The growth of the child is just superficial.

Of course, it is only superficial growth and development. As for the relevant qualifications of ninjas, more nutrition is needed to supplement them. Especially the life energy of 130 trillion cells in the body.

The cells need too much life energy, but Hinata Hyuga did not provide it.

So the talents related to ninjas were not actually developed.

So I studied every day and went to bed hungry at night. In addition, I listened to my father's long and rambling speeches from time to time, which was quite hard.

"Amazing! Hinata, you are amazing! You can actually eat so much! What you eat now is enough for my family of three to eat for five meals!"

"I didn't expect the ramen shop owner to have prepared in advance and even sell such a big bowl of ramen!" Tenten on the side was amazed.

She didn't mean anything special, just a child's words.

Tenten's parents are ordinary people, and there are only three people eating together. To be honest, the amount of a meal for three people is really not as much as one of the four bowls of ramen that Hinata easily finished now, so she sighed.

At this time, Hyuga Neji adjusted his expression and tone, and began to imitate the way of speaking of the little sun Namikaze Minato in his memory.

He smiled and said, "Tiantian, in fact, Hinata is a very talented ninja! It's just like those strong people, the more they consume, the more food they eat."

"Hinata also has extraordinary ninja potential, so she will eat more than ordinary people and take in more energy to meet the basic requirements of stimulating ninja talent. I dare to guarantee it-"

As he said this, Hyuga Neji stood up slightly, brushed over his two hands, and gently took Hinata's two little hands off his face.

"Hinata, I know you are not full yet, keep eating, don't be shy. We ordered 10 servings. If you don't finish it, it will all be wasted. Uncle Ichiraku has already prepared it, it will be a waste if you don't finish it."

"As far as I know, there are very few ninjas with talents as amazing as yours who come to the restaurant to eat. Ramen, it will go bad if it's left for a while. Keep eating, let's challenge where the limit is. Today's goal is to make Hinata full!"

As he said this, he raised a fist and cheered.

Tiantian just thought that these two Hyuga kids were really fun.

A little girl with such a big appetite, although she looks small and delicate, who knows - Tiantian guarantees that the amount of rice she eats, the weight on the scale is definitely almost equal to the current Hyuga Hinata!

This is nine big pots!

What a strong digestive talent, after eating so many servings of ramen, Hinata's belly didn't swell up. She still looked cute and cute.

Then Tiantian turned her head to the other side, and the handsome boy opposite was even more amazing.

Why is he amazing? Of course, he is handsome on the one hand. On the other hand, when he speaks seriously, Tiantian feels like a light bulb is buried in his face.

When he speaks, he gives people a bright and warm feeling, and his whole head is like a big light bulb.

However, Tiantian likes these two children who he met for the first time. From what the little boy said just now, they should be of the same age.

Wouldn't it be possible to go to ninja school together in the future?

"It's not bad to have such a handsome male classmate." Tiantian thought secretly in her heart.

"Ah... I... I... am I really a talented ninja? Isn't it strange, Brother Neji?"

Although Hinata was not as shy as before, she still felt unconfident. She was worried that Brother Neji was just comforting her and might dislike her 1,800 times in his heart!

The main reason was also herself. Hinata discovered it when she was young - haha, she is very young now, only three years old~

Well, when she was younger than three years old, Hinata discovered that everyone around her had a smaller appetite than her!

Little Hyuga Hinata didn't know how to tell everyone, or how to ask everyone for advice.

The main reason was that she was born unconfident, so she hid this situation, worried that others would call her a freak.

Suddenly Hyuga Hinata laughed, what does "freak" mean?

Never mind, it's not a big deal, don't worry about these details~

Kusaka Neiji stretched his neck, flicked his right hand towards his face, "slapped" twice, and finally opened his mouth

He said, "I'll take it!".

As for why he slapped himself twice instead of three times, hehe, that's not something a child should understand~

Seeing Hyuga Neji being so serious, Hyuga Hinata's heart was relieved.

"So I don't have to hide myself, and I can even eat like this at home? After all, it's a ninja's talent."

Hyuga Neji nodded, "Of course! And I believe Uncle Hiashi will be very happy to see this happen. He won't blame you."

So Hyuga Hinata, who had returned to combat mode, began to clean up the rest of the battlefield.

"Jian Jiang! Four bowls (no, basins) of super deluxe, extra-large, and extra-ingredient supreme ramen are here again! All orders have been placed, two young ladies and young masters! If you need anything else, call me anytime~"

Ayame smiled, and quickly served the remaining four super deluxe extra-ingredient and extra-ingredient supreme ramen. And when he left, he also took away Hinata Hyuga's empty bowl.

"Hey, Ayame is such a good woman!" Hyuga Neji recalled the Ayame comics he had the honor of reading in his previous life, and the content was also quite amazing.

Ahem! What happened just now doesn't count, please ignore the block automatically.

Tiantian just thought that today was really interesting.

Not only did he taste the legendary delicious signature ramen that his parents strongly recommended, but he also met two very interesting peers.

It was worth the trip, it was worth the trip!

Tiantian gulped down the remaining delicious soup of the signature ramen, and then patted his stomach with satisfaction: "Full~ Full~ Full~ Full~"

Hinata Hyuga on the side saw that Tiantian really didn't think of herself as a freak, and her cousin Kusaka Neji looked full of praise.

So he was relieved and started the big stomach king mode of eating everything in a whirlwind.

Although Hinata Hyuga ate very quickly, her good upbringing made her not slurp the noodles in an indecent way, or even splash the soup everywhere.

Instead, she used a seemingly slow and methodical eating method that had been passed down for thousands of years, but was actually very fast and quiet, and stuffed the ramen and side dishes into her small mouth in big mouthfuls.

At a glance, she looked so elegant.

But a closer look at the piles of empty ramen bowls (no, basins) stacked high, made her feel that she was such a eater!

In less than 10 minutes, Hinata Hyuga had already eaten the 4 bowls (basins!) of super luxurious and topped-up supreme ramen that were served later, without leaving a drop of soup. ୧꒰•̀ᴗ•́꒱୨

Finally, she was full. ❛‿˂̵✧

She patted her slightly bulging belly and couldn't help saying, "This is the most filling meal I've ever had since I was born!"

Then Hinata Hyuga patted her belly a few times. Every time she patted, her magical belly would get smaller. After patting three or four times, the belly that appeared in the bottom of the sky had returned to normal.

You can't tell that this small belly was filled with 9 super-large portions of luxurious supreme ramen with extra ingredients!

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