Naruto: Naruto’s Daily Life

Chapter 163 ? The so-called god is just another realm!

What God is in every world, every plane.

The highest levels involved are basically collectively referred to as gods.

The Hokage world is immortal.

How difficult it is to become an immortal.

In the Hokage world, once you become a fairy.

That is the power of the all-seeing world that can control the entire Ninja World, and the Truth-Seeking Ball spins behind it.

The strength will be further developed.

At that time, it will basically be invincible in the true sense.

Sage of Six Paths, so powerful.

After death, the soul guarded the Hokage world for thousands of years, until the appearance of Sasuke and Naruto.

And this ray of light... tells... the method of becoming a god.


Naruto took a deep breath.

It has been two years since Sage Mode was completed.

During this period, he even developed the fairy fox mode.

The strength has reached its peak, and the next step is... Six Paths Naruto mode.

And it's permanent.

Far from that...inspired by Sage of Six Paths.

"Become a god!"

Naruto whispered.


"I said, Chengxian!"

"Shit, don't tease!"

Nine Tails sneered: "Do you really think that the realm of immortals is very easy to reach? Let alone you, even the old man doesn't know it!"

"Nine Tails, it seems that we are going to be tied together, we will be inseparable in our whole life!"

Naruto was silent.

Do you want to talk about this method?

Naruto doesn't know if this method will work.

Because, after all, this is the Hokage world, and the rules of the world don't know whether it is allowed or not.

"what do you want to say in the end"

Nine Tails is irritable.

Security doesn't understand what Naruto is talking about.

"I said, we may be together for life and life in the future!"

Damn it! Hearing Naruto's words, Nine Tails was horrified and put his hands around his chest suddenly: "What do you want to do, I can tell you, you already have Hinata!"

Your sister! Naruto almost vomited blood.

Am I talking about this? You are thinking about something.

Naruto was silent.

Nine Tails, you have changed.

You have become fat, and you have become dirty.

The pure and flawless Nine Tails back then have long ceased to exist.

"Then what do you mean, make it clear!"

"Ah, I have a technique here, which is the supreme method of the legendary Royal Beast Sect!"

"What is the supreme method of the Royal Beast Sect"

Nine Tails has a question mark on her face.

I know every word of what you say, but when you put it together...what is it?

do not understand at all.

"I'll tell you, you can add up!"

With a thought, Naruto came to the Sealed Land.

This has become the place where Nine Tails lives forever.

Moreover, it has been dressed up in various fancy dresses by Nine Tails, a good sealed place, and now it has become the nest of Nine Tails.

It's... hard to describe in a word.

One person and one animal sit opposite each other.

Naruto said.

Listen to Nine Tails.

Then... Nine Tails was shocked! "This is going to become a god"

"Yes, that's...becoming a god!"

"Can it work"

Nine Tails is worried and always feels that it is not reliable.

"How can I know if I don't try!"

"Okay, this is also a good thing for me!"

Nine Tails' eyes flickered, and finally resolutely agreed.

Anyway... this life is inseparable from Naruto, even if you leave, where can you still enjoy the pleasure of improving your strength.

In short...Nine Tails has decided to stay with Naruto for the rest of my life and will not leave.

"Well, prepare first, becoming a god is not... an easy task!"

Naruto thought.

Then nodded.

God! There is only one word, but it is heavy.

The god referred to here is a realm.

Humans and beasts are united, and the power of nature is pushed into the body under the communion of minds, intercepting the power of the world in this world, and then controlling the whole world.

The so-called power of heaven and earth is different in every world.


It really exists.

Just like the Hokage world, the formation of Six Paths Naruto back then relied on the spiritual imprint left by Sage of Six Paths, and it briefly entered the Sage of Six Paths mode.

The so-called Sage of Six Paths mode is a realm of supernatural powers bestowed by the ancestors of ninjas.

Touching the principle of all things, you can control the whole world! In the later period, Naruto's Chakra attributes are: water, fire, earth, thunder, wind, and yang! Together with the Yin attribute of Nine Tails, it forms the seven attribute powers.

It also gathered all the attributes of this world.

Reached the basis for the full use of the power of the sun.

As we all know, Third Hokage, which has no blood, miraculously possesses five total Chakra attributes.

This makes him the strongest ninja man today.

"Nine Tails!"


"You said, how would it feel to become a god"

"I don't know, it's probably the same as Sage of Six Paths!"

"Behind the Truth-Seeking Ball"


"That should feel interesting, right? Forget it, let's talk about it then!"

Naruto shook his head.

Becoming a god, it's simple to say.

But the difficulty inside is not... a little bit.

The most important thing is... the existence of Sage of Six Paths.

And the weird curse of the power of nature.


Actually, the water in this Hokage world is not as deep as usual.

Naruto returned to consciousness and continued fishing.

As for the seahorse in the fish pond, I don't know how to deal with this thing, so I should keep it first.

The seahorse that is so difficult to catch is not a common product.

And...Looking at the bullied seahorse, Naruto looked at the loach Xiao Hei faintly.

This guy has found another bully, and his strength seems to have become stronger.


There is another way besides...becoming a god, isn't it, Naruto smiles.

A fishing rod, blond hair fluttering.

The so-called gods are nothing but gadgets for reaching the next step in the realm, something other people have imagined.

The true god...It's so easy, just a half-hearted person.

The life span has only broken through a thousand years.

This is the credit of the water of life...

At dusk, the setting sun sets.

When Sai came to Naruto's residence, he suddenly noticed that a light was on.

Sai subconsciously looked under the big tree, as expected...There was a figure lying there.

Play the game console leisurely.

Not who Naruto is.

"Yo, Naruto, you are back!"

Sai smiled.

Glancing at Sai, Naruto sighed slightly: "Sai, can you put away your smirk, it's very oozing, don't you know, it's scary at night!"


Cooperating with Sai's paleness who has stayed in the room for a long time, cooperating with a smirk.

Damn it,

Isn't this just a lively monster?

I must introduce you to Sai again next day.

Hiss! This guy is definitely acting in his true colors.

Sai: "..."

The smile on his face can't hold...This Uzumaki Naruto is as annoying as ever...

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