto's general strength at this time.

If you don't killIt is an immortal body from the Impure World Reincarnation. I am afraid that if Naruto's super physical skills are not anticipated, it will be easily killed by a single blow.

Judging from the situation at the scene, Zabuza was indeed fatally injured at least once.

It seems that Naruto was able to use the Great Waterfall Technique to sneak attack him because he did not know about the Impure World Reincarnation.

And it was three consecutive Waterfall Techniques of the maximum degree.

"There are also wind escape and swordsmanship. Naruto-kun's strength is enough to be called a jonin. What he lacks now is only the tempering of the battlefield. If he can fully master the power of the Nine-Tails, I may not be his opponent with conventional means."

Orochimaru thought of this and felt a little strange.

Because Naruto did not use any power of the Nine-Tails at this time, but had to spend a lot of chakra to suppress the Nine-Tails.

On the other hand, although Sasuke is also very good, he is still at the Chunin stage with the help of the Sharingan.

In other words, Naruto, who has always been in a constant negative state, is actually much stronger than the Sasuke he favors.

Even Naruto was in a state of no one to teach him before graduation.

After graduation, he only had Kakashi, who was of average talent, as his instructor.

Unfortunately, if I were to teach him, he would definitely surpass his father.

Orochimaru showed disdain for Kakashi.

"Orochimaru, what are you doing in Konoha?!"

The beautiful woman in a beige windbreaker and with a cold face appeared in front of Orochimaru in an instant, asking questions, and stabbing Orochimaru with the kunai in her hand without hesitation.

"Isn't this my dear disciple?"

Orochimaru tilted his head slightly to avoid Hongdou's kunai, and then his neck suddenly lengthened, and he directly wrapped Hongdou tightly with his neck.

Orochimaru's head appeared in front of Hongdou with a slick face and a wicked smile.

"I came to Konoha to kill your beloved Hokage."

"Humph! You won't succeed!"

Hongdou was not afraid of such a horrifying scene, and said calmly.

"I have informed the Hokage of your presence here."

"Haha, little Hongdou, I haven't seen you for a few years, you have grown a lot."

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