The old man was buried in the grave.

But it is very different from the Hidden Cloud Village in the Land of Lightning.

In the Land of Lightning, under the Thunder Shadow of the Hidden Cloud Village and above the Jounin Class, there is a plural organization called the Regular Ninja Corps.

Like Konoha Village, when the Hokage carefully considers and convenes a Jounin meeting, preparing to declare war or fight against the enemy ninja village, a temporary ninja army will be formed to lead the Jounin, Chunin and Genin troops.

In the Hidden Cloud Village in the Land of Lightning, in order to maintain control over the enemy's ninjas and maintain the combat effectiveness of the army, the Daimyo of the Land of Lightning suggested and arranged several confidants to directly take charge of the regular ninja corps.

Its chief is called the chief.

There are many leaders who control the ninja army. Among them, the most famous in history are the two brothers Kinkaku and Ginkaku who have the bloodline of the Six Paths. They control their own troops and have their own number - Kinkaku troops.

Therefore, the two brothers Kinkaku and Ginkaku can have the strength to launch a coup and brazenly carry out military operations in the face of the Second Generation Raikage and the Second Generation Hokage while possessing the Six Paths Ninja Tools.

Because Kinkaku and Ginkaku have a large number of loyal and obedient ninja troops of Jonin, Chunin and Genin who obey Kinkaku and Ginkaku.

Raikage cannot command such a ninja army.

The Third Generation Raikage was forced to fight for three days and three nights by the Third Generation Tsuchikage of the Land of Earth - Oonoki of the Hidden Rock Village with 10,000 ninjas from the Hidden Rock Village. After killing the Third Generation Raikage and disemboweling him,

After returning to the Hidden Cloud Village, the core ninjas that the Third Raikage risked his life to rescue strongly supported the Fourth Raikage Yeyue Ai, the son of the Third Raikage, to take office.

This move caused serious dissatisfaction among the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder.

Because the succession of Senju Hashirama to his younger brother in the Land of Fire had already made power seem to be imprisoned in the hands of a few people, which made the noble Daimyo feel uneasy.

You, the Hidden Cloud Village, are actually copying this! Although your Yeyue clan is a well-deserved powerful clan in the Land of Thunder, you can't completely let the Raikage fall into the name of Yeyue Ai.

Just call him the First Generation Yeyue Ai, the Second Generation Yeyue Ai, what's the point of calling him Raikage?

So under the instruction of the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder, all the decrees that the Fourth Raikage approved of were collectively resisted by the leaders of the ninja corps above the rank of the Jounin class.

All the policies and regulations that the Fourth Raikage opposed were approved by the leaders of these ninja units.

Even with his unparalleled individual strength, the Fourth Raikage could not fight against these thousands of ninja units.

Because these ninja units have exclusive subsidies from the Daimyo of the Land of Lightning and special missions, they are not financially dependent on the bounty missions issued by the Raikage Office.

So after the Fourth Raikage tried to provoke the Land of Earth again and attack the Hidden Rock Village to avenge his father but failed, he pulled his men to play tricks and stuffed the Hidden Rock Village Ninja Leader Doroi, who had always dreamed of going to war with Konoha Village, into the negotiation envoy group and sent him over.

Originally, Doroi, the leader of the Hidden Cloud Village Ninja, was disdainful of the Fourth Raikage's words.

I will go if you ask me to? Then wouldn't I be very embarrassed (snaps fingers and poses)~

Just when he was about to find an excuse to shirk and get rid of it, who knew that the Fourth Raikage called him to the Raikage's office in a friendly voice and told him the real purpose of this trip hidden under the peace talks - that is to seize the Byakugan bloodline limit of the main family of the Hyuga clan.

A few years ago, when the Third Raikage was still alive, he secretly launched a secret experimental operation called "Bloodline", the purpose of which was to collect bloodlines in the entire ninja world and transform the next generation of Kumogakure ninjas to be born with bloodlines.

Among them, the most valued by the Third Raikage is the Byakugan bloodline limit of Konoha Village.

However, because the Byakugan bloodline limit has a special seal seal - the caged bird seal, basically the Hyuga clan members who died on the battlefield will have their seals activated, instantly destroying the Byakugan, and the locals will get nothing.

Therefore, the only way to obtain the Byakugan Kekkei Genkai is through the Hyuga clan, and you have to be very lucky to meet them.

Since the number of Hyuga clan members is too small now, even their travels are strictly protected. Even if the young clan members are sent to perform tasks, they will be accompanied and protected by powerful jonin.

All the clan members are either old and hide in Konoha Village without any action, or they are young and strong ninjas like Hyuga Hiashi, who can't easily kill them.

May be trapped in a situation surrounded by enemy ninja village ninja.

So this matter was put on hold, but three years ago. The spy sent by the Hidden Cloud Village to sneak into the Konoha Village sent back an important intelligence, that is, the head of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hiashi, finally had a daughter as the heir of the Hyuga clan.

Then the Hyuga clan had a flaw, that is, this newborn little girl.

After three years of unremitting efforts, and with the clever help of unknown forces in Konoha, the fourth generation Raikage finally found a good opportunity to seize the Hyuga clan bloodline limit with the shortest route and the fastest speed, which was the third birthday party of Hyuga Hinata, the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan this year.

As for how to act, the head of the Hidden Cloud Village ninja. After calming down, he took out a small seal scroll from his arms, opened it, and carefully read the entire operation process and key points again, and memorized it.

He is the key to this operation!

In Tokay's arms, the spell kept flashing a faint red light.

"Secret technique! Headless Bird Bewitching Mind Technique!"

A green light flashed in the eyes of Doroi, the ninja leader of the Hidden Cloud Village.

He was not a fool. Doroi voluntarily accepted the assignment of the Fourth Raikage to come to Konoha Village for peace talks, secretly to seize the Byakugan bloodline limit of the Hyuga clan. But this alone could not mobilize him, a powerful figure, to come alone.

But the Fourth Raikage made a solemn promise in front of the other leaders and the squad leader of the jonin squad.

He promised that as long as Doroi could successfully complete the task, the bloodline limit Byakugan that was snatched back would belong exclusively to Doroi's unit in the Hidden Cloud Village!

That's why Doroi would obey and lead several direct subordinates of the Fourth Raikage to come.

After all, he is a powerful ninja who has experienced many ups and downs and countless wars. How could Doroi not see that the Fourth Raikage was trying to kill someone with a borrowed knife?

The Fourth Raikage, who seems to be a reckless man, is very clear-headed.

"I'll put it here. If you have confidence in your own strength, you can go. I will also activate the Kumogakure spies in the Raikage Office to cooperate with the operation in Konoha Village. If you don't have confidence in your own strength, you can be brave and stay in the village. Don't go.

As the saying goes, the bolder the person, the more productive the land. Duo nodded, and was put in the air and couldn't get off the stage.

So Doroi agreed to Hinata Hiashi in a rush and agreed to carry out this mission.

So I don't know what I was thinking, I came to Konoha Village with one eye.

Sometimes I think about the three major philosophical questions in life: Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going?

Every time at this time, my attention is unconsciously directed to other places.

"Maybe it's been too long since I actually fought on the front line, and the decline in strength has also led to mental weakness?" Doroi had a thought in his mind, and then he didn't know where it floated to. His mind was full of-seizing the Byakugan blood limit!

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