Naruto: Naruto’s Daily Life

Chapter 173 ?Good stuff again!

For some reason, it always feels that this woman will take its place.

Hmm! This is the instinct of being a ninja dog.

Never missed it.

"Ya, your dog..."

Naruto pointed to Inuzuka's Akamaru: "I'm jealous!"

"How can it be!"

Inuzuka sneered, even if you are jealous, my Akamaru will not be jealous.


Naruto shrugged, forgetting to believe it.

I walked, slipped away! It's not interesting to stay, it's obvious that this product is... in pursuit of beautiful women, there is nothing wrong with it, and he doesn't want to be an electric light bulb.

So...go fishing...

Lying on the rocking chair, Naruto closed his eyes and quietly enjoyed the breeze.

There is water surging around.

Above Naruto is a sink made entirely of wood.

There is also a waterwheel on the side, which can directly fetch water from the river.

The waterwheel is rolling, and the water is rushing, coming from the river and going into the river.

During the period, very cool water vapor was sprinkled.

In this summer...It was really relaxing.

Drinking an iced drink, this life...beautiful!...The surface of the river is sparkling, and there are aquatic creatures wandering in the river, splashing the starting point of waves and ripples.

Under the sunlight, it sprinkled a layer of gold on the surface of the river.

Naruto's buoy fluctuated in the water.

No matter how Akatsuki jumped up, it couldn't obliterate Naruto's interest in fishing.

Because, Naruto is not afraid.

So fearless.

So heartless.

Pasha! Suddenly, the buoy sank suddenly, and a strong force came from his hand.

"Good stuff!"

Naruto's spirits were shocked, and he hurriedly held the fishing rod hard, feeling very happy.

Damn it.

It hasn't been shipped for many days.

With the improvement of his own strength, many things no longer matter, and he can't take the slightest interest.

Heaven knows how many worlds there are.

One sand and one world, one leaf and one bodhi.

Hengsha World, how many...good things, but how many useless things. With the improvement of Naruto's strength, many things can only be piled aside like rubbish.

Maybe, at a certain moment.

He can open a grocery store all over the world.

Everything in the heavens and worlds inside has everything you need.

Then...maybe it can make the best use of it.


Pulled away.

Naruto pulled the fishing rod and turned into the fairy fox mode long ago, with full firepower.

However, what shocked Naruto was that he couldn't pull it up a bit, and faintly, he felt like he was being pulled down.

Damn it,

Naruto was shocked.

What the hell is going on here, why is it so terrifying.

With his current strength, he would destroy the planet under full firepower, but the so-called ``turning the river and breaking the mountain'' has long been no longer a problem.


It's still a bit difficult to pour into the sea.

But this is already very powerful, but it is... so... I can't pull it up by myself.

"What the hell is this!"

Naruto became more interested in her heart, but stood steadily on her feet.

The green veins on the arm were bare, and I used my strength to suckle.

"Naruto, what did you catch?"

As soon as Hinata came over, she saw Naruto stalemate with a fish.


She was also taken aback.

This is something that has never happened since I grew up and returned.

"Oh, Hinata, come here, we are the same as my husband and wife, it's a good deal!"

Suddenly, when I heard Naruto's words, Hinata Xiafei cheeks.

Hearing this, he didn't dare to take a hurry, and hurriedly came to Naruto's body, held the fishing rod in both hands, and began to exert strength.

The strange thing is... this fishing rod seems to agree with Hinata.

"There is a play!"

Naruto's eyes lit up and he shouted: "Let's work hard together, get up!"



Click! Click! Click! Naruto and Hinata started to work together, and they could even hear the sound of the fishing rod as if it were overwhelming.

Boom! Somewhere started to crack.


Hinata and Naruto took a deep breath, and never dared to...nebulously, the strength of their bodies gathered together.

Perfect harmony.

You have me I have you.

A strange feeling came to my heart.

Boom! There was a sound of breaking water, and the fish in the river were finally pulled up.

Wow! The river is falling.

There are fish flicking in the air.

This... is still a carp.

nothing special.

However, such a carp almost broke Naruto's fishing rod.

This has to be said to be very scary.

Hinata pondered.

He stared straight at the carp.

This fish is no different from other fish, but why is it so heavy.

I glanced at Naruto's fishing rod...his.

Hinata took a deep breath, it was really a cloud of mist.

But... forget it! Why do you think so much?

It's always Naruto's secret.

In this world, who doesn't have a secret yet.

No harm is done.

Naruto didn't know what Hinata was thinking, but couldn't wait to catch the carp.

A black and black seed appeared in Naruto's hands immediately.

"This thing..."

When Naruto saw what was in his hands, his body was shocked.

His eyes were a little straight.

World tree seeds.

Implanting Dantian can turn into a small world.

The short introduction made Naruto feel stormy.

I rely on! World Tree Seeds shouldn't be so awesome.

Xiao Tiandi knew this stuff was very awesome when he read novels in his previous life.

In the end, the protagonist has developed this small world into a real universe.

Standing on the top of the world, watching the clouds and the clouds quietly.

It's... so powerful.

It's... such a cow fork.

And now... Naruto’s hands are... such a seed of hope.

So, here comes the problem again.

Naruto was silent.

How can such a precious thing be a deliberate questioning system that can be caught by oneself?

But this system is too Buddha-nature, it will not solve problems at all, and can only passively send out a little message occasionally.

"Regardless of.……


Naruto's face was serious.

Heaven does not take it, but suffers from it.

Now that it is in my own hands, I have a predestined relationship with myself.

What do you care about so much.

Let's talk about it if you use it.

Thinking of this, Naruto had a good idea, said hello to Hinata, and got into the room.

Hinata was stunned at this.

Then he sat on the side seriously, holding his beautiful chin with one hand and began to control the wind.

She had a hunch, this time Naruto is going to do something again.

In other words... the strength has broken through again.

Hey, why did Hinata think again.

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